Neilson’s legislation advances out of House Transportation Committee

(Jun 12, 2023)

A bill authored by state Rep. Ed Neilson, advanced out of the House Transportation Committee today that would make Pennsylvania a safer place for drivers and pedestrians alike. Read more


Conklin proposes resolution to recognize Pennsylvania’s Grange legacy

(Jun 12, 2023)

“Emerging from the ashes of the Civil War, the Grange stood as a beacon of hope and solidarity for our rural communities,” said Conklin, who is a sixth-degree Grange member. “One hundred and fifty years later, its influence continues to echo through its advocacy for rural issues, educational advancement, and commitment to community service." Read more


Gallagher celebrates House passage of Keystone Saves

(Jun 12, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 12 – State Rep. Pat Gallagher, D-Phila., today celebrated the passage of his legislation that would establish Keystone Saves, a voluntary employee retirement savings program that would expand access to private sector individual retirement accounts (IRA) to the over two million Pennsylvania workers who currently have no opportunity to save for retirement at their place of employment. “ Unfortunately, more and more Pennsylvanians are reaching retirement age without enough savings to age gracefully after a lifetime of hard work ,” Gallagher said. “ We’re working in a bipartisan manner to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to save for retirement. With many employees lacking employee sponsored retirement plans, there have to be more options for retirement. This is one more step to giving Pennsylvanians more independence and preparing them for life on a fixed income.” The State Treasurer’s Retirement Security Task Force Report highlighted the vast number of Pennsylvanians who are unprepared for the financial challenges of retirement. It’s a problem not just for retirees but also for the commonwealth as financially unprepared retirees are projected to cost the state an additional $14 billion in social services between 2015 and 2030, an average of nearly $1 billion per year. Additionally, lower consumer spending by retirees over this same time is estimated to cost the state Read more


PA House passes WIC modernization legislation

(Jun 12, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 12 – A bill ( H.B.664 ) sponsored by state Rep. Donna Bullock, D-Phila., that would establish a Women, Infants and Children State Advisory Board passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives today by a vote of 155-48. This legislation would establish the WIC State Advisory Board within the Pennsylvania Department of Health and task the board with advising the department on ways to increase WIC enrollment and utilization, improve service quality and outreach, and enhance technology used for the program. “We need to ensure that we’re taking full advantage of the federal funding we receive for WIC in the commonwealth,” Bullock said. “As the system is now, we are failing to maximize the benefits that WIC can provide for our single parents and struggling families. This legislation will help to modernize and update the process from top to bottom and get the people who need assistance the assistance they need.” The bill will go to the Pennsylvania Senate for consideration. Read more


Boyle bill protects access to mental health screenings and other preventive health care

(Jun 12, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 12 – Today, H.B. 1050 , introduced by PA House Insurance Committee Chair Kevin Boyle, D-Phila., passed the House Insurance Committee and will head to the House floor for consideration. This bill would require health insurers to cover preventative health care services including mental health treatment without cost-sharing. A similar law is part of the federal Affordable Care Act, which gives Americans access to no-cost preventive health care. But earlier this year, a judge in Texas struck down that part of the Affordable Care Act . If appeals are unsuccessful, millions of Pennsylvanians could lose access to potentially life-saving preventative health care such as cancer screenings, depression and anxiety screenings, multiple vaccines, and annual well-woman visits. Boyle’s legislation would protect Pennsylvanians regardless of what the federal courts do. “We must ensure all Pennsylvanians have access to life-saving preventive health care without having to pay a copay, coinsurance or deductible,” Boyle said. “It’s good to see this bill pass the Insurance Committee, now I hope to see my colleagues do right by the people of Pennsylvania and pass it out of the House.” Read more


Schlossberg: Why investing today in Pa. mental health care, services will pay off tomorrow

(Jun 12, 2023)

For too long, mental health has been a secondary consideration. However, if the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that these issues cannot be ignored. They must be addressed comprehensively, compassionately and courageously. Read more


Lancaster receives $1.25M in PHARE grants

(Jun 09, 2023)

LANCASTER, June 9 – State Rep. Ismail Smith-Wade-El announced today that $1,250,000 in PHARE grants has been awarded to eight Lancaster organizations that provide affordable housing and services to the unhoused. “Housing is one of the most critical needs in our community – everyone deserves a safe, affordable home. These PHARE grants are going to help improve the lives of some of Lancaster’s most vulnerable residents,” Smith-Wade-El said. “As your state representative, I am proud of the deserving, hardworking people and organizations in the 49th District, and grateful for the support the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency provides. Our office works hard to bring state and federal funds back to the people of Lancaster City, Lancaster Township and Millersville, and we don’t intend to stop any time soon.” The following organizations received grant money: United Disabilities Services Foundation received $100,000 to renovate 33 units for low-income residents across six apartment buildings in Lancaster County prioritizing accessible features for independent living and safety. The Lancaster City Housing Authority received $100,000 to support critical electrical and HVAC updates to their 169-unit building on Farnum Street. BASE, Building and Supporting Entrepreneurship of Southeast Lancaster Inc., received $100,000 to support phase three of its Home Ownership Made Equal initiative. Community Basics Inc. Read more


Kinsey resolution urging Congress to end legal slavery passes Judiciary Committee

(Jun 08, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 8 – Yesterday, House Resolution 128 introduced by state Reps. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., and Carol Kazeem, D-Delaware, urging Congress to end legal slavery was reported out of the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee. While the 13 th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery, it left a loophole which allows for slavery/involuntary servitude as punishment for committing a crime. Kinsey’s resolution would urge the U.S. Congress to end this loophole. “Slavery is America’s greatest sin, and we can no longer allow it to continue any further in any shape or fashion,” Kinsey said. “The loophole in the 13th Amendment allows for America’s legacy of slavery and racism to continue- we must end it. No one should be forced to work involuntarily. Today’s committee vote for this resolution is a positive step towards fully abolishing slavery and involuntary servitude in our country.” “Slavery has no place in the world today. Yet here in the United States, through a loophole in the 13 th Amendment, we can still force labor on someone as punishment for a crime,” Kazeem said. “This is not what represents the America of today and it’s about time we finally got rid of slavery in our country. We hope our colleagues in the state House will join us in calling on our Congress in Washington to join us in this mission.” H.R. 128 Read more


Burgos bill advancing to foster diversity and equality in the agricultural industry

(Jun 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 7 – State Rep. Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., said today that Pennsylvania is a step closer to creating a commission that would help open new avenues of opportunity in the agricultural industry for the benefit of underserved communities. Burgos said his bill ( H.B. 767 ) that would establish a Pennsylvania Socially Diverse Farmers Commission was approved yesterday in the House Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee and is ready for consideration by full House. Burgos said his legislation would improve agricultural opportunities for minorities and people of color across the commonwealth. “This bill would transform the playing field for many who are considering careers in the agricultural industry. I am determined to improve the fairness in our agricultural production. We need to eliminate the alarming disparity that is affecting this industry. “I am proposing a commission that would be tasked with reviewing current policies and issuing report with recommendations to promote and implement a farm-related diversity, equity and inclusion plan. “We cannot continue ignoring the elephant in the room. Intentional or unintentional national and state agricultural policies have benefited white farmers while impeding farmers of color. As Latino, I am proud to raise my voice for our people. Whether you are Black, Hispanic or Asian, we all have the same rights. We Read more


Pa. House OKs $100M for PA mental health needs

(Jun 07, 2023)

“This money has been allocated. The uses have been thoroughly vetted. It’s time to get this money out the door to serve Pennsylvanians. I am grateful for the bipartisan support this legislation received and look forward to working with the Senate and Governor Josh Shapiro to get this done so we can get people the help they need,” said Schlossberg. Read more


Conklin introduces legislation for K-9 heat detection and protection

(Jun 07, 2023)

“This proposed legislation draws from painful experiences,” Conklin said. “Integrating these heat-detection devices into our police vehicles would prevent future tragedies, providing a safer environment for our K-9 officers.” Read more


Kinsey 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline bill approved in Human Services Committee

(Jun 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 7 – Today, legislation ( H.B. 1305 ) introduced by state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., was voted out of the PA House Human Services Committee. This bill would establish sustainable funding for Pennsylvania’s 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in line with Gov. Josh Shapiro’s budget proposal. The lifeline was launched in July of 2022 and allows anyone in the U.S. to call, chat or text 988 to receive supports and resources during a suicide, mental health, or substance use crisis. Kinsey, who serves as chairman of the PA House Human Services Committee and a long-time mental health advocate, stressed the importance of ensuring the lifeline is sustainably funded. “The creation of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline was important to allow folks in the midst of a mental health crisis an outlet to get the help they need,” Kinsey said. “Now, it’s important that we properly fund this crucial lifeline so it can be a sustainable and reliable source of help. “As we see a growing need of mental health situations, this lifeline can be the difference of life and death for many Pennsylvanians who are dealing with the mental health crisis,” he continued. “As H.B. 1305 has passed out of the Human Services Committee and heads to the House Floor, I urge all my colleagues to vote in favor of keeping 988 reliable for all Pennsylvanians who need it.” Read more


Chairman Boyle insurance cyber consumer protection bill passes Senate

(Jun 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 7 – Today, H.B. 739 , introduced by PA House Insurance Committee Chair Kevin Boyle, D-Phila., passed the PA Senate and will head to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s desk to be signed into law. This legislation would require insurance companies and agents to develop cybersecurity policies and report cybersecurity events to the state insurance commissioner. “I want to give gratitude to my colleagues in the Senate for passing this important piece of legislation that will go a long way in ensuring insurance consumers’ data is protected online from hackers,” said Boyle. “I look forward to seeing this bill signed into law to protect our consumers every day who purchase insurance products in the commonwealth.” Read more


Krajewski kinship care legislation clears House committee

(Jun 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 7 – Today, the House Children and Youth Committee voted to report to the full House for a vote H.B.1058 , introduced by Rep. Rick Krajewski D-Phila., which would make child custody proceedings more inclusive of potential kinship care providers. Krajewski said that when a child is taken from their home and into the custody of a county youth agency it can be a deeply traumatic experience. Living with kin – such as relatives, grandparents, and close family friends – is better for children, minimizing childhood trauma and increasing well-being. Despite this, only 42% of Pennsylvania’s children receiving care are placed in a kinship home , and potential kin providers can be excluded from consideration because of implicit bias, family poverty and red tape. This bill would require that in child custody proceedings, courts solicit and consider the opinions of those who engaged with family finding and kinship care programs. This would ensure that courts are fully aware of the strengths and qualifications of potential kinship providers before they place a child in a county youth agency. “As advocates of Kinship Care for youth in Pennsylvania, we believe this bill would strengthen support systems for young people in the child welfare system,” wrote Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children and Community Legal Services of Philadelphia in a joint letter of support for H.B.1058. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation calls for thorough investigation on teen fatally shot by state trooper and prevention of more tragedies

(Jun 07, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, June 7 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today stated that the group is closely following the death of a teenager killed in the city Sunday by a state trooper during a drag race on I-95. The organization expressed concern about issues involved in this incident as they could develop into more tragedies. Philadelphia House Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas indicated that it is essential that the state police and the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office collaborate hand-in-hand for transparent scrutiny. The delegation also hopes for accountability and answers to many of the critical questions surrounding the deadly shooting. “We extend our deepest condolences to the family of the victim, and we are looking forward to seeing all the facts that resulted in this death,” Cephas said. “As a delegation, we see two sides of this tragedy -- the first one is a family mourning in our city, the second is an unfortunate series of issues that are prompting us to take bold action and work fast on prevention. “It is alarming to see more and more illegal drag racings on city streets and interstates, car meetups and large unregulated gatherings all over the city. The aftermath of these scenarios is always the same: property damage, assault and participants throwing objects at the police. “As we head into the summer, we need to take control of these Read more


Harkins calls for investments to stop ‘mass exodus’ from early childhood education field

(Jun 06, 2023)

ERIE, June 6 – Concerned by the sharp decline in early childhood education teachers, state Rep. Pat Harkins joined fellow lawmakers at the state Capitol today to call for greater investments in early childhood education. Harkins, who is co-chair of the Early Childhood Education Caucus, told those gathered for the “workforce behind the workforce” rally that a mass exodus from the field threatens to affect the quality of critical pre-K programs throughout the state. “The statistics are grim – they show that early education teachers on average make just $12.43 per hour and that 44% have had to use a payday loan or borrow from friends or family to cover basic expenses,” Harkins said. “Not surprisingly, half of all early ed teachers surveyed said they are thinking of leaving the field within the next five years. “Earlier this year, the governor spoke about the importance of early education and the need to invest in programs like Pre-K Counts, and a poll showed that nearly all Pennsylvanians agree that early education is important. “We need to make these investments a priority now and ensure we can pay teachers a living wage. If we can’t attract and retain early childhood educators for quality programs that give kids the right start, we’re going to feel the ripple effects all throughout our workforce and economy.” Read more


House passes Harkins-Merski bill to help retirees on county pensions

(Jun 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 6 – County pension annuitants struggling to make ends meet are a step closer to more frequent cost-of-living adjustments after the PA House today passed legislation introduced by state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski. The lawmakers, both D-Erie, said they introduced H.B. 298 – which would amend the county pension law to give boards more flexibility in setting COLAs – to help retirees feeling the effects of inflation. “Under our county pension law, when retirement boards provide a cost-of-living increase, it must be in accordance with the full consumer price index at the time of review,” Harkins said. “Although the law is well-intentioned, its rigid requirement means that our county pension boards often can’t afford to provide any adjustments at all because the index is simply too high. “Our bill would amend the law to allow boards to grant a COLA of any percentage up to, but not more than, the consumer price index. The change would help counties and benefit county retirees who under the current all-or-nothing system might not receive a COLA for several years. “We need to reward these seniors who helped build our community and keep them out of poverty. Ensuring that they receive timely cost-of-living adjustments would bring them greater retirement security and help them maintain the quality of life they deserve.” Merski said, Read more


PA House passes Freeman bill to allow Main Street program participation to be extended

(Jun 06, 2023)

"With the addition of this needed option of a program extension, communities would be better positioned to fully succeed in their objectives for revitalization and enhancements to downtown commercial areas,” said Freeman. Read more


Pennsylvania House Labor & Industry votes on paid leave legislation

(Jun 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 6 – During a voting meeting Tuesday, the Pennsylvania House Labor and Industry Committee reported two pieces of legislation, HB181 and SB226 , out of committee and to the House floor. The House bill would establish the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program and the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund in Pennsylvania. The bill also would establish the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Advisory Board to provide a public education campaign and assist the Department of Labor and Industry with the implementation of the act. “Paid leave means a stronger Pennsylvania. Forcing people to make the impossible choice between work and family is not only harmful to Pennsylvanians, but it also hurts our state economy,” said Rep. Jason Dawkins, chair of the House Labor and Industry Committee. “Passing this legislation and establishing a paid family and medical leave program is beneficial to families and the economy because people with peace of mind are better able to focus on the task at hand, both at home and at work.” The Senate bill would amend the Fire and Panic Act to allow Department of Human Services licensed family child-care homes until Sept. 6 or the expiration of their current license to comply with the Fire and Panic Act. Read more


Kinsey Fresh Food Financing Initiative bill approved by House Committee

(Jun 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 6 – Today, legislation ( H.B. 580 ) introduced by state Reps. Stephen Kinsey, Danilo Burgos and Morgan Cephas, all D-Phila., to re-establish the Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative was approved by the PA House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee. The Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative was a program operated from 2004 to 2010 that provided grants and low-interest loans for the construction, rehabilitation or expansion of grocery stores, farmers markets and other healthy food retail establishments in low- to moderate-income areas in need and other underserved communities. “Health is the most important aspect of our lives. To live a healthy life, it’s crucial that all people have access to healthy, fresh and nutritious food,” Kinsey said. “Restarting the Fresh Food Financing Initiative would help provide more accessible healthy food options to communities that desperately need it.” “This bill would boost local agricultural products while helping families in need to get access to fresh produce,” Burgos said. “This program is a healthy approach to fight food insecurity and obesity. No one in our state should be deprived of having a balanced alimentation, not under our watch.” “Pennsylvania agriculture contributes $132.5 billion to our state economy annually and supports 593,6000 jobs. It is beyond upsetting to Read more


Neilson’s legislation advances out of House Transportation Committee
Jun 12, 2023

Conklin proposes resolution to recognize Pennsylvania’s Grange legacy
Jun 12, 2023

Gallagher celebrates House passage of Keystone Saves
Jun 12, 2023

PA House passes WIC modernization legislation
Jun 12, 2023

Boyle bill protects access to mental health screenings and other preventive health care
Jun 12, 2023

Schlossberg: Why investing today in Pa. mental health care, services will pay off tomorrow
Jun 12, 2023

Lancaster receives $1.25M in PHARE grants
Jun 09, 2023

Kinsey resolution urging Congress to end legal slavery passes Judiciary Committee
Jun 08, 2023

Burgos bill advancing to foster diversity and equality in the agricultural industry
Jun 07, 2023

Pa. House OKs $100M for PA mental health needs
Jun 07, 2023

Conklin introduces legislation for K-9 heat detection and protection
Jun 07, 2023

Kinsey 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline bill approved in Human Services Committee
Jun 07, 2023

Chairman Boyle insurance cyber consumer protection bill passes Senate
Jun 07, 2023

Krajewski kinship care legislation clears House committee
Jun 07, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation calls for thorough investigation on teen fatally shot by state trooper and prevention of more tragedies
Jun 07, 2023

Harkins calls for investments to stop ‘mass exodus’ from early childhood education field
Jun 06, 2023

House passes Harkins-Merski bill to help retirees on county pensions
Jun 06, 2023

PA House passes Freeman bill to allow Main Street program participation to be extended
Jun 06, 2023

Pennsylvania House Labor & Industry votes on paid leave legislation
Jun 06, 2023

Kinsey Fresh Food Financing Initiative bill approved by House Committee
Jun 06, 2023