Probst wants to help taxpayers avoid tax delinquencies

HARRISBURG, Sept. 25 – Taxpayers would be better informed about potential tax delinquencies under legislation reported out of the House Local Government Committee today and sponsored by state Rep. Tarah Probst.

“Multiple constituents have told me that they received income tax notices from the local tax collector regarding delinquencies from previous tax years, in some cases where taxes were overdue from multiple years ago. Unfortunately, they were unaware they had a delinquency and did not receive an initial notice in the affected tax year, so they are just now finding out that they owe taxes and, even worse, that there is also hefty interest attached,” said Probst, D-Monroe/Pike, a member of the committee.

Current Pennsylvania law requires tax collectors to send one delinquency notice by first-class mail to alert the taxpayer of the Dec. 31 deadline.

Probst’s legislation would require local tax collectors to instead mail out two delinquency notices, by Sept. 1 and Nov. 1, to give taxpayers enough time to correct the delinquencies before the deadline so they can make the appropriate payments before interest and penalties occur.

“This will increase the likelihood that a taxpayer will see the notice and correct the problem, which would also increase tax revenue coming in and reduce tax delinquencies,” said Probst.

House Bill 2458 moves to the full House of Representatives for consideration.