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Historic bill to repudiate racially restricted deed covenants passes PA Senate

(Dec 14, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 14 – The Pennsylvania Senate made history Wednesday by unanimously passing state Rep. Justin Fleming’s legislation ( H.B. 1289 ) that would help rectify the legacy of biased housing practices by making it easier for property owners to repudiate discriminatory deed covenants. “The progress of racial, ethnic, and religious minority groups has been stifled by restrictive deed covenants and practices like redlining, resulting in massive inequality in wealth and home ownership rates,” Fleming said. “My legislation would help rectify this historic wrong by making it easy and affordable to repudiate discriminatory language from these documents.” A covenant stipulates what existing or future owners can and cannot do to a property. Racially discriminatory real estate covenants were struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1948 under the Shelley v. Kraemer decision, ruling that these covenants are unenforceable under the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution. In addition, the federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 prohibited deed covenants that discriminate against protected classes. Although these covenants are no longer enforceable, Fleming said this harmful and discriminatory language still exists in many property deeds. Fleming’s bill impacts all restrictive covenants for classes of individuals covered under the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act and would allow a property owner – should they Read more


Matzie: House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee hears testimony on bills to protect water and wastewater ratepayers

(Dec 14, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 14 – The PA House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee heard testimony Wednesday about legislation that would impose more stringent requirements for the acquisition of municipal water and wastewater systems and bring more transparency to that process, Majority Chairman Rob Matzie announced. Matzie, D-Beaver, and several colleagues introduced the bill package to reform Act 12 – which was enacted in 2016 to change the way water and wastewater systems are valued for acquisition – to bring greater scrutiny and openness to these transactions. “Act 12 was originally created to give public utilities incentives to acquire failing or stressed municipal systems that could no longer provide safe, reliable service to customers, Matzie said. “Unfortunately, that’s not how the act is being used. Instead, municipalities and municipal authorities are exercising the provisions to sell healthy, well-operated systems at amounts much higher than their present value. Consumers end up footing the bill for those purchases through hugely inflated rates – without any improvement to services. “Even worse, the sales often happen with little notice to taxpayers or ratepayers, so the public is left in the dark about a pending sale until it’s too late. Our bill package would add needed guiderails to the act so that it Read more


Powell attends White House meeting on states’ efforts to reduce gun violence

(Dec 14, 2023)

WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 14 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell, D-Allegheny, joined dozens of state lawmakers from across the country at the White House for a state legislative meeting on gun violence prevention. The meeting, hosted by Vice President Kamala Harris, included six key actions to help reduce gun violence at the state level: Establishing statewide offices dedicated to gun violence prevention. Investing in evidence-based solutions. Strengthening support for survivors. Implementing responsible gun ownership practices. Enhancing background checks. Establishing industry accountability and standards. “All Pennsylvanians deserve to feel safe in their communities, whether it be at home, school, work, a place of worship or at public gatherings,” Powell said. “I believe that it is the responsibility of the state legislature to protect the rights of our neighbors – the right to live without the fear and trauma of gun violence – and I am committed to commonsense policies to achieve that vision.” The Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed two bills this year that are part of The Common Agenda to End Gun Violence package. They would create extreme risk protection orders and enact universal background checks . A bill to require the reporting of lost and stolen firearms failed to pass the House, while an additional bill to require guns to be safely stored in homes has not come up for a vote. Community Read more


PA House passes Isaacson bill to enhance protection for judges and judicial officers

(Dec 14, 2023)

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives on Wednesday passed state Rep. Mary Isaacson’s legislation to enhance protection for federal judges and judicial officers. This bill would prohibit disclosing the personally identifiable information of federal judges, judicial officers and their families when there is intent to cause harm or interrupt the person from carrying out their duties. “Threats and attempted violence against impartial judges not only cause harm to them but it damages our justice system and the foundations of our democracy,” Isaacson said. “We have seen varied threats against our democratic institutions too many times in recent years and we must protect judges to ensure that they can continue to uphold their duties both impartially and independently.” With this legislation, it would also be graded as a third-degree misdemeanor. "The justice system serves as a pillar of American Democracy. Threats and acts of violence against the judiciary branch affect each and everyone of us," state Rep. Anthony Bellmon, who helped author the bill, said. “As the number of threats against the judiciary continue to rise, we must ensure judges are protected from retaliation so that they can properly serve justice in our commonwealth." The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration. Read more


Williams’ bill to help recruit more police officers heads to governor

(Dec 14, 2023)

Vacancies in the local police hurt our communities and put us all at risk. This measure will give our local police departments a tool to help solve their vacancies, but is only a piece of the puzzle as we need to do more. Read more


Powell introduces legislation to protect health care benefits for striking workers

(Dec 13, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 13 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell, D-Allegheny, has introduced a bill that would ensure Pennsylvania workers do not lose health care coverage while on strike. Powell’s legislation, H.B. 1911 , would prohibit employers in Pennsylvania from denying health care benefits to workers who are on strike and is co-sponsored by PA House Majority Whip Dan Miller, D-Allegheny. Nearly 159 million workers depend on health care coverage through their employers, according to a KFF survey from last year . As a result, employees often end up paying an annual average of more than $7,700 for single coverage and $22,000 for family coverage through COBRA during a strike’s duration. “Compelling employees to choose between job security and safeguarding their well-being and that of their families is a dire proposition,” Powell said. “My bill keeps essential health coverage in place until the employer and employees reach a mutual compromise.” “Stripping health care from workers who exercise their rights to collectively bargain places a tremendous burden on working families, especially those with children,” Miller added. “I want to thank Representative Powell for introducing this legislation, which along with other bills we have passed this year , aim to level the playing field between workers and large corporations so that workers can exercise their rights and have their voices heard.” House Bill 1911 Read more


Speed cameras will stay on Roosevelt Boulevard and be expanded to other parts of the city under Pa. bill

(Dec 13, 2023)

Authorization for a trial of the camera, which began operation on Roosevelt Blvd. in 2020, was set to expire Monday, Dec. 18. The bill also makes permanent the state’s use of automated speed enforcement in highway work zones. Read more


Cephas, Davis laud final passage of Dignity for Incarcerated Women legislation

(Dec 13, 2023)

The bill creates important protections, including restricting shackling and solitary confinement; providing trauma informed care training of corrections officers interacting with pregnant and postpartum women; and providing up to three days of post-delivery bonding time between a mother and newborn child, among other protections. As the number of pregnant or postpartum incarcerated women rise, we must ensure they have the support that they and their babies need. Read more


Pittsburgh-area public officials cheer passage of dental bills

(Dec 12, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 12 – Majority House Health Committee Chairman Dan Frankel joined colleagues to celebrate a major step forward Tuesday for legislation that would allow access to dental care for thousands of Pennsylvanians. “When you are unable to get the dental care you need, all of the outcomes get worse and worse. Lapses in dental care can make it difficult to eat or talk, and they lead to serious health conditions. Pain from lapses in dental care can make it difficult to function at all,” said Frankel, D-Allegheny. “It’s nothing less than immoral to allow this necessary care to remain out of reach.” House Bill 1585 , introduced by Frankel, would establish teledentistry in Pennsylvania and require insurance plans to cover it, and H.B. 1417 would restore dental coverage under the state Medical Assistance program after cuts in 2011 eliminated services like root canals, periodontal disease work and emergency exams. Both bills passed the House with overwhelming bipartisan support. House Bill 1417 was introduced by then-Rep. Sara Innamorato, who cheered the votes from Pittsburgh, where she is preparing to take office as the Allegheny County Executive. “Everyone deserves access to quality health care, which includes dental health care. Pennsylvanians who utilize Medical Assistance are suffering because they cannot access the oral care they need,” Innamorato said. “Moving forward, Medical Read more


PA House passes bill to restore Medicaid coverage for dental services

(Dec 12, 2023)

Bipartisan legislation would provide dental benefits to Medical Assistance recipients Read more


House passes H.R. 279 to extend emergency disaster proclamation for I-95

(Dec 12, 2023)

Today, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted to pass H.R. 279 , authored by state Rep. Anthony Bellmon, D-Phila., to further extend the emergency disaster proclamation for I-95 and allow work to rebuild the overpass that collapsed due to fire to continue. “The I-95 bridge collapse has had a major effect on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the entire northeast United States,” Bellmon said. “We must extend the governor’s emergency declaration to ensure the bridge gets the proper reconstruction it needs so that we don’t witness another catastrophe happen to it, and so travelers can be safe driving on it.” Last June, a tanker truck carrying gasoline lost control as it attempted to exit the highway. It caught fire after the crash causing the north and southbound lanes of I-95 to require reconstruction for an undetermined amount of time. Gov. Josh Shapiro declared a disaster emergency proclamation on June 12, the day after the accident. The first extension was contained in S.R. 136, introduced by state Sen Jimmy Dillion, which extended the proclamation until Nov. 1. That was followed by another extension by offered by state Rep. Pat Gallagher, H.R. 197. The disaster declaration allows the state to continue to access emergency funding and follow streamlined rules for repair work. “I am thankful for my House and Senate colleagues for making the reconstruction of I-95 a priority this legislative session.” Said Read more


Krajewski kinship bill unanimously passes PA Senate

(Dec 11, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 11 – Legislation ( H.B. 1058 ) introduced by state Rep. Rick Krajewski, D-Phila., passed the Pennsylvania Senate unanimously today and will now head to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s desk to be signed into law. “My bill would ensure that kinship care providers – like grandparents, and family friends – are fully considered during child custody proceedings,” Krajewski said. “It’s a commonsense reform that will have a major positive impact on vulnerable youth, preventing community displacement and trauma.” H.B. 1058 would make child custody proceedings more inclusive of potential kinship care providers by requiring courts to solicit and consider the opinions of those who engaged with family finding and kinship care programs. While living with kin minimizes childhood trauma and increases well-being , fewer than 42% of children receiving care in the state are placed in a kinship home. “As advocates of kinship care for youth in Pennsylvania, we believe this bill would strengthen support systems for young people in the child welfare system,” said Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children and Community Legal Services of Philadelphia in a joint letter of support for the bill. “No child should be unnecessarily placed in a county youth agency,” Krajewski said. “I appreciate Senate lawmakers coming together to Read more


Isaacson secures $317,444 in grants from Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission

(Dec 11, 2023)

State Rep. Mary Isaacson, D-Phila., secured Cultural and Historical Support grants from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission to 14 organizations in her legislative district that have committed to preserving Philadelphia’s rich and unique history. “In our history is the lessons and triumphs that carve out our identity and shape our narrative,” Isaacson said. “I’m thrilled to fight for these important museums and historical societies that help preserve our history and guide us through the future.” The organizations receiving funding are: American Philosophical Society – $33,879. Arch Street Meeting House Preservation Trust – $4,000. Christ Church Preservation – $7,632. Historic Philadelphia – $30,646. Independence Seaport Museum – $33,879. Museum of the American Revolution – $33,879. National Constitution Center – $33,879. National Liberty Museum – $32,982. Philadelphia Fire Dept. Historical Corporation – $4,000. Philadelphia Society for Preservation of Landmarks – $15,580. Science History Institute - $33,979. The Athenaeum of Philadelphia – $13,252. The Carpenters’ Company of the City and County of Philadelphia – $5,978. The Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History – $33,879. The goal of the Cultural and Historical Support Grant program is to strengthen Pennsylvania’s museum community Read more


Pennsylvania lawmakers lead introduction of bipartisan bill removing lead in Pa. schools’ drinking water

(Dec 11, 2023)

State Reps. Roni Green and Tarik Khan, both D-Phila., and other state representatives will circulate a co-sponsorship memo next week for a bipartisan House bill addressing lead contamination in drinking water in Pennsylvania schools. They are being joined by state Reps. Abby Major, R-Armstrong/Westmoreland; Jim Haddock, D-Lackawanna/Luzerne; Jason Ortitay, R-Allegheny/Washington; and Joe Hogan, R-Bucks, as prime co-sponsors of this bill. “This legislation corrects a longstanding problem within our schools across the commonwealth,” Green said. “Children have a right to be in a safe environment, have clean drinking water, and maximize their learning journey free from harm and hazardous particles. It’s unacceptable to still have children being exposed to lead while in school. Our bill ensures that all Pennsylvania children’s rights are respected and that our children can be safe from lead exposure in school.” Green pointed out that this legislation is like a bill passed last year by the Philadelphia City Council and signed into law. This legislation would require the replacement of old drinking fountains with lead-filtering water stations by 2025 and direct funding to help school districts achieve this goal. The other sponsors noted their support for the bill. “As a state representative, one of my top priorities is keeping the children in my community safe,” Haddock said. “This bill will help schools in Read more


House committee will consider legislative package to amend Act 12 requirements for sale of water & wastewater systems

(Dec 07, 2023)

The package of bills is designed to place much-needed guiderails on Act 12 of 2016, which made significant changes to the way water and wastewater systems are valued for acquisition. Read more


Warren Legislation Combating the Rising Cost of Flood Insurance Signed into Law

(Dec 05, 2023)

BUCKS COUNTY − December 4, 2023 − Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) and Representative Perry Warren (D-31) joined Governor Josh Shapiro today in Yardley Borough for the bill signing of House Bill 735, establishing a task force to address rising flood insurance premiums. “After a devastating storm this summer dropped a month’s worth of rain in a span of just two hours and flash flooding swept cars off of roads, and flooded homes, schools, and businesses in Bucks County, my Administration was on the ground immediately, providing assistance to rescue and recovery efforts, set up detours, and keep people safe,” said Governor Josh Shapiro. “Chaired by Insurance Commissioner Mike Humphreys, the task force established by HB 735 will bring together leaders from my Administration and the Legislature to closely review the needs of our communities who are at an increased risk of flooding. They’ll identify the kinds of programs that would make sure flood insurance is accessible and affordable for the Pennsylvanians who need it – and recommend the best courses of action our Commonwealth can take to help increase the number of Pennsylvanians protected by flood insurance.” “Eight years ago, I introduced what was then HB 1299 which was the precursor for HB 735, to help Pennsylvanians living in flood zones with flood insurance premiums,” said Senator Santarsiero. “Then, as now, residents in neighborhoods along the Read more


Fleming presents $100K check to Central PA Food Bank to Support Its Mission

(Nov 28, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 28 – State Rep. Justin Fleming today presented a $100,000 check from the PA Department of Human Services to Joe Arthur, CEO of the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, to support its efforts to eliminate food insecurity in the region. “Despite the fact we live in the richest country in the world, thousands of Pennsylvanians don’t know where or when their next meal is coming from,” Fleming said. “This state grant money will support the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank in its life-supporting mission ensuring everyone in our region has access to the food needed to lead a healthy, productive life. With the expiration of pandemic funding, our charitable organizations like the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank will be struggling to meet demand for the basic necessities of life like food. I strongly encourage residents to donate their time and money this holiday season so that their neighbors and their families don’t go hungry this winter.” Central Pennsylvania Food Bank CEO Joe Arthur thanked Fleming for the check, saying, “There is a huge demand for food from the charitable network right now, with many of our agency partners now serving more neighbors than they were at the height of the pandemic.” Arthur added, “Rep. Fleming’s strong leadership and this additional support from DHS helps us to advance our mission and continue to provide healthy meals for our neighbors in needs in Read more


Fiedler, Hanbidge celebrate signing of Pelvic Exam Consent bill

(Nov 27, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 27 – Today, state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler , D-Phila., and Liz Hanbidge , D-Montgomery, joined Gov. Josh Shapiro for the ceremonial signing of H.B. 507 , which requires medical facilities in Pennsylvania to obtain consent before performing pelvic, prostate or rectal exams on anesthetized patients. The bill was officially signed into law on Nov. 21 by Shapiro as Act 31 of 2023. "Patients in Pennsylvania will finally have the right to make decisions about exams performed on their bodies while under anesthesia. This legislation ensures informed consent for invasive pelvic and rectal exams, at last giving patients the decision-making power that we all deserve about our own bodies,” Fiedler said. “I’m grateful to my colleague, Representative Hanbidge, for her work on this bill, and I thank Governor Shapiro for signing it into law.” “Performing a pelvic, rectal or prostate exam unknowingly on an anesthetized patient isn’t only invasive, but it’s also a breach of trust. Our legislation abolishes this archaic practice, thereby strengthening the trust that Pennsylvanians have in medical professionals, protecting bodily autonomy and highlighting the importance of consent,” Hanbidge said. “Patients expecting to go under anesthesia should never have to worry about being objectified for ‘learning purposes,’ and now thanks to my co-sponsor Representative Fiedler, Read more


Ciresi announces $147,500 in state tax credits for Pottstown revitalization

(Nov 22, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 22 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, announced today that the state had approved $147,500 in Neighborhood Assistance Program tax credits to assist Genesis Housing Corp. in its investment in revitalizing blighted properties in Pottstown. “These state tax credits will help continue the important work of Genesis Housing Corp. in fighting blight and maintaining affordable housing in Pottstown,” Ciresi said. “This work will keep at-risk homeowners in safe and decent housing while revitalizing the communities around them. At a time when affordable housing is increasingly hard to find, this investment is important and will make meaningful impacts in people’s lives. I thank DCED, Genesis Housing Corp., and their business partners for making this investment in Pottstown.” The investment will assist Genesis Housing Corporation’s rehabilitation projects in Pottstown: $80,000 will be used to address neighborhood revitalization through mostly smaller scale improvement projects, housing rehab and facade grants. This money will support exterior renovations, housing counseling services, improved community access to gardens, and support for community improvement programs. $67,500 will be used to continue the Pottstown Homeowner Property Rehab Program to provide rehab grants for at-risk populations. This program will provide eligible low-income homeowners with grants and technical assistance for critical home repairs, Read more


Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus announces the addition of new members to the group

(Nov 21, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 21 – The Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus announced today the addition of three new members. Chairman Danilo Burgos explained that the new members, Reps. Lindsay Powell, D-Allegheny, and Heather Boyd and Carol Kazeem, both D-Delaware, will bring a wealth of experience, passion and dedication to the Latino Caucus. “Their diverse backgrounds and perspectives will contribute significantly to our ongoing efforts to advocate for the interests and well-being of Pennsylvania's Latino community,” Burgos said. "Their commitment to fostering inclusivity and addressing the unique challenges faced by the Latino community will undoubtedly enhance the impact of our collective advocacy. We are building a more inclusive and equitable future for all Pennsylvanians," he added. Kazeem said that the only way to address issues relevant to the Latino population is to through a collective effort. “I believe the Latino Caucus understands the challenges and concerns of the community and is continually igniting changes,” Kazeem said. “I am glad to be part of this great force and I am looking forward to engaging in advocacy of policies that would ensure the progress of all Latinos in the commonwealth.” Boyd expressed similar sentiments and highlighted her excitement on becoming an active member of the PA Latino Caucus. “It is an honor to join the Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Read more


Historic bill to repudiate racially restricted deed covenants passes PA Senate
Dec 14, 2023

Matzie: House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee hears testimony on bills to protect water and wastewater ratepayers
Dec 14, 2023

Powell attends White House meeting on states’ efforts to reduce gun violence
Dec 14, 2023

PA House passes Isaacson bill to enhance protection for judges and judicial officers
Dec 14, 2023

Williams’ bill to help recruit more police officers heads to governor
Dec 14, 2023

Powell introduces legislation to protect health care benefits for striking workers
Dec 13, 2023

Speed cameras will stay on Roosevelt Boulevard and be expanded to other parts of the city under Pa. bill
Dec 13, 2023

Cephas, Davis laud final passage of Dignity for Incarcerated Women legislation
Dec 13, 2023

Pittsburgh-area public officials cheer passage of dental bills
Dec 12, 2023

PA House passes bill to restore Medicaid coverage for dental services
Dec 12, 2023

House passes H.R. 279 to extend emergency disaster proclamation for I-95
Dec 12, 2023

Krajewski kinship bill unanimously passes PA Senate
Dec 11, 2023

Isaacson secures $317,444 in grants from Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission
Dec 11, 2023

Pennsylvania lawmakers lead introduction of bipartisan bill removing lead in Pa. schools’ drinking water
Dec 11, 2023

House committee will consider legislative package to amend Act 12 requirements for sale of water & wastewater systems
Dec 07, 2023

Warren Legislation Combating the Rising Cost of Flood Insurance Signed into Law
Dec 05, 2023

Fleming presents $100K check to Central PA Food Bank to Support Its Mission
Nov 28, 2023

Fiedler, Hanbidge celebrate signing of Pelvic Exam Consent bill
Nov 27, 2023

Ciresi announces $147,500 in state tax credits for Pottstown revitalization
Nov 22, 2023

Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus announces the addition of new members to the group
Nov 21, 2023