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Representative Mandy Steele secures record funding for the 33rd House District

Cheswick, March 16 - Representative Mandy Steele announced today that municipalities throughout House District 33 will receive $2,164,103 in Local Share Account (LSA) grant funding. This funding comes from gaming revenues and is intended to support projects of public interest within the Commonwealth.

“The funding we secured today is important for the people and communities in the 33rd House District,” said Rep. Mandy Steele. “It was an honor to work with these municipalities to secure these desperately needed funds.”

  • Brackenridge Borough will receive $500,000 for construction of their new, five-door public works garage that will include equipment storage, office and kitchen spaces for employees, and a generator.
  • Fox Chapel Borough will receive $474,170 to improve stormwater management at Hardie Valley Park, including constructing natural stream crossings, green stormwater infrastructure, culvert installation, and natural hydrology corridors.
  • Blawnox Borough will receive $278,199 to improve crosswalk safety in the Borough, including installing lighted crosswalk safety devices, rapid flash beacons, new pavement markings, and signage at 8 crosswalks along Freeport Road.
  • Fawn Township will receive $170,981 to replace the roof and rehabilitate the parking lot of its municipal building.
  • O’Hara Township will receive $117,014 to stabilize trails at the O’Hara Township Community Park, resulting in renewed access to existing outdoor recreation opportunities for residents.
  • Springdale Township will receive $116,600 to replace a water line along Parkway Drive in the Township.
  • Harrison Township will receive $111,750 to establish the trailhead of the Three Rivers Water Trail, including site paving, vegetation clearing, and signage, as well as improving ADA accessibility and adding crosswalks.
  • Harmar Township will receive $100,000 to line and rehabilitate sanitary sewer lines in the Chapel Downs housing development.
  • Blawnox Borough will receive $81,875 to purchase a new truck with snowplow attachment.
  • Fox Chapel Borough will receive $51,500 for installation of a solar panels on the Public Works garage facility to reduce energy costs for the Borough.
  • Blawnox Borough will receive $45,000 to improve the sidewalks and landscaping at the Blawnox Community Park, ensuring accessibility to the park and facilities.

In addition to the LSA funding, Rep. Mandy Steele also announced Multimodal Transportation Funding. This fund provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to the residents of the commonwealth.

  • Harrison Township will receive $400,000 to upgrade traffic signals and pedestrian safety at the intersection of Freeport Road and Springhill Road.