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Merski kicking off back-to-school supply drive

Personal care products, socks also needed

ERIE, Aug. 18 – State Rep. Bob Merski is kicking off his annual back-to-school supply drive Friday, Aug. 19, and the list this year includes some new items.

Merski, D-Erie, said donations are especially important now, as more families are struggling with rising prices, and that personal care products and socks have been added to the list of requested items.

“School-supply shopping can take a big bite out of a family’s budget, and that’s especially true this year, with prices on the rise,” Merski said. “We partnered with schools in the Erie City, Harbor Creek, Fort LeBoeuf, Iroquois and Wattsburg Area school districts to find out what items are most needed. In addition to traditional supplies, schools are requesting personal care items, such as deodorant, toothbrushes and tooth paste, as well as socks.

“Folks in our community have always responded generously to these drives, and I’m encouraging residents who can afford it to considering donating again this year. It can make a big difference to a family in need.”

Merski said the following new items are especially helpful:

  • Markers, including highlighters, color markers, dry-erase markers and permanent markers.
  • Pencils, erasers (pencil top and large pink erasers), colored pencils, pencil boxes and pens.
  • Crayons, student scissors and sticky notes.
  • Backpacks, three-ring binders, folders and lined paper.
  • Tissues and hand sanitizer (large, classroom-size bottle).
  • Personal care items such as deodorant, tooth paste, toothbrushes and hair ties.
  • Socks.

In addition, new shirts in solid colors with collars, youth sizes S – XL, are appreciated for students who attend schools requiring uniforms.

Items may be brought to Merski’s 3901 Liberty St. office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.; to Eastside YMCA, at 2101 Nagle Road; to Glenwood Park YMCA, at 3727 Cherry St.; or to any Erie Federal Credit Union office.

The drive runs through Sept. 19. Anyone with questions should call Merski’s district office at 814-455-6319.