Haddock welcomes $445,000 in state funds for improvement projects
Rep. Jim Haddock January 28, 2025 | 12:15 PM
HARRISBURG, Jan. 28 – State Rep. Jim Haddock announced that $445,346 in grants were approved today by the Commonwealth Financing Authority for flood protection, park improvements, stream restoration and trail development in Lackawanna and Luzerne counties.
“Each of these projects will deliver a significant improvement for the communities they involve,” Haddock said. “I would like to thank the CFA board and Senator Marty Flynn for supporting the approval of these grants.”
Jenkins Township will receive $150,000 in Flood Mitigation Program funds to construct a gravity stormwater drainage system to prevent regular flooding on Main Street. The project includes installing four new manholes and eight catch basins.
“Main Street in Jenkins Township regularly faces flooding during water events leadingto damaged property and impeded access to the surrounding properties, including 20 residences and one commercial property. This project will help to alleviate that from occurring,” Haddock said.
Pittston Township was awarded $125,000 in Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program funds to complete improvements for the Oriole Park Renovation Project including the existing basketball court and replacing playground equipment and upgrading the mulched areas for the playground equipment fall zones.
“The playground equipment is outdated and deteriorating, which now poses potential safety issues for the public that use the park. By updating the facility, visitors will be able to safely use the new equipment and enjoy the outdoor recreation,” Haddock said.
Dalton Borough was awarded $82,264 in Watershed Restoration and Protection Program funds for construction and engineering costs associated with stream restoration at Streamside Park. The park master site plan includes improvements along Ackerly Creek and the reduction of stormwater runoff. The proposed project will include riparian buffer plantings, streambank stabilization, wetland enhancements, rock swale restoration and fish habitat improvements.
Taylor Borough is receiving $45,582 in Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program funds to upgrade the 60-year-old Noakes Park. This upgrade will include purchasing new playground equipment, site amenities like benches, a table, and a litter container, mulch, field survey work, and grading and excavation.
Pittston City was awarded $42,500 in Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program funds for engineering and professional services to develop a plan for a new trail system on the former Laurel Line rail line.