House adopts Matzie’s ‘Pollinator Week’ resolution

(Jun 12, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 12 – The PA House today adopted state Rep. Rob Matzie’s H.R. 400 – designating the week of June 17 to June 23, 2024, as “Pollinator Week” in Pennsylvania – to highlight the essential role bees and other pollinators play in producing the commonwealth’s foods and sustaining the health of the environment. Matzie, D-Beaver, said he introduced the resolution to call attention to the importance of pollinators; the essential role played by the state’s beekeepers; and the value of collaborative efforts by state, educational and industry partners. “It’s estimated that by pollinating most crops and wildflowers, bees are responsible for one out of every three bites of food we eat – from fruits and vegetables to chocolate, coffee and nuts,” Matzie said. “They also play an essential role in maintaining the health of our environment – including our forests, grasslands and local ecosystems – by promoting floral growth that creates habitats for animals and insects. “Beekeepers play an essential role in all of this by ensuring that bee colonies remain healthy and disease-free.” Matzie said there are also critical collaborative efforts at work. “The Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association works with the state Department of Agriculture, which registers and regulates each apiary, and with state universities like Read more


Smith-Wade-El, PA House members & community leaders rally for fair housing legislation, housing budget proposals

(Jun 12, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 12 – State Rep. Ismail Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster, hosted a rally today with other legislators, legal experts and community advocates from across the state in support of fair housing in Pennsylvania. “The lack of affordable housing in Pennsylvania has resulted in evictions and homelessness for many Pennsylvanians,” Smith-Wade-El said. “Every person has the right to a roof over their head. Our rally today called out the continuing inequities in housing in our commonwealth and the legislative and budget initiatives devised to address them. “As Democrats in the PA House, we’re fighting for a person-centered approach to fair housing, from helping the unhoused get back into a safe home, to my bill that would seal no-fault eviction records so people can find housing, to increased support for the Whole Home Repairs program so seniors can fix and stay in their homes,” Smith-Wade-El said. “We understand that having a home to call one’s own is a human right, a matter of justice. I and my colleagues will fight to make sure that every Pennsylvanian can enjoy their fundamental right to a safe and secure place in which to live.” The rally focused on the PA House budget proposal (H.B. 2324), which would increase funding for fair housing initiatives; the need for increased funding for the homelessness assistance program; a House-led proposal to increase PHARE funding to $100 million dollars; the LLC Read more


Madden Alzheimer’s bill approved by PA House Aging Committee

(Jun 12, 2024)

The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Maureen Madden, would establish an infrastructure of full-time state agency positions dedicated to supporting dementia initiatives across Pennsylvania. Read more


Benham PBM reform bill clears House Health Committee

(Jun 12, 2024)

Legislation to reel in pharmacy benefit managers advances Read more


Venkat’s legislation to ease restrictions on physician assistants voted out of committee unanimously

(Jun 12, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 12 – State Rep. Arvind Venkat’s bills that would put a flexibility component in place for physician assistants and the supervising physicians they work with were voted out of the House Professional Licensure Committee unanimously today. The legislation ( H.Bs. 2294 and 2295 ) would amend the physician licensure acts in Pennsylvania and allow physician assistants to work with either classification of physician, a Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. Current law on the books mandates that physician assistants and supervising physicians must be licensed by the same state medicine board as the supervising physician. “These bills are commonsense measures that connect more doctors and physician assistants with the patients in need of their skills and expertise,” said Venkat, D-Allegheny. “As a physician-legislator, I’m committed to supporting my peers and helping to remove barriers to the highest quality of care.” The bills now head to the full House for consideration. Read more


House passes Kinkead bill to support dairy farmers

(Jun 11, 2024)

“This bill would help a lot of small daily farms that are struggling to survive,” said Kinkead, D-Allegheny. Read more


Consumer Protection Committee approves bills to improve fee transparency, help data breach victims, boost energy & aviation fuel production

(Jun 11, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 11 – The Pennsylvania House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee voted today to send four bills to the full House for consideration, including two bills to strengthen protections for Pennsylvania consumers, a bill to boost energy production statewide, and legislation introduced by Committee Chair Rob Matzie that would encourage the development of Sustainable Aviation Fuel. Matzie was optimistic about the committee’s progress. “Today’s meeting was an important one,” Matzie said. “We moved several bills to protect consumers and other bills that would boost the state’s energy production, including my bill that would jumpstart Pennsylvania’s production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel. I’m looking forward to seeing these bills shepherded through the House.” Matzie said the Pittsburgh International Airport provides a unique opportunity to boost production of SAF – an alternative, bio-based fuel now being used by the aviation industry. “Our airport is unique because there are solar and gas wells right on the property,” Matzie said. “With the necessary resources and the ability to locate production facilities close to the airport, we have an ideal opportunity to meet a growing demand for this fuel, create jobs and reduce our carbon footprint. My bill would ensure we are positioned to take advantage Read more


Rabb introduces legislation establishing Freedom School Grant Program

(Jun 11, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 11 – State Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., recently introduced legislation ( H.B. 2405 ) that would establish the Freedom School Grant Program. The Freedom School Grant Program would provide grants to schools and other organizations to help them establish more Freedom Schools , which were created in the 1960s by the nonprofit Children’s Defense Fund to provide well-rounded educational opportunities to Black children who were not given such opportunities in Mississippi public schools, Rabb said. “These schools improve reading, language skills and interpersonal relationships; strengthen families; connect children to medical and other needed social services; and develop the skills needed to improve conditions for children and families in their communities,” Rabb said. “They are an exceptional tool for building success and equity and for bridging the gaps in educational opportunity.” Today, 24 states have faith-based organizations, schools and school districts, community-based organizations and nonprofits, colleges and universities, and juvenile detention facilities that offer Freedom Schools. However, Pennsylvania has only one Freedom School, which is why legislation is needed to expand and enrich the breadth of learning so valuable to students across the state, Rabb said. Read more


Pa. House Labor & Industry Committee hears testimony on worker misclassification

(Jun 11, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 11 – The Pennsylvania House Labor and Industry Committee held an informational meeting today to hear from industry experts on the harmful effects worker misclassification has on Pennsylvania workers. The committee heard testimony from Christopher Hallock, deputy secretary, Bureau of Safety and Labor-Management Relations, Department of Labor and Industry; Paul Prendergast, East Atlantic State Regional Council of Carpenters; Minister Rosilynn Gilliard, a driver with Spark Driver; and Julia Simon-Mishel, supervising attorney with Philadelphia Legal Assistance. “Misclassification is a significant issue affecting Pennsylvania’s workforce and economy. A misclassified worker is denied essentially all workplace protections, most of which apply only to workers who are employees,” Hallock said. “Since 2023, approximately 300 misclassified employees were injured, resulting in $450,000 in lost compensation. Already in 2024, as of May 27, there have been 6,455 misclassified workers, resulting in $100.3 million in underreported wages and $1.7 million in underreported UC tax contributions.” “In the construction industry, misclassification is unfortunately all-too-common,” Prendergast said. “This is not a union or non-union issue, a public vs. private construction issue, or even an issue solely for the victimized workers. Misclassification of workers is an Read more


Conklin introduces bill to update Pennsylvania’s recreational vehicle law

(Jun 11, 2024)

“The RV industry is different enough from the automotive industry that Pennsylvania has separate laws governing RV manufacturers and dealers,” Conklin said. “But areas of the law – particularly as it relates to warranty services – need to be updated to better protect consumers and provide clearer guidance for dealers. “My bill would accomplish that by adding provisions that ensure more efficient warranty repairs, more consistent rate-setting and prices for warranty service and stronger consumer protections from rogue dealers who host pop-up-style RV events.” Read more


Powell introduces bill requiring medical insurers to cover consultations between physicians

(Jun 11, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 11 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell, D-Allegheny, has introduced a bill that would help Pennsylvanians access the consultations and care they need, while keeping the price of this treatment low. Powell’s legislation ( H.B. 2385 ) would mandate that consultations between doctors, often done virtually, are covered under health insurances policies statewide. “The collective knowledge of more than one medical professional is often vital when our neighbors receive care. Interprofessional consultations are one tool physicians employ to effectively diagnose and treat patients,” Powell said. “This bill would help ensure that costs facing patients are reduced and would provide better peace of mind on the path to recovery. The burden of scheduling additional doctor appointments would also be removed and save patients considerable time and money.” The bill has been referred to the PA House Insurance Committee. A related bill Powell has introduced would prohibit employers in Pennsylvania from denying medical benefits to workers who are on strike. That legislation is co-sponsored by state Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny. Read more


Merski bill would ban misuse of artificial intelligence in campaigns

(Jun 11, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 11 – State Rep. Bob Merski and colleagues have introduced legislation that would prohibit the misuse of generative artificial intelligence in campaigns. Merski, D-Erie, said he and several colleagues introduced H.B. 2353 to impose needed guardrails on the use of misleading digital content that jeopardizes the integrity of the electoral process. “The freedom to go into the voting booth and choose candidates who reflect our values and beliefs is at the very heart of our democracy,” Merski said. “But the proliferation of AI-generated ‘deepfakes’ impersonating public officials and political candidates to spread disinformation threatens to undermine the whole point of free and fair elections. “We have to act now to protect the sanctity of our elections by erecting sensible guardrails for how generative AI may be used in campaigns. Fourteen other states have already recognized the threat and passed legislation. It’s time for Pennsylvania to step up and do the same.” Merski said the bill would establish the Fraudulent Misrepresentation of a Candidate Prevention Act, which would create civil liability and potential court penalties for disseminating an AI-generated impersonation of a candidate within 90 days before an election that is designed to misrepresent their words, actions or beliefs. Addressing First Amendment concerns, Merski noted that Read more


Guzman praises new significant funds to be allocated for the Reading and Governor Mifflin School districts

(Jun 10, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 10 – State Rep. Manny Guzman, D-Berks, today praised the House passage of H.B. 2370 that would ensure fairness in the way that public schools across the state are funded and help close the historical financial gaps for Reading and Governor Mifflin school districts, located within his legislative district. Guzman, who also serves as chair of the Central Pennsylvania Delegation, said that under the current proposal, Governor Mifflin School District would see an additional $19.6 million to address chronic underfunding and property tax relief over seven years, a boost of $4,670 per student, while the Reading School District would be welcoming an additional $271 million to address chronic underfunding and property tax relief over seven years, a boost of more than $15,000 per student. “This is a massive victory for the Reading and Governor Mifflin school districts and an immense satisfaction for me as legislator,” Guzman said. “This win comes as the outcome of relentless individual and collective efforts focused on addressing inequities in funding,” he added. “Not only we are providing equity to every single student in the state, but we are also reducing the taxpayer burden. This plan provides $3.7 billion in saving to taxpayers over seven years to public schools. “This bill also would make thorough adjustments to laws governing cyber charter schools The wins Read more


House passes bill to make significant changes to PA’s education funding system

(Jun 10, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 10 – Pennsylvania House Education Committee Majority Chairman, Peter Schweyer, today issued the following statement on the House passage of legislation to significantly improve the school funding system: “Today, my colleagues in the House, in a bipartisan manner, passed a monumental bill that will change the way we fund education in Pennsylvania. A fair and equal education for every Pennsylvania child has been a top priority for me since I first became a legislator, and it has been my most important goal since becoming Chairman of the House Education Committee last year. “I am a very proud parent of two students in the Allentown School District. My oldest daughter attends William Allen High School and my youngest is just wrapping up her 7 th grade year at South Mountain Middle School. I know we have some amazing teachers giving their all to educate our children in ASD, but what I also know is that we are not spending nearly as much money on those students. “Just outside of Allentown is the East Penn School District in Emmaus. That district is doing some incredible work. I had a chance to tour the high school and the students are offered classes on architecture and engineering, with state of the art tools. Nothing in this legislation would take away any of the funding for East Penn students to have these opportunities. What the bill does is ensure that students in districts like Allentown can be Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation lauds passage of equitable school funding

(Jun 10, 2024)

Today, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed legislation lauded by members of the House Philadelphia Delegation that would fundamentally change the way that school districts are funded in the state to meet the constitutional mandate of equitably funding schools. Read more


Mothers, maternal health advocates gather to support Postpartum Depression Awareness Act

(Jun 10, 2024)

Harrisburg, June 10 – A bill that would increase awareness of perinatal and postpartum depression and treatment options was a topic of discussion today as mothers and maternal health advocates rallied with members of the House on the bill’s importance and the House passed it. Introduced by state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., Gina Curry, D-Delaware, and Lisa Borowski, D- Delaware, H.B. 2127 would empower the Department of Health to create a public awareness campaign to inform Pennsylvanians about the symptoms and effects of PPD. It also would direct the department to centralize access to organizations that provide counseling for PPD on their website and on fact sheets available in doctor’s offices. “New mothers deserve to feel supported, not alone, in the time before and after a new baby arrives. Our current lack of resources for perinatal depression effectively strips new mothers of agency in understanding their mental health,” Fiedler said. “Having widely available education materials on these conditions will empower new parents to support themselves and their babies. All women and pregnant people deserve the opportunity to prioritize their health, whether that means access to miscarriage management medication, abortion, or counselling for postpartum depression.” Fiedler said that PPD is distinct from what some call “baby blues,” feelings of sadness or anxiety that only Read more


Powell’s legislation to revitalize designated neighborhoods passes House

(Jun 10, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 10 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell’s bill that would help keep individuals and families in their homes passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives today. The legislation, H.B. 1064, would update the Tax Increment Financing Act and allow TIF districts to fund affordable housing, foreclosure and rental assistance, and workforce programs with funds collected from the implementation of the act. The bill would also increase the lifespan of TIF districts from 20 to 25 years, allowing more revenue generated from these projects to ensure development is equitable and to support homeowners who may be impacted by resulting property tax increases. “These commonsense changes to the TIF Act are investments not only in the economic health and viability of neighborhoods but are investments in our neighbors who call these communities home,” said Powell, D-Allegheny. “Strengthening our community bonds and supporting residents is a bipartisan issue, and I'm glad my colleagues on both sides recognized the need for these protections.” TIF districts are communities deemed “blighted” or “distressed” and coordinated through a partnership with a city and its respective county and school districts. The legislation now moves to the Senate for consideration. Read more


Central PA Delegation to host a rally on basic education funding

(Jun 07, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 7 – Leaders of the PA House Central Pennsylvania Delegation today announced that they will host a rally on Basic Education funding at Millersville University in coordination with PA Schools Work, a nonpartisan statewide movement that advocates on behalf of public schools. The event will emphasize the need to secure a $1.1 billion increase in Basic Education funding, as projected by Gov. Josh Shapiro in his 2024-25 budget proposal. The rally, that will be led by state Reps. Ismail Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster, and Manuel Guzman, D-Berks, chairman of the Central PA Delegation, will include the participation of students, teachers, legislators, lawyers, education advocates and community leaders, among others. WHAT : Rally on Basic Education Funding WHEN : 10 a.m. Thursday, June 13 WHERE : Millersville University , Pucillo Gymnasium (Parking Lot area),125 Pucillo, Dr., Millersville, PA 17551 Read more


Mayes, Curry bill to provide maternal and newborn supply kits passes PA House

(Jun 06, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 6 – Building on their strong record of propelling initiatives aimed to assist Pennsylvania families, state Rep. La’Tasha D. Mayes, D-Allegheny, and state Rep. Gina H. Curry, D-Delaware, announced today that their legislation that would create a state program providing “Welcome Baby” kits to new moms and parents passed the Pennsylvania House. House Bill 2137 would establish a new state program to help ease the financial and emotional stress new moms and parents face by providing them with maternal and newborn supply kits and connecting them to additional support programs available at the state and county levels. “I believe that the arrival of a newborn should be a time of joy and hope, not stress and uncertainty,” said Mayes, D-Allegheny. “Our legislation would ensure that these families receive the support they need during this transformative time. “The Maternal and Newborn Supply Kit program addresses the social determinants of health like having a low income which can impact a person’s health outcomes. For new moms and parents, these kits are part an answer to combat the driving forces of maternal mortality and morbidity and a lifeline for struggling new families.” I stand firmly committed to advocating for policies that provide parents with the necessary resources to nurture their child from day one.” “Welcoming Read more


Haddock bill to protect food processing workers passes PA House

(Jun 06, 2024)

“My proposal would help workers at meat packing and food processing facilities in Pennsylvania have an active role in safety on the job and receive proper training in the language they speak,” said Haddock. Read more


House adopts Matzie’s ‘Pollinator Week’ resolution
Jun 12, 2024

Smith-Wade-El, PA House members & community leaders rally for fair housing legislation, housing budget proposals
Jun 12, 2024

Madden Alzheimer’s bill approved by PA House Aging Committee
Jun 12, 2024

Benham PBM reform bill clears House Health Committee
Jun 12, 2024

Venkat’s legislation to ease restrictions on physician assistants voted out of committee unanimously
Jun 12, 2024

House passes Kinkead bill to support dairy farmers
Jun 11, 2024

Consumer Protection Committee approves bills to improve fee transparency, help data breach victims, boost energy & aviation fuel production
Jun 11, 2024

Rabb introduces legislation establishing Freedom School Grant Program
Jun 11, 2024

Pa. House Labor & Industry Committee hears testimony on worker misclassification
Jun 11, 2024

Conklin introduces bill to update Pennsylvania’s recreational vehicle law
Jun 11, 2024

Powell introduces bill requiring medical insurers to cover consultations between physicians
Jun 11, 2024

Merski bill would ban misuse of artificial intelligence in campaigns
Jun 11, 2024

Guzman praises new significant funds to be allocated for the Reading and Governor Mifflin School districts
Jun 10, 2024

House passes bill to make significant changes to PA’s education funding system
Jun 10, 2024

Philadelphia House Delegation lauds passage of equitable school funding
Jun 10, 2024

Mothers, maternal health advocates gather to support Postpartum Depression Awareness Act
Jun 10, 2024

Powell’s legislation to revitalize designated neighborhoods passes House
Jun 10, 2024

Central PA Delegation to host a rally on basic education funding
Jun 07, 2024

Mayes, Curry bill to provide maternal and newborn supply kits passes PA House
Jun 06, 2024

Haddock bill to protect food processing workers passes PA House
Jun 06, 2024