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Philadelphia House Delegation reacts to adoption of state budget

Philadelphia awarded $4 million for traffic safety projects

(Dec 08, 2020)

HARRISBURG, PA – State Rep. Jason Dawkins, D-Phila., chairman of the Philadelphia House Delegation, announced that Philadelphia will receive $4 million in funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s Automated Red Light Enforcement program for traffic safety projects. The funding is part of more than $8 million being awarded to 10 municipalities for 16 projects across the commonwealth and comes from fines for violations at designated red-light intersections in Philadelphia. Those designated areas have been shown to have a higher rate of red-light running and safety concerns. “The Red Light Enforcement program funds are made available to help improve traffic safety and are part of the conversation we are having to make transportation funding a priority for Philadelphia,” Dawkins said. “This money is in addition to PennDOT’s current projects that are so important in the city.” Philadelphia will use the $4 million for the following: $1.5 million for Broad, Germantown and Erie transportation safety project to: Redesign the intersection of Broad Street, Germantown Avenue and Erie Avenue. Resurface Erie Avenue between Broad Street and Old York Road, including removal of trolley tracks; create space for a sidewalk-level pathway for bicycles; and dedicate spaces for buses at bus stops as well as expanded and accessible passenger facilities. Upgrade Read more


Democratic and Republican lawmakers unify to form bipartisan legislative caucus

(Dec 03, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 3 – Democratic state Rep. Stephen Kinsey and Republican state Rep. Greg Rothman have joined forces to form a first-of-its-kind bipartisan caucus for the upcoming 2021-22 legislative session. The newly formed legislative body – which has a growing number of lawmakers pledging membership from both sides of the political aisle – is meant to serve as a medium for Democrats and Republicans to come together through open dialogue with the goal of enacting meaningful policy that centers helping the people of Pennsylvania. “Our caucus aims to buck this undercurrent of centering party matters in legislative matters, which sometimes deters members on both sides of the aisle from collaborating with each other. As lawmakers, working toward a better and more equitable commonwealth for all should be our top priority, and legislating with a focus on party is a direct detriment to this goal,” said Kinsey, D-Phila. “Representative Rothman is a dependable ally, and I am honored to call him my friend. He has never let partisanship impede the goal of doing what’s right for the people of this commonwealth. He possesses the drive needed to spearhead and make this caucus successful. I look forward to what we can accomplish together.” Reciprocating those sentiments, Rothman, R-Cumberland, said that he too has found friendship in Kinsey, and called for civility among lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. “Democracy Read more


Kenyatta blasts 2021-22 budget as a failure to Pennsylvanians in crisis

(Nov 23, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 30 – State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta lambasted the completed fiscal-year budget that passed the full House Friday evening, calling it an absolute failure because it completely squanders the one-time $1.33 billion in CARES Act funding by using it for recurring state government expenses, instead of to help Pennsylvanians in crisis. “In the wake of fatal pandemic that has claimed the lives of nearly 10,000 Pennsylvanians and decimated our economy, the majority party in the legislature misused vital funding from the CARES Act that was intended by Congress to reduce the burdens that resulted from COVID-19’s impact to pad holes in our budget,” said Kenyatta, D-Phila. “This budget is a disgrace, as it prioritizes state government over the needs of people across our commonwealth.” This type of budgeting, Kenyatta said, is unpragmatic for several reasons because it frivolously uses one-time funding for recurring costs. “What happens next year when there are no billions of dollars in federal funding to haphazardly use to satisfy these debts?” he posed. “This limited funding was the only window of opportunity to target critical areas that were most impacted during this public health and economic crisis, such as child care, healthcare providers and first responders, veterans, one of our state’s largest workforce -- the restaurant industry, rent and mortgage relief, and small businesses. Now we’re Read more


Fiedler files Health Department complaint to hold Pa. state House accountable for unsafe working conditions

(Nov 21, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 20 – State Representative Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., released the following statement regarding a complaint she filed today with the Pennsylvania Department of Health: “Today I filed a state Department of Health COVID-19 complaint against the Pennsylvania State House for failing to ensure safe working conditions, including for the refusal to wear masks and social distance on the House floor and even in committee meetings held in confined spaces. This drastic step reflects the high stakes that we face in protecting the health and safety of all staff and members who step foot in the building, as well as their families and communities at home.” Fiedler said that she did not make the decision to file the complaint lightly but felt it necessary after reckless disregard for safe working conditions within the Capitol walls continued eight months into a deadly and intensifying pandemic. “Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, families, schools and small businesses across the state have been hit hard. We are now facing another very serious wave of COVID-19 illness with hospitalizations reaching 2,900 on Thursday — more than at the peak in April. While families across our state mourn the loss of loved ones and are taking the difficult step to stay away from many people they love this holiday season, the unsafe working conditions within the Capitol continue to contribute to the pain and suffering felt across the state. In fact, Read more


Kenyatta calls for statewide mask requirement in new bill as COVID-19 cases surge

(Nov 19, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 19 – Charging that more must be done in the wake of surging COVID-19 cases, state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta has introduced legislation that would implement one of the most effective strategies at reducing its spread—a statewide mask requirement in all public spaces to be enforced by non-law enforcement entities. “Countless medical reports and public health experts have pointed to the effectiveness of masks—properly covering the nose and mouth—to both the wearer and people in the wearer’s proximity,” said Kenyatta, D-Phila. “Nearly 10,000 Pennsylvanians, including our most vulnerable neighbors, have succumbed to this deadly virus so far. Being a good neighbor by wearing a mask is by far the best act of benevolence we can all take to keep our communities safe.” Reiterating his call for action, Kenyatta highlighted those most at risk such as the essential workers and caregivers risking their health and safety to ensure no community lacks vital necessities, the small business owners and local economies suffering from the impact of this virus, and the families struggling with the mounting pressure of financial insecurities as the reality of a utility shut-off, eviction or food scarcity during the upcoming winter months. “We can’t adequately protect lives and work towards a sound revival of our economy without first getting control of this virus through better, more intentional Read more


Rabb: innovative solutions needed amid rising COVID-19 cases

(Nov 18, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 18 – While some rallied at the state Capitol today to push back on mitigation efforts and open more seating in restaurants as COVID-19 cases rise rapidly across the state and nation, state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., said bipartisan legislation he introduced offers a better solution to help these local businesses stay afloat while protecting people’s health. Rabb and state Rep. Bob Brooks, R-Westmoreland/Allegheny, introduced legislation (H.B. 2949) in September that would provide grants of up to $50,000 and tax credits of up to $100,000 to restauranteurs who sell PA Preferred groceries to customers in underserved neighborhoods. Funding for the Food Security Initiative would come from federal CARES Act money the state has in its possession and can use for this purpose. “ Food deserts have been a problem for a long time,” Rabb said. “The entrance of COVID-19 into our underserved urban and rural neighborhoods is making the situation even worse. The bipartisan legislation we are proposing would get fresh food to folks who aren’t able to easily access fresh, healthy food within their local area while helping our restauranteurs stay afloat during this incredibly difficult time for our collective health and our economic security. “This legislation is the type of innovative solution lawmakers should be considering for enterprising, socially conscious restaurateurs who sell PA Preferred Read more


Philadelphia lawmakers again select Dawkins to lead their House delegation in 2021-22 legislative session

(Nov 13, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 13 -- State Rep. Jason Dawkins, D-Phila., will again serve as chairman of the House Democratic Caucus’ 25-member Philadelphia County Delegation for the 2021-22 legislative session. Democratic lawmakers of the delegation selected Dawkins during leadership elections on Thursday. Dawkins said delegation members also re-selected Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta as vice chairman and Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler as treasurer and secretary. “I am honored by my colleagues’ trust in my ideas and abilities and look forward to continuing my role in helping to move Philadelphia and our agenda forward,” Dawkins said. “By working together toward our shared goals, we can make certain that Philadelphia remains an economic powerhouse for Pennsylvania while ensuring equality and justice for all people in our economy, in our society and in our response to crisis, from police reform to getting guns off our streets and ensuring justice, equality and science in our pandemic response.” In the current legislative session Dawkins and the House Philadelphia Delegation laid out an agenda that focuses on investing in schools and educational opportunity, reforming a criminal justice system that continues to be rife with injustice, affordable and accessible health care for all, strengthening commercial corridors in the city, reducing gun violence and investing in clean energy sources that would produce thousands of jobs, while addressing climate Read more


McClinton demands accountability from Philadelphia Police Department after mother and child dragged from SUV

(Oct 30, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 30 – State Rep. Joanna McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware, is demanding accountability from the Philadelphia Police Department after officers snatched a Black woman out of her SUV during the unrest, beat her, separated her from her 2-year-old child for hours, and handcuffed to her in the hospital where she received treatment for her injuries. McClinton called the incident that took place in her community deeply concerning and charged for transparency from the police department for their actions. “The Philadelphia Police Department must come forward with a clear explanation as to why officers swarmed that vehicle, busted out its windows, dragged out a mother, beat her, and took her child--who was also left injured,” said McClinton, who is also House Democratic chairwoman. “Recounting what was seen in the video that captured the ordeal is difficult, and I know the trauma that this mother and her baby will continue to suffer from is unimaginable. This situation will not go unquestioned.” The high-ranking legislator also condemned the National Fraternal Order of Police for posting a picture of a white female police officer holding the toddler after he was pulled from the vehicle that was falsely captioned: “This child was lost during the violent riots in Philadelphia, wandering around barefoot in an area that was experiencing complete lawlessness. The only thing this Philadelphia police officer cared about in that Read more


Lawmakers discuss legislation to ensure equitable access to contraceptives

(Oct 28, 2020)

' HARRISBURG, Oct. 28 – State Reps. Leanne Krueger, Kevin Boyle and Tina Davis today discussed legislation to expand and protect access to contraceptives. Krueger, Boyle and Davis introduced H.B. 2813 following a U.S. Supreme Court decision that allows virtually any employer to opt out of the Affordable Care Act mandate to provide contraceptive coverage if they object to birth control on religious or moral grounds. The bill would protect access to this important form of health care by making sure insurers in Pennsylvania provide coverage for contraception. “Now more than ever, we need Pennsylvania to take action. Creating barriers to this basic preventative care puts the health and well-being of millions of Pennsylvania women at risk,” said Krueger, D-Delaware. “In addition to preventing unintended pregnancies, contraceptives are often used to address a variety of women’s health issues. This legislation would help make sure women are able to make their own medical decisions and receive quality care.” Boyle, D-Montgomery/Phila, said, "Birth control is health care, and health care should be accessible to everyone. With the recent decision by the Supreme Court potentially cutting off access to birth control for 2.5 million women, it's vital that we act to provide another option to ensure women have access to the health care they need." Davis, D-Bucks, added, “Contraception is a fundamental aspect of Read more


PLBC, Philadelphia House Delegation, and Police Reform Working Group members demand justice after Black man is killed by police

(Oct 27, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 27 – State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, along with its members and members of the Pennsylvania Police Reform Working Group and the Philadelphia House Delegation, are demanding justice for West Philadelphia resident Walter Wallace Jr., a 27-year-old Black man, who was killed by police on Monday afternoon in the Cobbs Creek section of the city. Members of these respective legislative bodies also called on the legislature to expeditiously pass the multiple pieces of police reform legislation languishing without action, some of which address procedures on non-lethal de-escalation methods and would instill policies for safer police interactions with residents experiencing mental health crises. “A mother watched her son, suffering from mental illness, be met with a barrage of bullets before her eyes, and a neighborhood saw the same. A mother and father lost their son, and children have lost their father--generations of one family and an entire community are now forced to bear that trauma for the rest of their lives,” said Kinsey, D-Phila. “Indeed, it’s trauma that we are all forced to bear as we have yet to receive justice for the countless other Black lives killed with impunity at the hands of police. Furthermore, during a time when seeking mental health resources is strongly encouraged, this tragedy reveals that living with mental illness while Black, however, and crying for help is Read more


State lawmakers representing Philadelphia welcome lawsuit against commonwealth, legislature for restricting gun-safety measures

(Oct 07, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 7 – State House lawmakers representing the House Philadelphia Delegation and Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus today pledged their full weight behind major legal action being taken against the commonwealth for preventing local governments from enacting their own gun-safety laws. The lawsuit filed by the city and private law firms on behalf of Pennsylvanians who have been impacted by gun violence was announced at a news conference in Philadelphia today. Philadelphia Delegation Chairman Jason Dawkins and PLBC Chairman Stephen Kinsey said it was long past time for the many people who have been impacted by gun violence to receive true acknowledgement and justice for their pain. They said the delegations they lead have worked for years to enact sensible gun-safety measures in the state but have been hampered by a Republican majority legislature determined to give no one in the state the ability to reduce gun violence and save lives. “Philadelphia and municipalities across the state took action tragedy after tragedy on behalf of the residents they serve when the state would not, only to be met with callous laws specifically designed to prevent them from doing so,” Dawkins said. “I am equally tired of the hallow promises to help reduce gun violence being made by the Republican majority following each tragedy. They hold the power to move the commonsense gun safety legislation we put forward. Yet, they continue to deny Read more


Kinsey announces $16K preservation grant for historical Wyck House

(Oct 05, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 5 – State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., today announced that a $16,000 state grant was awarded to the Wyck Association to help with ongoing preservation efforts of the historical Wyck House in the Germantown neighborhood of the 201 st Legislative District. The grant, Kinsey said, will be used to repair the north and south facades of the 18 th century Quaker mansion—that once was home to nine generations of Philadelphia’s Haines family—that have since reached a critical point of deterioration. “The Wyck house served as the home of the influential Haines family and was also once a brewery. However, it is not only a historian’s dreamscape, but also a horticulturalist’s and maybe even a herpetologist’s dream as the grounds around the home contain upwards of 30 variations of roses. The home is also the discovery location of the Queen snake,” Kinsey said. “There’s a lot of history that spans across multiple fields of interest here, and I’m thrilled to see this grant help further preserve this historical powerhouse for generations to come.” Funding for the grant was awarded through the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Society's Cultural and Historical Support Grant Program, which provides general operating support to Pennsylvania museums and official county historic societies. Read more


House unanimously adopts Bullock’s resolution to raise awareness about community revitalization in Pa.

(Oct 02, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 2 – Days before the annual kick-off of “Love Your Avenue Week,” state Rep. Donna Bullock, D-Phila., today announced that her resolution designating the week of Oct. 4-10, 2020, as “Love Your Avenue Week” in Pennsylvania —an effort to raise awareness about community revitalization — was unanimously adopted by the House. Throughout the year, Bullock said, communities across Pennsylvania host various initiatives, such as corridor clean ups, festivals, parades, and sidewalk sales to mark the occasion. “‘Love Your Avenue Week’ enforces a sense of pride among residents in their communities. It’s especially notable in the 195 th Legislative District, where we have a huge celebration along Girard Avenue,” Bullock said. “However, the pandemic has put a damper on many of these plans, ultimately coming as a blow to the strength of countless business corridors. The adoption of my resolution not only serves as an ongoing reminder as to how critical these central local businesses are, but also raises awareness to how dire community support is during these times.” Bullock pointed to the Pennsylvania Downtown Center as among the proponents for revitalization. PDC is the only statewide nonprofit dedicated solely to the revitalization of the commonwealth’s core communities. By providing outreach, technical assistance and educational services, the PDC assists communities in Read more


Burgos, House Democratic Policy Committee hold hearing on driver’s licenses for ITIN holders

(Sep 23, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 23 – State Rep. Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., on Tuesday chaired a public hearing on legislation he introduced, H.B. 2835 , that would extend the privilege to obtain a driver’s license to undocumented Pennsylvanians. The hearing featured testimony from advocates, policy experts and undocumented residents about the importance of his legislation to Pennsylvania’s economy and workforce. “Throughout this pandemic, countless undocumented Pennsylvanians have sacrificed their lives, and the lives of their families, filling the role of essential workers to ensure communities across the commonwealth aren’t without critical supplies,” Burgos said. “ We express our gratitude for their labor during this time, but it falls flat when we fail to make them feel like esteemed members of our community. My legislation would provide them—our neighbors—with the safety and the dignity they deserve. “From an economic perspective, the revenue generated from application costs to PennDOT and purchases on car insurance policies would greatly benefit Pennsylvania’s economy -- a much needed relief as our economy struggles to gain stability during this crisis,” he said. Burgos’ legislation would allow people without a Social Security number to apply for a driver's license or learner's permit using secure alternatives such as a federal taxpayer identification Read more


Boyle joins Wolf in calling for swift passage of legislation to ensure counties are prepared ahead of Nov. 3 general election

(Sep 15, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 15 – State Rep. Kevin Boyle, D-Phila./Montgomery, today joined Gov. Tom Wolf in urging swift action on legislation that would provide the support county election officials need to make sure Pennsylvanians can vote safely and have their ballots timely counted. Boyle, Wolf and other public officials met in York today to outline the legislation the General Assembly should pass this month to improve the mail-in ballot process ahead of the Nov. 3 general election and give county officials the time they need to count ballots and return election results quickly. “The House State Government Committee is planning to meet this Wednesday to discuss legislation related to the election code. We have an opportunity in committee this week to make vital, time sensitive changes to allow counties more time to pre-canvass mail ballots so they can return election results timely on Election Day,” said Boyle, who serves as Democratic chairman of the committee. “Immediate action is needed to address the enormous volume of mail-in ballots expected to be cast. We need to ensure that Pennsylvania does not become a national embarrassment on Election Day. “To that end, I am introducing several amendments this week during committee, to expand counties’ ability to pre-canvass mail-in ballots, and to expand county residents’ eligibility to serve as poll workers.” Boyle said the committee is Read more


Kenyatta announces $215.6K in grants to combat homelessness

(Sep 14, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 14 – As the threat of a housing crisis stemming from the pandemic looms, state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila, today announced that state grants totaling $215,600 have been awarded to two local organizations in his 181 st District to combat homelessness. Kenyatta, who is a member of the newly established Democratic Housing Working Group, said the grants will help Drueding Rental Assistance and Prevention Program ($115,600) provide rental and financial assistance to young parent-headed households, and Serenity Court- Medical Respite for Homeless ($100,000) to expand capacity of its current recovery facility which accommodates medically fragile people experiencing homelessness who are recovering from major illnesses, surgery, or COVID-19. “I’ve been tirelessly working to address the ongoing issue of homelessness through eliminating poverty, prior to the pandemic. Now, I am actively trying to keep more people from losing their homes in the wake of this economic crisis caused by the pandemic,” Kenyatta said. “Combatting homelessness—no matter the cause-- takes a concerted effort among elected officials and advocacy organizations. I am thrilled to see these grants help carry our efforts of ensuring residents can have a place to call home.” Kenyatta said the grants were distributed by The Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services, which received a grant award of nearly $1.5 million Read more


Burgos, Hohenstein and Isaacson join advocates to promote legislation to help undocumented individuals apply for a driver's license

(Sep 08, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 8 – State Rep. Danilo Burgos, along with state Reps. Joe Hohenstein, Mary Isaacson, all D-Phila., today joined the Driving PA Forward Coalition at the Saint Francis of Assisi Church to highlight their legislation to help undocumented individuals apply for a driver's license. “Our bill is about making Pennsylvania roads safer by requiring that all residents pass the mandatory written and vision examinations and road test to obtain a driver’s license,” Burgos said. “An additional benefit is that the revenue generated from application costs to PennDOT and purchases on car insurance policies would greatly benefit Pennsylvania’s economy -- a much needed relief as our economy struggles to gain stability in the wake of the pandemic.” Concurring with Burgos, Hohenstein pointed to immigrants comprising a substantial population of Pennsylvania’s workforce, especially as essential workers during the pandemic. "It’s not an exaggeration to say that immigrants have a large role in keeping our country running," Hohenstein said. "One in six people fulfilling essential roles during the pandemic is an immigrant. Many are our doctors, nurses and healthcare providers. Others are farm workers who sow, tend and harvest our food. Others prepare and serve us our food. All should have access to an official driver's license from the state in order to continue Read more


Kinsey, Webster and PLBC members amplify call to remove Montco Commissioner Joe Gale

(Aug 13, 2020)

JEFFERSONVILLE, Aug. 13 – State Reps. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus; and Joe Webster, D-Montgomery, along with PLBC members state Reps. Margo Davidson, D-Delaware, and Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, today participated in a “Free from Hate” news conference led by PA Women Rise at the West Norriton Municipal Center. The group’s “Free from Hate” platform was centered around increased demands for the ousting of Montgomery County Commissioner Joseph Gale for his comments earlier this summer referring to people involved in the Black Lives Matter movement as terrorists. To further amplify their demands, the state legislators unveiled Webster’s H.R. 920 , which would impeach Gale and which Webster introduced in response to the offensive statement. “In our quest to free our communities of hate, we must condemn actors like Commissioner Gale who used his official capacity to perpetuate hate by vilifying residents’ calls for equality and justice,” Kinsey said. “Instead of being an active agent of change in upholding those calls, Gale chose to side with the powers of oppression. His actions demonstrate his complacency with injustice, making him unfit to serve the public, and for that, Gale must be removed immediately.” Concurring with Kinsey, Webster acknowledged the solidarity among lawmakers and community members, and also Read more


Women’s Health Caucus calls for investigation into ‘Real Alternatives’ nonprofit

(Aug 13, 2020)

The WHC chairs called the actions of the nonprofit into question, writing, “For more than 20 years, an organization known as Real Alternatives has been enriching itself and its executives, mismanaging state-appropriated funding, and potentially misdirecting that funding for advertising and legal services, including using Pennsylvania dollars in other states.” Read more


Delaware County lawmakers call for investigation into violence against Black Lives Matter supporters

(Aug 07, 2020)

HARRISBURG (August 7, 2020) – Today, a group of state lawmakers from Delaware County called for District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer to investigate violence and intimidation aimed at Black Lives Matter supporters during a march in Ridley Township on Saturday, August 1 st . State Sens. Tim Kearney and Anthony Williams as well as State Reps. Leanne Krueger, Margo Davidson, David Delloso, Brian Kirkland, and Joanna McClinton signed the letter, which details how peaceful protesters were met with violence and intimidation by a group of counter-protesters. The letter calls for Delaware County’s District Attorney to investigate the counter-protesters’ actions and the Ridley Township Police Department’s response. “I was proud to participate in the Black Lives Matter protest and stand with people of all races and all ages against systemic racism,” said Sen. Tim Kearney . “But I was disturbed by the hate and intimidation that I witnessed firsthand from counter-protesters. We are better than that. We need to make sure our community feels safe when peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights.” “I join others across our community in expressing horror that this demonstration of love and support for Black lives was met by a menacing group with a mission to taunt and intimidate peaceful protesters,” said Rep. Leanne Krueger . “Instead of actively protecting the First Amendment rights of our Read more


Philadelphia awarded $4 million for traffic safety projects
Dec 08, 2020

Democratic and Republican lawmakers unify to form bipartisan legislative caucus
Dec 03, 2020

Kenyatta blasts 2021-22 budget as a failure to Pennsylvanians in crisis
Nov 23, 2020

Fiedler files Health Department complaint to hold Pa. state House accountable for unsafe working conditions
Nov 21, 2020

Kenyatta calls for statewide mask requirement in new bill as COVID-19 cases surge
Nov 19, 2020

Rabb: innovative solutions needed amid rising COVID-19 cases
Nov 18, 2020

Philadelphia lawmakers again select Dawkins to lead their House delegation in 2021-22 legislative session
Nov 13, 2020

McClinton demands accountability from Philadelphia Police Department after mother and child dragged from SUV
Oct 30, 2020

Lawmakers discuss legislation to ensure equitable access to contraceptives
Oct 28, 2020

PLBC, Philadelphia House Delegation, and Police Reform Working Group members demand justice after Black man is killed by police
Oct 27, 2020

State lawmakers representing Philadelphia welcome lawsuit against commonwealth, legislature for restricting gun-safety measures
Oct 07, 2020

Kinsey announces $16K preservation grant for historical Wyck House
Oct 05, 2020

House unanimously adopts Bullock’s resolution to raise awareness about community revitalization in Pa.
Oct 02, 2020

Burgos, House Democratic Policy Committee hold hearing on driver’s licenses for ITIN holders
Sep 23, 2020

Boyle joins Wolf in calling for swift passage of legislation to ensure counties are prepared ahead of Nov. 3 general election
Sep 15, 2020

Kenyatta announces $215.6K in grants to combat homelessness
Sep 14, 2020

Burgos, Hohenstein and Isaacson join advocates to promote legislation to help undocumented individuals apply for a driver's license
Sep 08, 2020

Kinsey, Webster and PLBC members amplify call to remove Montco Commissioner Joe Gale
Aug 13, 2020

Women’s Health Caucus calls for investigation into ‘Real Alternatives’ nonprofit
Aug 13, 2020

Delaware County lawmakers call for investigation into violence against Black Lives Matter supporters
Aug 07, 2020