Siegel legislation to incentivize students to attend motorcycle safety class advances

HARRISBURG, June 10 – Working in tandem with state Rep. Brandon Markosek, state Rep. Josh Siegel applauded the advancement from the PA House Transportation Committee today of his legislation that would provide a refundable motorcycle safety course registration fee.

“The Pennsylvania Motorcycle Safety Program teaches students critical motorcycle skills and safety lessons for free,” said Siegel. “Unfortunately, there is a trend of students registering for these classes and not showing up. With limited spots in each class, many students are blocked from attending by those who ultimately skip the class. This legislation would allow for a nominal refundable motorcycle safety course registration fee, which would be refunded if a student attends the training, incentivizing those who register for the program to attend.”

Siegel noted that the refundable fee would not exceed $50 and would require any nonrefunded fees to be deposited into the existing Motorcycle Safety Education Account. He also noted that this proposed change is supported by the Alliance of Bikers Aimed Toward Education (A.B.A.T.E.).

House Bill 2364 was reported out of committee with unanimous bipartisan support and now moves to the full PA House of Representatives for consideration.