Women’s Health Caucus Holds Third Post-Roe PA Policy Hearing in Pittsburgh

(Aug 11, 2022)

The four co-chairs of the WHC said after the hearing that expanding access to reproductive health care and supporting providers should be a legislative priority. Read more


Aerion Abney: Despite the attacks, let’s vote — mail-in voting’s still an option in Pa.

(Aug 10, 2022)

Voting by mail also gives voters an opportunity to see who or what is on their ballot and have time to do their own research on a candidate(s) or issue(s) before making a selection. Read more


Development of Hydrogen Hub offers benefits, obstacles

(Aug 10, 2022)

“I wanted to hear from numerous experts on what the development of the hydrogen hub would mean for western Pennsylvania,” state Rep. Nick Pisciottano said. “Our state has long been a leader in energy production and industry, and I wanted to gather leaders with concerns and vested interests in this project under one roof to hear about what this could mean for PA’s economy, businesses and environment.” Read more


Solomon introduces legislation for veterans and individuals with disabilities

(Aug 09, 2022)

Currently, state law does not require municipalities to reserve parking spots near their home for people with placards and registration plates that designate a disability. Solomon’s legislation would require municipalities to do so upon request from a person with a disability. Read more


Experts provide testimony on fusion, clean power potential

(Aug 09, 2022)

“I wanted to host this hearing because I wanted to be a part of a conversation with experts to learn about fusion, and – more importantly – understand how Pennsylvania industries could expand with fusion,” state Rep. Emily Kinkead said. Read more


County Election, Rail Freight, and Environmental Education Funding Opportunity For Your District

(Aug 08, 2022)

Check out the latest state programs now open for applications. Read more


First responders applaud tax exemption bill during Democratic Policy hearing

(Aug 08, 2022)

“Many fire companies rely on the brave and invaluable work of unpaid volunteers who risk their own safety to protect the health and welfare of others. Firefighting equipment can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, and firefighters often pay for this life-saving equipment out of their own pockets,” said Markosek. Read more


Howard pleased to see pipeline operator convicted of criminal charges

(Aug 08, 2022)

In response to these violations, Howard said she believes stronger punishments are needed to prevent this from happening again. Read more


Schlossberg appointed to Behavioral Health Commission for Adult Mental Health

(Aug 08, 2022)

The commission will allocate the $100 million to improve mental health services in Pennsylvania that was passed in the 2022-23 state budget. Read more


PA Women’s Health Caucus applauds defeat of anti-abortion constitutional amendment by Kansas voters

(Aug 03, 2022)

This victory in Kansas shows the power collective action has in defeating these minority-held, antifreedom policies. We hope this wakeup call will deter the Pennsylvania constitutional amendment from receiving a vote next session, and we can instead focus on legislation that would actually help our constituents like increasing the minimum wage, requiring paid family leave, and requiring insurance coverage for contraceptives. Read more


McClinton praises Supreme Court ruling on Act 77 as win for PA voters & voting access

(Aug 02, 2022)

"Looking ahead, I will continue to champion measures like the K. Leroy Irvis Voting Rights Protection Act, to further improve access and security, while restoring public faith in our election system and our local election officials.” Read more


PLBC statement on Sesame Place 

(Jul 28, 2022)

“The events viewed online and on the news about the actions of Sesame Place characters and interactions with Black children is disturbing and further evidence of the need for diverse hiring and training at all levels by employers." Read more


Anniversary of the ADA – How far we have come and how far can we go?

(Jul 27, 2022)

Take some time today to learn the stories behind the ADA, and the people who made it happen. Read more


Policy hearing continues discussion of navigating post-Roe Pennsylvania

(Jul 26, 2022)

The House and Senate Democratic Policy Committees continued a series of hearings Tuesday to further discuss the impacts of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, and what the future of reproductive healthcare looks like in Pennsylvania. Read more


Democratic lawmakers tour Chestnut Hill Hospital, talk pandemic response

(Jul 25, 2022)

The House Democratic Policy Committee toured the Chestnut Hill Hospital in Philadelphia and learned about their pandemic response during a hearing Monday afternoon. Read more


State programs now open for applications

(Jul 25, 2022)

Here are some of the latest state programs now open for applications. Read more


Conklin: Expand the accountability — keep domestic abusers out of public office

(Jul 21, 2022)

Embezzlers. Perjurers. Those engaged in bribing others. There are already laws on the books that forbid such individuals who commit these sorts of crimes from holding any public office at the state level. Yet, individuals committing acts of domestic violence are currently exempt from this restriction. Read more


Policy hearing identifies facts and fiction of post-Roe Pennsylvania

(Jul 19, 2022)

The House and Senate Policy Committees convened a hearing Tuesday morning to explore what the future of healthcare looks like in Pennsylvania after the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v. Wade. Read more


Housing, Public Health Infrastructure, and Clean Energy Funding Opportunities

(Jul 18, 2022)

Check out the latest state programs now open for applications. Read more


VIDEO: McClinton Joins CNN State of the Union to Continue Fight to Defend Reproductive Rights

(Jul 18, 2022)

Pa. House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton appears on CNN's State of the Union to discuss access to abortion and reproductive rights in Pennsylvania. Read more


Women’s Health Caucus Holds Third Post-Roe PA Policy Hearing in Pittsburgh
Aug 11, 2022

Aerion Abney: Despite the attacks, let’s vote — mail-in voting’s still an option in Pa.
Aug 10, 2022

Development of Hydrogen Hub offers benefits, obstacles
Aug 10, 2022

Solomon introduces legislation for veterans and individuals with disabilities
Aug 09, 2022

Experts provide testimony on fusion, clean power potential
Aug 09, 2022

County Election, Rail Freight, and Environmental Education Funding Opportunity For Your District
Aug 08, 2022

First responders applaud tax exemption bill during Democratic Policy hearing
Aug 08, 2022

Howard pleased to see pipeline operator convicted of criminal charges
Aug 08, 2022

Schlossberg appointed to Behavioral Health Commission for Adult Mental Health
Aug 08, 2022

PA Women’s Health Caucus applauds defeat of anti-abortion constitutional amendment by Kansas voters
Aug 03, 2022

McClinton praises Supreme Court ruling on Act 77 as win for PA voters & voting access
Aug 02, 2022

PLBC statement on Sesame Place 
Jul 28, 2022

Anniversary of the ADA – How far we have come and how far can we go?
Jul 27, 2022

Policy hearing continues discussion of navigating post-Roe Pennsylvania
Jul 26, 2022

Democratic lawmakers tour Chestnut Hill Hospital, talk pandemic response
Jul 25, 2022

State programs now open for applications
Jul 25, 2022

Conklin: Expand the accountability — keep domestic abusers out of public office
Jul 21, 2022

Policy hearing identifies facts and fiction of post-Roe Pennsylvania
Jul 19, 2022

Housing, Public Health Infrastructure, and Clean Energy Funding Opportunities
Jul 18, 2022

VIDEO: McClinton Joins CNN State of the Union to Continue Fight to Defend Reproductive Rights
Jul 18, 2022