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Photos from Harrisburg and around the district

Rep. Pat Harkins wears a mask to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Rep. Pat Harkins wears a mask to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Rep. Pat Harkins joins fellow lawmakers at a state Capitol news conference in support of a “Bill of Rights” package to strengthen workers’ rights.

Rep. Pat Harkins joins fellow lawmakers at a state Capitol news conference in support of a “Bill of Rights” package to strengthen workers’ rights.

Rep. Pat Harkins is surrounded by his colleagues from the House of Representatives and leaders from SEIU as he speaks at a Harrisburg rally on workers rights, such as safe workplaces and raising the minimum wage.

Rep. Pat Harkins is surrounded by his colleagues from the House of Representatives and leaders from SEIU as he speaks at a Harrisburg rally on workers rights, such as safe workplaces and raising the minimum wage.

State Rep. Pat Harkins joined Gov. Wolf, fellow legislators and advocates at the Capitol Jan. 30 for a press conference to highlight the need to raise the minimum wage.

State Rep. Pat Harkins joined Gov. Wolf, fellow legislators and advocates at the Capitol Jan. 30 for a press conference to highlight the need to raise the minimum wage.

State Rep. Pat Harkins and his wife, Michelle, attend Gov. Wolf's second-term inauguration at the state Capitol.

State Rep. Pat Harkins and his wife, Michelle, attend Gov. Wolf's second-term inauguration at the state Capitol.

Rep. Pat Harkins makes heart-felt remarks to remember his colleague, state Rep. Flo Fabrizio, after his passing.

Rep. Pat Harkins makes heart-felt remarks to remember his colleague, state Rep. Flo Fabrizio, after his passing.

Rep. Pat Harkins rallies with fellow members and advocates on behalf of all victims of childhood sexual abuse and calls to end statute of limitations in sexual abuse cases.

Rep. Pat Harkins rallies with fellow members and advocates on behalf of all victims of childhood sexual abuse and calls to end statute of limitations in sexual abuse cases.

Rep. Pat Harkins joins advocates after he discussed his “workplace protection of public employees” legislation at an SEIU “Workers Rise Up Day” rally in Harrisburg.

Rep. Pat Harkins joins advocates after he discussed his “workplace protection of public employees” legislation at an SEIU “Workers Rise Up Day” rally in Harrisburg.

Rep. Pat Harkins welcomes the 2018 Jefferson Education Society Civic Leadership Academy to the state Capitol.

Rep. Pat Harkins welcomes the 2018 Jefferson Education Society Civic Leadership Academy to the state Capitol.

Rep. Pat Harkins speaks at a press event to announce the introduction of bipartisan legislation to help address the threat of lead in drinking water in Pennsylvania’s schools.

Rep. Pat Harkins speaks at a press event to announce the introduction of bipartisan legislation to help address the threat of lead in drinking water in Pennsylvania’s schools.

Rep. Pat Harkins addresses his colleagues in the House Chamber to update them on the aftermath of a record breaking snowfall the city of Erie experienced in December.  A total of 58.5 inches fell over a two-day period, setting a Pennsylvania record.

Rep. Pat Harkins addresses his colleagues in the House Chamber to update them on the aftermath of a record breaking snowfall the city of Erie experienced in December. A total of 58.5 inches fell over a two-day period, setting a Pennsylvania record.

Rep. Pat Harkins attends a House Democratic Policy Committee public roundtable to discuss workforce development as part of the caucus’ Plan For Pennsylvania, which puts people first with good jobs, quality schools and fair taxes.

Rep. Pat Harkins attends a House Democratic Policy Committee public roundtable to discuss workforce development as part of the caucus’ Plan For Pennsylvania, which puts people first with good jobs, quality schools and fair taxes.

Rep. Pat Harkins participates in a House Democratic Policy Committee public roundtable discussion on small business development and jobs as part of the caucus’ Plan For Pennsylvania.

Rep. Pat Harkins participates in a House Democratic Policy Committee public roundtable discussion on small business development and jobs as part of the caucus’ Plan For Pennsylvania.

Rep. Pat Harkins speaks at a House Game and Fisheries Committee Hearing in Erie to discuss his proposed legislation dealing with Lake Erie fishing permits.

Rep. Pat Harkins speaks at a House Game and Fisheries Committee Hearing in Erie to discuss his proposed legislation dealing with Lake Erie fishing permits.

Representative Pat Harkins, along with Representatives Flo Fabrizio and Ryan Bizzarro, welcome members of the Jefferson Education Society to Harrisburg.

Representative Pat Harkins, along with Representatives Flo Fabrizio and Ryan Bizzarro, welcome members of the Jefferson Education Society to Harrisburg.

Rep. Pat Harkins reacts to Gov. Tom Wolf’s 2017-18 budget address.

Rep. Pat Harkins reacts to Gov. Tom Wolf’s 2017-18 budget address.

Rep. Pat Harkins (back row, second from left) was elected secretary of the Northwest Democratic Delegation for the 2017-18 legislative session. Harkins is flanked to his left by Rep. Scott Conklin, treasurer, and to his right by Reps. Chris Sainato, Mark Longetti, Flo Fabrizio and Bryan Barbin. Seated in front (from left) are Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, vice chairman, and Rep. Frank Burns, chairman.

Rep. Pat Harkins (back row, second from left) was elected secretary of the Northwest Democratic Delegation for the 2017-18 legislative session. Harkins is flanked to his left by Rep. Scott Conklin, treasurer, and to his right by Reps. Chris Sainato, Mark Longetti, Flo Fabrizio and Bryan Barbin. Seated in front (from left) are Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, vice chairman, and Rep. Frank Burns, chairman.

Rep. Scott Conklin and Rep. Pat Harkins  listen to and gather information at a House Democratic Policy hearing on the heroin and opioid epidemic that is sweeping the state.

Rep. Scott Conklin and Rep. Pat Harkins listen to and gather information at a House Democratic Policy hearing on the heroin and opioid epidemic that is sweeping the state.

Rep. John Payne presents a citation to Pocono Raceway representative. Joining in the presentation , from are (from l-r) Rep. Mike Carroll, Rep. Bill Kortz and Rep. Harkins.

Rep. John Payne presents a citation to Pocono Raceway representative. Joining in the presentation , from are (from l-r) Rep. Mike Carroll, Rep. Bill Kortz and Rep. Harkins.

Rep. Harkins welcomes representatives from PSEA and PSEA retirees to the House floor. Joining them are, Sen. Riley and Rep. Bizzarro.

Rep. Harkins welcomes representatives from PSEA and PSEA retirees to the House floor. Joining them are, Sen. Riley and Rep. Bizzarro.

Rep. Harkins, along with Rep. Fabrizio, welcomes firefighters from Erie to the state Capitol.

Rep. Harkins, along with Rep. Fabrizio, welcomes firefighters from Erie to the state Capitol.

Rep. Harkins welcomes Fr. Jerry Priscaro,Priest at St. Ann's, St. Casimir's & Holy Family Roman Catholic Churches, Erie, Pennsylvania Area. Joining them are, from l-r, Speaker of the House Sam Smith, and the Erie area Reps., Curt Sonney, Greg Lucas, Ryan Bizzarro and Flo Fabrizio

Rep. Harkins welcomes Fr. Jerry Priscaro,Priest at St. Ann's, St. Casimir's & Holy Family Roman Catholic Churches, Erie, Pennsylvania Area. Joining them are, from l-r, Speaker of the House Sam Smith, and the Erie area Reps., Curt Sonney, Greg Lucas, Ryan Bizzarro and Flo Fabrizio

Rep. Harkins and state Senator Sean Wiley (49th) welcome Elizabeth Smart to Erie on April 2. Smart, a 2002 kidnapping victim, was guest speaker at the Erie Crime Victims dinner in the Erie Convention Center

Rep. Harkins and state Senator Sean Wiley (49th) welcome Elizabeth Smart to Erie on April 2. Smart, a 2002 kidnapping victim, was guest speaker at the Erie Crime Victims dinner in the Erie Convention Center

Rep. Harkins joined local firefighters during the community 'Light the Night' event as a part of the National Night Out.  From left to right; Mark Polanski, Lt. Gary Lamb, the Honorable Pat Harkins and Allen Casey. 'Light the Night'  was held at the John F. Kennedy Community Center in Erie,from 5pm.-8:00pm on August 7.

Rep. Harkins joined local firefighters during the community "Light the Night" event as a part of the National Night Out. From left to right; Mark Polanski, Lt. Gary Lamb, the Honorable Pat Harkins and Allen Casey. "Light the Night" was held at the John F. Kennedy Community Center in Erie,from 5pm.-8:00pm on August 7.

Rep. Harkins greets Nate Parker (center) and Bradford Lang (right) on
Saturday Aug. 18, at Erie International Airport. 
The Urban Erie Community Development Corporation and North Coast Flight School held their second annual forum and recognition of the historic Tuskegee Airmen.
Nate played the lead role in ''Red Tails'' the movie about the Tuskegee Airman.
Bradford's father was a member of the Tuskegee Airman and Lang is also a captain with Delta Airlines.

Rep. Harkins greets Nate Parker (center) and Bradford Lang (right) on Saturday Aug. 18, at Erie International Airport. The Urban Erie Community Development Corporation and North Coast Flight School held their second annual forum and recognition of the historic Tuskegee Airmen. Nate played the lead role in ""Red Tails"" the movie about the Tuskegee Airman. Bradford's father was a member of the Tuskegee Airman and Lang is also a captain with Delta Airlines.

Rep. Harkins presents a citation to Raymond Brown honoring him for his military services. With Rep. Harkins are, from the left, Maureen Trott, Mr. Brown, Marjorie Brown, Grace Trott and Mike Trott

Rep. Harkins presents a citation to Raymond Brown honoring him for his military services. With Rep. Harkins are, from the left, Maureen Trott, Mr. Brown, Marjorie Brown, Grace Trott and Mike Trott

Rep. Harkins presents a citation to Tim Rockwell and Clyde Hagan, who both recently reached 1 million safe miles as drivers for Con-Way Freight.

Rep. Harkins presents a citation to Tim Rockwell and Clyde Hagan, who both recently reached 1 million safe miles as drivers for Con-Way Freight.

Rep. Harkins presents a citation to the staff of the world-famous Kraus Department Store in Erie, honoring them for 125 years in business.

Rep. Harkins presents a citation to the staff of the world-famous Kraus Department Store in Erie, honoring them for 125 years in business.

Rep. Harkins with the Young People's Chorus of Erie during their performance in the Capitol Rotunda in  Harrisburg on June 15.

Rep. Harkins with the Young People's Chorus of Erie during their performance in the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg on June 15.

Rep. Harkins throws a “Strike For Hunger” at a bowling event to raise money for food banks, and to raise awareness of Pennsylvania’s 1.2 million hungry citizens.

Rep. Harkins throws a “Strike For Hunger” at a bowling event to raise money for food banks, and to raise awareness of Pennsylvania’s 1.2 million hungry citizens.

Rep. Harkins speaks in support of union labor during a Teamsters’ rally in Harrisburg on April 11.

Rep. Harkins speaks in support of union labor during a Teamsters’ rally in Harrisburg on April 11.

The state House of Representatives unanimously adopted a resolution introduced by Rep. Harkins, commemorating the Erie Police Department Motorcycle Unit on its 100th anniversary and for its dedicated service to the citizens of the City of Erie. Pictured left to right: Rep. Harkins; House Speaker Keith R. McCall; Lt. Pat Durkin; Sgt. Aaron Wassell; patrolman Gary Taccome; patrolman Robert Wierbinski; patrolman Thomas Dunmyer, Jr.; and Rep. Flo Fabrizio.

The state House of Representatives unanimously adopted a resolution introduced by Rep. Harkins, commemorating the Erie Police Department Motorcycle Unit on its 100th anniversary and for its dedicated service to the citizens of the City of Erie. Pictured left to right: Rep. Harkins; House Speaker Keith R. McCall; Lt. Pat Durkin; Sgt. Aaron Wassell; patrolman Gary Taccome; patrolman Robert Wierbinski; patrolman Thomas Dunmyer, Jr.; and Rep. Flo Fabrizio.

Rep. Harkins isn’t curious about public broadcasting’s trek to the state Capitol – funding in the state budget is key to its future. Pictured from L to R: State Rep. Scott Conklin, WITF Public Media President and CEO Kathleen Pavelko, Rep. Pat Harkins, Curious George, House Appropriations Committee Executive Director Miriam Fox and House Appropriations Committee Chairman Dwight Evans.

Rep. Harkins isn’t curious about public broadcasting’s trek to the state Capitol – funding in the state budget is key to its future. Pictured from L to R: State Rep. Scott Conklin, WITF Public Media President and CEO Kathleen Pavelko, Rep. Pat Harkins, Curious George, House Appropriations Committee Executive Director Miriam Fox and House Appropriations Committee Chairman Dwight Evans.

Rep. Harkins presents Erie's Bureau of Police with $200,000 in state funding to help the Motorcycle Division acquire new motorcycles. Pictured (left to right) are: Motorcycle Lt. Patrick Durkin; David Kosobucki, legislative assistant to Rep. Harkins; Rep. Harkins; 
Motorcycle Patrolman Rob Wierbinski; and Sgt. Aaron Wassell.

Rep. Harkins presents Erie's Bureau of Police with $200,000 in state funding to help the Motorcycle Division acquire new motorcycles. Pictured (left to right) are: Motorcycle Lt. Patrick Durkin; David Kosobucki, legislative assistant to Rep. Harkins; Rep. Harkins; Motorcycle Patrolman Rob Wierbinski; and Sgt. Aaron Wassell.

Erie state Reps. Pat Harkins (right) and Flo Fabrizio (left) welcome students from Central Tech Career and Technical School to the state Capitol.

Erie state Reps. Pat Harkins (right) and Flo Fabrizio (left) welcome students from Central Tech Career and Technical School to the state Capitol.

Rep. Harkins, seated at left, is pictured with other Democratic members of the 2007-08 freshman class of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

Rep. Harkins, seated at left, is pictured with other Democratic members of the 2007-08 freshman class of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

Rep. Harkins and Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll welcome Team 291-CIA to the House of Representatives. The team, which includes students from Erie Central High School, Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy and Villa Maria Academy, won first place in the Philadelphia Regionals of the 2007 For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) Robotics competition. Pictured are (back row, left to right) Adam Last, John Curtin, Chris Wehrer, (front row, left to right) Molly Homchenko, Emily Last, Tom Pomorski, Rep. Harkins, Lt. Gov. Knoll, Erica DiLuzio, Alex Phadt and Peter Reed.

Rep. Harkins and Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll welcome Team 291-CIA to the House of Representatives. The team, which includes students from Erie Central High School, Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy and Villa Maria Academy, won first place in the Philadelphia Regionals of the 2007 For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) Robotics competition. Pictured are (back row, left to right) Adam Last, John Curtin, Chris Wehrer, (front row, left to right) Molly Homchenko, Emily Last, Tom Pomorski, Rep. Harkins, Lt. Gov. Knoll, Erica DiLuzio, Alex Phadt and Peter Reed.