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Crafting a state budget for you and our community

(Feb 04, 2025)

96 @media only screen and (min-width:660px){.u-row{width:640px!important}.u-row .u-col{vertical-align:top}.u-row .u-col-50{width:320px!important}.u-row .u-col-100{width:640px!important}}@media (max-width:660px){.u-row-container{max-width:100%!important;padding-left:0!important;padding-right:0!important}.u-row .u-col{min-width:320px!important;max-width:100%!important;display:block!important}.u-row{width:100%!important}.u-col{width:100%!important}.u-col>div{margin:0 auto}}body{margin:0;padding:0}table,td,tr{vertical-align:top;border-collapse:collapse}p{margin:0}.ie-container table,.mso-container table{table-layout:fixed}*{line-height:inherit}a[x-apple-data-detectors=true]{color:inherit!important;text-decoration:none!important}table,td{color:#000}#u_body a{color:#00e;text-decoration:underline} Dear neighbor, Gov. Josh Shapiro today delivered his 2025-26 state budget proposal before a joint session of the House and Senate. I was proud to invite two local Superintendents to be my guests on the floor for the budget address: Ridley School District Superintendent Lee Ann Wentzel and Penn-Delco Superintendent George Steinhoff. Read more


Do you need a Real ID? Look inside for information on an upcoming town hall

(Jan 28, 2025)

96 @media only screen and (min-width:660px){.u-row{width:640px!important}.u-row .u-col{vertical-align:top}.u-row .u-col-50{width:320px!important}.u-row .u-col-100{width:640px!important}}@media (max-width:660px){.u-row-container{max-width:100%!important;padding-left:0!important;padding-right:0!important}.u-row .u-col{min-width:320px!important;max-width:100%!important;display:block!important}.u-row{width:100%!important}.u-col{width:100%!important}.u-col>div{margin:0 auto}}body{margin:0;padding:0}table,td,tr{vertical-align:top;border-collapse:collapse}p{margin:0}.ie-container table,.mso-container table{table-layout:fixed}*{line-height:inherit}a[x-apple-data-detectors=true]{color:inherit!important;text-decoration:none!important}table,td{color:#000}#u_body a{color:#00e;text-decoration:underline} Dear neighbor, One of my top priorities as your state representative is bringing state grant funding back to our community. I work closely with local government officials and community organizations to identify the needs in our communities and leverage my knowledge of state grants to help fulfill those needs. Last year I helped to bring more than $8 Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Jan 28, 2025)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Conservation and Natural Resources: Community Conservation Partnerships Program Who May Apply: Counties, municipalities, municipal agencies, nonprofit organizations, state heritage areas, prequalified land trusts, for-profit organizations (for some grant types). Use: Funds may be used for projects related to parks, recreation, and conservation, including, but not limited to, park and recreation rehabilitation and development, recreation and conservation planning, trail planning and construction, land acquisition and conservation, river access and conservation, community and riparian tree planting, and regional and statewide partnerships to better develop and manage resources. Funds: Funds for this program come from a mix of state and federal sources, including the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, the Environmental Stewardship Fund, the Snowmobile Restricted Account, the All-Terrain Vehicle Restricted Account, and more. Application Deadline: April 2, 2025 More information: DCNR Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Community and Economic Development: PA SITES Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic development organizations, redevelopment authorities, municipal authorities, industrial development agencies, and for-profit organizations. Use: To develop competitive sites for businesses to relocate or expand within Pennsylvania. Funds: $400 Read more


Krueger announces $53,895 grant for repaving project in Aston

(Jan 28, 2025)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 28 – State Rep. Leanne Krueger, D-Delaware, today announced a $53,895 state grant that will bring a smoother ride for parents, kids and community residents on their way to the Aston-Middletown Little League ballfield. “Bringing our tax dollars back home for projects that residents and public officials have identified as important to the community is one of my priorities as state legislator,” Krueger said. “The current parking lot around the Aston-Middletown Little League ballfield has deteriorated over time and now has numerous potholes, cracks and rough patches. I was happy to support this grant that will enhance the ballfields and give those who are coming to play ball a smoother, safer ride.” Krueger said that the Little League has been serving the Aston-Middletown area since 1950 and is an important site for a program that serves families from both Aston and Middletown townships, with three main fields. She said the grant was important because it will help to fix significant infrastructure while allowing the baseball association to keep registration costs low for players and their parents. The grant comes from the state’s Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program, which is administered by the Commonwealth Financing Authority. Read more


Krueger to hold virtual Right-to-Know Workshop Tuesday

(Jan 23, 2025)

BROOKHAVEN, Jan. 23 – State Rep. Leanne Krueger and the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records are holding a special event on Tuesday to help organizations and residents understand Pennsylvania’s Right-to-Know law and how to file a request. The virtual workshop will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28. Registration is required to obtain the link to the event by calling Krueger’s office at 610-534-6880 or by emailing . Pennsylvania’s 16-year-old Right-to-Know law applies to all state and local government agencies. Krueger said the workshop will give participants a better understanding of the law and answer frequently asked questions, such as how to make a request, what records are considered public and what agencies can and can’t do when someone files a Right-to-Know request. “A transparent government strengthens democracy, and access to information allows citizens to stay informed about their government and empowers them to participate,” Krueger said. “This workshop is meant to help people understand the rights they have in knowing more about the financial and other decision-making processes of the officials and agencies who serve them.” Questions about the workshop can be directed to Krueger’s office by calling 610-534-6880. Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Jan 22, 2025)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Victims of Crime Act 2025-2027 Who May Apply: Agencies currently receiving federal Victims of Crime Act funding. Use: The federal VOCA guidelines classify eligible activities/costs into three categories: direct service costs, activities supporting direct services, and subrecipient administrative costs. The federal VOCA guidelines can be found in the Federal Register at: Victims of Crime Act Victim Assistance Program . Funds: This solicitation is for approximately $53.9 million in federal VOCA funds for the first year with year two amounts being determined at the November 2025 Victims Services Advisory Committee (VSCA) meeting. PCCD expects to fund approximately 157 grants. Applicants will be required to submit a continuation application for year two. Application Deadline: March 14, 2025 More information: PCCD Website Department of Health: WalkWorks Active Transportation Planning Program Who May Apply: Municipalities and metropolitan and rural planning organizations. Priority will be given to communities located in PA DOH State Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) priority counties or with an overall percentile rating above 60 in the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) PennEnviroScreen Tool. The 10 current SPAN target counties are: Clearfield, Erie, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence, Luzerne, Lycoming, Mercer, Northumberland, and Philadelphia. Use: Funds will be Read more


Crozer-Chester Medical Center update, plus programs and upcoming events

(Jan 21, 2025)

I am grateful to the local medical professionals and patients who have reached out to me or my office to share their experiences on the ground at Crozer-Chester Medical Center since Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc. filed for bankruptcy ten days ago. My staff and I are tracking every call and email we get and escalating the most serious concerns directly to the Governor’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office. Please continue to reach out to share your experiences – I can be a better advocate when I get reports from the people who are on the ground. Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Jan 17, 2025)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Education: Dual Credit Innovation Grant Program Who May Apply: Public institutions of higher education. Use: Funding may be used to offer college coursework to high school students enrolled in eligible school entities. Funds: $14 million in state funding was allocated through the 2024 School Code. Application Deadline: February 10, 2025 More information: PDE Website Department of Environmental Protection: Abandoned Mine Land and Abandoned Mine Draining Grant Program Who May Apply: An authority, incorporated nonprofit, political subdivision, or conservation district. Use: Funds may be used for abandoned mine land reclamation and abandoned mine drainage treatment or abatement. Funds: $75 million in funding is available. Application Deadline: April 25, 2025. Applicants must contact DEP ( ) prior to applying for an initial project consultation. More information: DEP Website Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Integrated Health Solutions Who May Apply: Physical health care providers, hospitals, rural health centers, or federally qualified health clinics. Use: To promote full integration and collaboration in clinical practice between behavioral health care and primary physical health care. Funds: $3 million in funding is available from the Publicis Health Opioid Settlement. Application Deadline: January 24, 2025 More information: DDAP Website Read more


Krueger to hold dog licensing event Tuesday, Jan. 21

(Jan 14, 2025)

BROOKHAVEN, Jan. 14 – State Rep. Leanne Krueger and the Delaware County Treasurer’s Office are holding a special event on Tuesday to help residents get their dogs licensed under state law. The event will be held from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21 at the Brookhaven Municipal Center at 2 Cambridge Road in Brookhaven. Registration is required to obtain a time slot for the licensing process by calling Krueger’s office at 610-534-6880 or by emailing . “Our furry friends are important to our families, and that’s why we want to keep them happy and safe,” Krueger said. “Not only is it state law, but having your dog licensed makes it much easier to return your dog to you if it’s found. I partner with the treasurer’s office each year to help residents get the licenses they need to keep their dogs protected.” State law requires that all dogs, 3 months or older, be licensed. Failure to license a dog could result in a fine up to $500 in addition to court costs. Residents are encouraged to complete the required forms before heading to the event, but forms can be obtained there. Related forms available online include: Annual License Application yearlydoglicapp.pdf . Lifetime License Application lifetimedoglicapp.pdf . Permanent ID Verification Form permanentdogidform.pdf (required for lifetime license and must be completed by a Read more


Crozer bankruptcy shines light on expense to patients and staff

(Jan 14, 2025)

As you may have heard, Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc., the parent company of Crozer Health System, declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Saturday night, triggering a restructuring of Prospect’s network of hospitals including Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Taylor Hospital and the previously closed Springfield and Delaware County Memorial hospitals. While I’m disappointed by this latest maneuver by the for-profit system, I am not surprised. Prospect has repeatedly put its investors and shareholders before patient care and medical staff for years, creating a crisis in our community that has put patients, families and frontline health care workers at risk for their health, lives and livelihood. Read more


Joint Statement on Prospect Medical Holdings Inc.’s National Bankruptcy Announcement

(Jan 13, 2025)

DELAWARE COUNTY, PA – January 13, 2025 – Prospect Medical Holdings Inc., the parent company of the Crozer Health System, declared Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in the US Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas. The bankruptcy proceedings will restructure Prospect’s network of hospitals and health networks in California, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania, including Crozer Chester Medical Center, Taylor Hospital, and the closed Springfield and Delaware County Memorial Hospitals. Prospect’s bankruptcy filing will stay current litigation against the company, including the PA Attorney General’s recent lawsuit against it and its former private equity owner, Leonard Green & Partners. Below is the Delaware County State and County leaders’ statement in response to Prospect’s bankruptcy announcement. We are fiercely disappointed but not surprised by Prospect Medical Holdings’ declaration of bankruptcy across the country yesterday. This bankruptcy leaves our community’s most vulnerable—patients, families, and frontline healthcare workers—in a precarious position, a consequence of years of mismanagement and disregard for public health. This crisis has been building since Prospect acquired the Crozer system and it used leverage to extract value from the system for the benefit of its investors at the expense of the system's patients and staff. Delaware County has fought Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Jan 08, 2025)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Education: Parent Pathways Grant Who May Apply: Postsecondary institutions that award an associate degree or higher and private licensed schools. Use: To provide funding to institutions to directly support parenting students through tuition assistance, emergency funding, and wrap-around services. Funds: $1.6 million in funding is available. Application Deadline: February 3, 2025 More information: PDE Website Historical & Museum Commission: Keystone Historic Preservation Grant Program Who May Apply: Certified local governments, colleges and universities, conservancies, historic preservation organizations, historical societies, local governments, museums, religious institutions, and other historical organizations. Use: Applications may apply for one construction-related or planning-related grant (not both) for sites that are listed in or eligible to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Construction related grants are available for rehabilitation, preservation, and restoration activities for historic resources that are publicly accessible and under nonprofit or local government ownership. Planning related grants are available for planning and development initiatives that enhance historic preservation in communities. Please note, special consideration will be given to projects that promote the United States Semiquincentennial celebration in 2026 . Funds: Construction grants are available Read more


Krueger takes oath for new legislative term as state representative

(Jan 07, 2025)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 7 – State Rep. Leanne Krueger took the oath of office in the state House chamber today for another term representing the 161 st Legislative District in Delaware County. Krueger was first elected in 2015, when she made history as the first woman to represent the 161 st Legislative District. The noon swearing-in ceremony marked the beginning of the 2025-26 session of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Krueger also was re-elected by her peers to serve on the House Democratic Caucus leadership team, where she’ll continue to serve as caucus administrator. “Serving as a state representative for the residents of Delaware County and the 161 st Legislative District is an honor and a privilege,” Krueger said. “I work hard every day to fight for our community in Harrisburg on issues that impact people’s everyday lives and have brought back millions of our tax dollars to invest in economic development, cultural and transportation projects in the district. “House Democrats are returning in the majority this session, where we’ll continue to work to advance legislation that focuses on the needs of working families, students and seniors while building stronger, safer communities. I look forward to a productive session for the people of Pennsylvania.” Pa. Supreme Court Chief Justice Debra Todd administered the oath of office for Read more


2024 By the Numbers

(Jan 07, 2025)

This week's email offers a snapshot of the constituent service work that was done in 2024 by the caring and dedicated staff in my district office. Our Brookhaven office is one of the busiest in the Commonwealth and these numbers prove it. From PennDOT and SEPTA services to Pennsylvania’s Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program and more, my office is here to help you! Read more


This week's office hours, upcoming events and more

(Dec 31, 2024)

Last Thursday evening, on December 26th, there was an emergency at Crozer-Chester Medical Center in Upland when a fire in the Mechanical Room led to the evacuation of 33 patients to nearby hospitals. Crozer staff, first responders and Delaware County’s emergency response and hazmat teams responded quickly and it’s a miracle that no one was injured. Read more


2025 Capitol Scenes Calendar

(Dec 30, 2024)

Download and print this 2025 calendar which contains scenes from our beautiful state Capitol. Read more


Holiday office hours, state program news and more

(Dec 23, 2024)

On Friday our office staff gathered at Pendle Hill in Wallingford for a retreat to reflect on our work this past year and plan together to serve our neighbors in the year to come. Pendle Hill is a Quaker retreat center on a beautiful campus and I’m grateful that this nonprofit is in the 161st Legislative District. I am so thankful that they opened their space to us so we could focus on the important work of serving you. Read more


State grant help, upcoming events and more

(Dec 17, 2024)

Getting state resources and funding back to you and our community is one of my top priorities as your state representative. I work hard to leverage my knowledge of state grant programs and funding opportunities that align with the goals and needs of local organizations and our local municipalities. Fostering these connections works to enhance community services, drive economic growth and address the challenges facing our communities Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Dec 17, 2024)

Below are multiple grant programs that are currently open for applications. NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Community and Economic Development: Historically Disadvantaged Business Assistance Program Who May Apply: Community-based non-profit organizations with a history of at least 3 years operating experience, educational institutions, and non-profit economic development organizations with a history of at least 3 years operating experience. Use: Creation or support of a Business Assistance Service Center for the purpose of serving small, historically disadvantaged businesses. Funds: $20 million in funding was appropriated in the 2024/25 state budget. Application Deadline: January 22, 2025 More information: DCED Website Council on the Arts: Entry to Arts Organizations and Arts Programs (EAOAP) Who May Apply: Non-profit agencies with a history of at least two years of consistent arts programming in Pennsylvania and an annual average arts revenue over $200,000. Use: Entry track is the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts’ (PCA) point of entry for organizations or programs to the AOAP. Applicants must apply in Entry track until recommended for AOAP, which is based on panel review and assessment totals Funds: Grants totaling $5,000 will be awarded. Application Deadline: February 15, 2025 More information: Arts Website Council on the Arts: Arts Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Dec 12, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Environmental Protection: WIIN 2107: Voluntary School and Childcare Lead testing and Reduction Grant Who May Apply: Childcare facilities and schools located in Pennsylvania with lead in drinking water sample results within 36 months of the application date showing water fixtures exceeding the remediation trigger level of 5 ppb (parts per billion). Use: Reduction activities may include purchasing and installing hydration stations, point-of-use devices designed to remove lead or replacement of faucets. The primary goal of this grant program is to reduce children's exposure to lead in drinking water. Funds: Funding under this grant has been appropriated under 1464(d) of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. Funding provided will be up to $3,000 per hydration station per 100 students in one building. Up to $30,000 may be awarded per building/childcare facility or $100,000 per school district. Application Deadline: Applicants are strongly encouraged to schedule a pre-application meeting to discuss their lead reduction plans to ensure they meet applicable program criteria. Meetings can be scheduled by emailing . More information: DEP Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Community and Economic Development: PA SITES Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic development organizations, redevelopment authorities, Read more


Crafting a state budget for you and our community
Feb 04, 2025

Do you need a Real ID? Look inside for information on an upcoming town hall
Jan 28, 2025

Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Jan 28, 2025

Krueger announces $53,895 grant for repaving project in Aston
Jan 28, 2025

Krueger to hold virtual Right-to-Know Workshop Tuesday
Jan 23, 2025

Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Jan 22, 2025

Crozer-Chester Medical Center update, plus programs and upcoming events
Jan 21, 2025

Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Jan 17, 2025

Krueger to hold dog licensing event Tuesday, Jan. 21
Jan 14, 2025

Crozer bankruptcy shines light on expense to patients and staff
Jan 14, 2025

Joint Statement on Prospect Medical Holdings Inc.’s National Bankruptcy Announcement
Jan 13, 2025

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Jan 08, 2025

Krueger takes oath for new legislative term as state representative
Jan 07, 2025

2024 By the Numbers
Jan 07, 2025

This week's office hours, upcoming events and more
Dec 31, 2024

2025 Capitol Scenes Calendar
Dec 30, 2024

Holiday office hours, state program news and more
Dec 23, 2024

State grant help, upcoming events and more
Dec 17, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Dec 17, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Dec 12, 2024