Community Update: Upcoming events planned for June

(Jun 03, 2021)

Last month, I joined Gov. Wolf in renewing the call for Pennsylvania to raise the minimum wage and I celebrated our championship football players. Read more


Grant opportunities: Historical & Archival Records Care program open for applications

(May 19, 2021)

Check out state programs now open for applications, plus upcoming application deadlines. Read more


Now open for applications: Services for mental health and substance use disorder, boating infrastructure

(May 13, 2021)

Information on state and other grant programs that are open for applications. Read more


Kim highlights PA Rescue Plan investments in child care, workers

(May 12, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 12 – The vital role childcare facilities play in society is beyond apparent and state Rep. Patty Kim hosted a tour of Harrisburg’s Keystone Early Learning Center to highlight how the PA Rescue Plan’s proposed investments could support facilities and their employees. The proposed plan would invest $170 million in onsite childcare startup grants, a facility capital program and a Keystone STARS redesign . “Today’s tour of the Keystone Early Learning Center provided a glimpse at the positive effects targeted investments from the PA Rescue Plan would have on our community, our workers and our children’s education,” said Kim, D-Dauphin. “This should be a bipartisan priority and a step forward to improve Pennsylvania’s future for all families.” At the tour, legislators had the opportunity to see the benefits of onsite child care and the efforts this facility has taken to implement COVID-19 safety measures while providing a quality educational childcare experience for their students. Lana Stitzel, director of the Keystone Early Learning Center, shared the many ways the facility has adapted during COVID-19, but also shared the struggles they have faced in retaining employees and keeping child care affordable. State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, chairman of the PA House Democratic Policy Committee, added, “We’ve seen how important childcare facilities and their staff and educators are to Read more


Rep. Kim, Policy Committee to tour onsite childcare facility Wednesday in Harrisburg

(May 11, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 11 – The PA Rescue Plan would invest $170 million to improve childcare for working parents and Rep. Patty Kim is hosting a tour of Keystone Learning Center to highlight the benefits of onsite childcare and how investments could benefit childcare facilities. The tour will begin at 9 a.m. Wednesday, May 12 at Keystone Learning Center, Room 125, 400 North St., Harrisburg. Following the tour, at 10 a.m., the media is encouraged to attend a news conference to learn more and ask questions about House Democrats’ plan. The PA Rescue Plan aims to ensure federal American Rescue Plan funding is invested for immediate impact and long-term success. Additional information about the plan is available at . Read more


Advisory: Kim to host Steel-High football team, Micah Parsons Thursday

(May 05, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 5 – State Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, will host an event honoring champions of the 103rd Legislative District at 1 p.m. Thursday on the steps in front of the Capitol. Read more


Community update: Vaccine development, welcoming students back to school

(May 03, 2021)

Find details from the House Policy Committee hearing on COVID-19 vaccines, students returning to school and more in this month's community update, Read more


Kim announces $700K in CFA Multimodal funds

(Apr 22, 2021)

State Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, today announced that the City of Harrisburg will be the recipient of a $700,000 award from Commonwealth Financing Authority Multimodal funds. “This award will directly impact the transportation improvements being made to support the new Federal Courthouse in the City of Harrisburg,” said Kim. “Many of these improvements will lead to ADA accessibility, additional parking, and improved foot, bicycle and public transportation. Investments like these improve our infrastructure and create jobs.” Awards have been granted as follows: The $700,000 in CFA Multimodal funds is expected to be used for two connected projects. They include the Urban Meadow Extension project on Boyd Street between Fulton and North Sixth streets and the Reily Streetscape Improvement project on Reily Street from North Third to Fulton Streets. The Urban Meadow Extension will provide a .23 mile pedestrian only facility connecting North Third Street to North Sixth Street. Along North Sixth Street, the city will reconstruct the sidewalk with ADA ramps, add an improved bus stop at the intersection of North Sixth and Harris streets, and create an improved sidewalk connection to Boyd Street. The Reily Streetscape Improvements project will provide approximately 50 angled parking spaces along Reily Street from North Third Street to Fulton Street. The additional streetscape improvements include ADA complaint Read more


Kim announces $21M loan for Capital Region Water

(Apr 22, 2021)

State Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, today announced that Capital Region Water has been approved for a $21 million loan from Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority to rehabilitate and replace deteriorated sewer pipes and associated manholes, as well as install a new stormwater system. “Capitol Region Water will be making an investment to upgrade old sewer systems, and this will be a great help to making sure the project is completed on time,” said Kim. “Infrastructure like this is crucial to our daily lives, and close to 50,000 residents’ water lines will be improved as a result of this project.” Since its inception in 1988, Pennvest has funded more than 3,000 clean water projects throughout Pennsylvania, providing nearly $10 billion in funding. For more information, contact Kim’s office at 717-986-1673. ### Read more


Kinsey, Kim and Dawkins call for ban on chokeholds following Chauvin conviction

(Apr 21, 2021)

HARRISBURG, April 21 -- Following the unanimous guilty verdict for former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., today announced legislation that he has introduced that seeks to outlaw the use of the standard chokehold in making an arrest, including the same chokehold used to kill George Floyd. House Bill 870, a bill Kinsey co-introduced with state Reps. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, and Jason Dawkins, D-Phila., would also ban police using any action that inhibits breath or the flow of blood to the brain due to physical position. “While we collectively revel in this moment that justice was served for Mr. Floyd, we must recognize that this is but a small victory in the grand scope of protecting communities of color from police violence and meaningfully reforming our system,” Kinsey said. “Yesterday, a jury unanimously decided that chokeholds are acts of murder, and this decision should compel us to examine policies of our own law enforcement agencies across the commonwealth.” Kim echoed Kinsey’s sentiments that while the verdict is a step in the right direction, it’s not enough. “This guilty verdict is long-awaited justice for many,” Kim said. “But it is certainly not enough. These are the first steps toward true justice for all. We must act now and work to ban archaic practices that put citizens’ lives at risk. Chokeholds should be a uniformly forbidden practice across Read more


BioTech Innovation Organization, Pfizer share vaccine efficacy, role in COVID-19 recovery

(Apr 12, 2021)

HARRISBURG, April 12 – As Pennsylvania expands vaccine eligibility, the House Democratic Policy Committee heard from the manufacturers tirelessly working to develop safe and effective vaccines for global use. At a Policy Committee hearing today, testifiers included representatives from Biotechnology Innovation Organization and Pfizer, who provided details on the technology behind the development of the COVID-19 vaccines and how the United States can reach herd immunity. Chairman Ryan Bizzarro and state Reps. Patty Kim and Darisha Parker facilitated the hearing, where Amy Walker, director of Infectious Diseases Policy for Biotechnology Innovation Organization and Lisa Coen, senior director, Vaccine Public Affairs with Pfizer, shared insight into the science behind the creation of COVID-19 vaccines, ongoing research, development and trials. Walker shared that five presidents, both Democratic and Republican, have been vaccinated, highlighting that the vaccines have received bipartisan support. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to have conversations based on science and fact. These vaccines will save lives and I encourage everyone eligible and interested to take the advice of scientists and medical professionals and help put this pandemic behind us,” Bizzarro implored. “It is important for us to hear this testimony today, especially for my constituents,” Parker said. “Communities of color have battled COVID extra Read more


Kim, Parker to lead Monday’s Policy Committee hearing on crushing COVID-19

(Apr 09, 2021)

HARRISBURG, April 9 – The committee will hear from the biotech industry and COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers at a House Democratic Policy Committee hearing hosted by state Reps. Patty Kim and Darisha Parker. The hearing will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, April 12 . The media and public are invited to watch online at or on the committee’s Facebook page--@PADemPolicy. Media inquiries may be submitted via email to . Chairman Ryan Bizzarro, Vice Chair Mary Isaacson and members of the House Democratic Policy Committee will join Kim and Parker to discuss how supply is catching up with demand and how vaccine distribution is meeting the needs of Pennsylvanians seeking vaccination. Additional hearing information will be available by clicking here or visiting . Read more


Kim holds conference in response to Georgia shootings

(Mar 24, 2021)

HARRISBURG, March 24 -- State Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, today held a news conference at the state Capitol to show solidarity with the Asian-American Pacific Islander community and to support state Rep. Dan Frankel’s anti-hate package of legislation . “The shootings that took place in Georgia last week highlight the racism and domestic terrorism that is on the rise in America,” Kim said. “All of our lives have value, no matter our profession, our race, our gender. We need to speak up and demand action. We cannot allow more of these hate crimes and shootings to continue without doing what we can to help protect these communities.” “This loss of these eight souls is yet another reminder that our own Commonwealth’s hate crimes laws are decades out of date and insufficient to stand against a growing and emboldened movement of white supremacy,” said Frankel, D-Allegheny. “As I mourn with the Asian American Pacific Islander community, I will continue to fight here in Pennsylvania to protect vulnerable groups. We cannot wait for another tragedy to strike here to do something.” "In a year where loss and grief are all too common, we cannot be desensitized to this type of terror,” said state Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery. “We must continue to advocate for the AAPI community, communities of color, and all who experience increased vulnerability and underrepresentation. There is no Read more


Kim to hold news conference in response to Georgia shootings

(Mar 23, 2021)

HARRISBURG, March 23 – State Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, today announced that she will be holding a news conference outside of the Lt. Governor’s Office at 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, March 24 to show solidarity with the Asian-American Pacific Islander community and support for state Rep. Dan Frankel’s anti-hate package of legislation . In addition to Kim, other guest speakers will include: State Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny. State Sen. Art Haywood, D-Phila. State Rep. Joanna McClinton, Democratic leader of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. State Rep. Napoleon Nelson, D-Montgomery. State Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery. State Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila. For more information, contact Kim’s office at 717-986-1673. ### Read more


PLBC Chair Bullock, Rep. Kim joint statement on AAPI violence, racist attacks

(Mar 18, 2021)

HARRISBURG, March 18 – State Rep. Donna Bullock, D-Phila., chair of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, and state Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, a member of the PLBC and an Asian American, are speaking out against the recent violence against Asian Americans and the uptick in harassment toward the AAPI community in light of the attack in Atlanta on Tuesday, March 16. “This week, we saw another attack on people of color at a time when our country is still reeling from a global pandemic and overt racist acts and violence,” Bullock said. “For weeks, the AAPI community has reported a rise in hate crimes against their loved ones and small businesses. Their calls for action were ignored by many; their voices silenced in discussions about racism in this country. We in the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus want our brothers and sisters in AAPI communities to know we stand with you, beside you and support you in every way possible. We recognize this attack on Tuesday, March 16 for what it is: a hateful, racist attack on Asian Americans and, in particular, on women of color. As legislators, we must do everything in our power to protect these communities of color and stand in solidarity with them at this time.” “Asian-American communities are vitally important, and we want to make sure that all of our neighbors in these communities feel safe and supported,” Kim said. “The worst thing we can do is nothing. I plan to work with Read more


Kim, O'Mara: Letter to members of Asian-American Pacific Islander communities

(Mar 17, 2021)

A letter penned by Reps. Kim and O'Mara to Members of Asian-American Pacific Islander Communities in light of the shootings in Atlanta. Read more


Kim launches Women Supporting Working Women campaign

(Mar 15, 2021)

State Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, today announced the official launch of the Women Supporting Working Women campaign. You can watch the full event on . “This event brings together strong women leaders from different branches of government and all walks of life,” Kim said. “Our common goal here is to raise the minimum wage and support working women and their families. We want to hear your stories, as well as ask for your support. Working together, we can achieve anything.” “As we celebrate women’s history throughout March, it is important that we continue to make history by advancing gender equality,” said state Sen. Christine Tartaglione, D-Phila. “It is unacceptable in 2021 that women continue to earn less than men for comparable work. And it is unacceptable that our low-wage workforce is disproportionately comprised of women. Raising the minimum wage would help correct these injustices.” In addition to Kim and Tartaglione, other guest speakers for this discussion included: Frances Wolf, first lady of Pennsylvania. Gisele Fetterman, second lady of Pennsylvania. State Rep. Joanna McClinton, Democratic leader of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Residents can find out more about how raising the minimum wage can help working families, the campaign and how to get involved, by visiting . For more information, contact Kim’s office at (717) 986-1673. Read more


Kim to launch Women Supporting Working Women campaign

(Mar 08, 2021)

State Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, invites everyone to watch the official virtual launch of the Women Supporting Working Women campaign at 10:30 a.m. Monday, March 15. This event is being held with the support of the Pennsylvania Governor’s Office and the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus. “When women support other women, incredible things can happen,” Kim said. “This Woman’s History Month, we wanted to highlight how a raise to the minimum wage can help alleviate pay inequity. Not only that, but hundreds of thousands of families with working women would be helped immediately across the commonwealth. We hope that you will take some time to listen to our stories and why raising the wage matters so much to working women.” “As we celebrate women’s history throughout March, it is important that we continue to make history by advancing gender equality,” said state Sen. Christine Tartaglione, D-Phila. “It is unacceptable in 2021 that women continue to earn less than men for comparable work. And it is unacceptable that our low-wage workforce is disproportionately comprised of women. Raising the minimum wage would help correct these injustices.” In addition to Kim and Tartaglione, other guest speakers for this discussion include: Frances Wolf, first lady of Pennsylvania. Gisele Fetterman, second lady of Pennsylvania. State Rep. Joanna McClinton, Democratic leader of the Pennsylvania House. Read more


Virtual Meet and Greet with Rep. Kim

(Feb 25, 2021)

PennFuture and Conservation Voters of PA will be hosting a virtual Meet and Greet with Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin. The event is scheduled for Wednesday, March 3 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Click on the link to sign up for the upcoming event. Read more


Miller, Kim to introduce bill extending eligibility for special ed programs during pandemic

(Feb 22, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 22 – State Reps. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, and Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, are planning to introduce legislation that would extend special education eligibility for students with an IEP in relation to transition programming after the age of 18. It’s no secret the COVID-19 pandemic has had negative impacts on many students, but Miller said for many students who require Individualized Education Programs, the effects arguably have been even greater. There are approximately 1,300 students across Pennsylvania in their final year of eligibility for transition assistance. Without proper action, their eligibility would expire, and they would no longer be able to access these vital services. “Given the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, it would be unconscionable to allow these students to age out of this program without full access to its benefits,” said Miller. “That is why we are introducing this bill, which will allow many to have a little more time due to COVID interruption. It would also permit students who were forced out to re-engage if they so desired.” Miller’s legislation would ensure no student enrolled in school with an active IEP when the governor first declared the COVID-19 state of emergency shall lose their eligibility for services until 12 months after the expiration of the emergency declaration. It would be up to the parents and students if they want to continue participating in the program after they turn Read more


Community Update: Upcoming events planned for June
Jun 03, 2021

Grant opportunities: Historical & Archival Records Care program open for applications
May 19, 2021

Now open for applications: Services for mental health and substance use disorder, boating infrastructure
May 13, 2021

Kim highlights PA Rescue Plan investments in child care, workers
May 12, 2021

Rep. Kim, Policy Committee to tour onsite childcare facility Wednesday in Harrisburg
May 11, 2021

Advisory: Kim to host Steel-High football team, Micah Parsons Thursday
May 05, 2021

Community update: Vaccine development, welcoming students back to school
May 03, 2021

Kim announces $700K in CFA Multimodal funds
Apr 22, 2021

Kim announces $21M loan for Capital Region Water
Apr 22, 2021

Kinsey, Kim and Dawkins call for ban on chokeholds following Chauvin conviction
Apr 21, 2021

BioTech Innovation Organization, Pfizer share vaccine efficacy, role in COVID-19 recovery
Apr 12, 2021

Kim, Parker to lead Monday’s Policy Committee hearing on crushing COVID-19
Apr 09, 2021

Kim holds conference in response to Georgia shootings
Mar 24, 2021

Kim to hold news conference in response to Georgia shootings
Mar 23, 2021

PLBC Chair Bullock, Rep. Kim joint statement on AAPI violence, racist attacks
Mar 18, 2021

Kim, O'Mara: Letter to members of Asian-American Pacific Islander communities
Mar 17, 2021

Kim launches Women Supporting Working Women campaign
Mar 15, 2021

Kim to launch Women Supporting Working Women campaign
Mar 08, 2021

Virtual Meet and Greet with Rep. Kim
Feb 25, 2021

Miller, Kim to introduce bill extending eligibility for special ed programs during pandemic
Feb 22, 2021