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Harkins, Merski: $200,000 in grants secured to promote digital literacy

ERIE, June 13 – $200,000 in new funding was awarded to two Erie-based entities to enhance digital literacy, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today.

The grants were awarded through the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry’s Digital-Literacy Grants Program, which awarded $4.9 million to 50 community-based organizations throughout Pennsylvania in this most recent round of funding.

This grant program provides funding to organizations in communities that teach residents how to effectively navigate platforms used in the job-search process and the workplace, including digital fundamentals, digital citizenship, and understanding digital information – especially in communities lacking access to broadband infrastructure and high-speed internet.

The local awards and recipients are as follows:

  • $100,000 - Afghan Community of Erie Pennsylvania
  • $100,000 - Gannon University

“In our rapidly changing world, digital literacy skills are becoming an essential component of many careers,” Harkins said. “This new funding will ignite a digital literacy revolution, ensuring that every individual, regardless of age or background, has the tools and knowledge to thrive in an increasingly digital world.”

Merski said, “These new resources will help bridge the digital divide, providing access and opportunities for all to succeed in the digital age. This is a testament to our collective belief that digital literacy is not a luxury, but a necessity for career advancement in our interconnected world.”