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Now open for applications: Substance use disorder, violence prevention, and suicide prevention funding opportunities


Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Loan Repayment Program (LRP)  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

Who May Apply: Eligible practitioners with the capacity to provide SUD treatment or SCA-funded case management services at approved practice site(s) and can demonstrate a minimum of two prior years of experience in the SUD field as well as a service commitment of two additional years.

Use: To support the supply, distribution and retention of individuals delivering SUD treatment and SCA funded case management services.

Funds: Varies by award.

Application DeadlineMay 26, 2022

More Information: Click on

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Enhancing Services to Culturally Specific Populations Program  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

Who May Apply: A nonprofit organization for which the primary purpose of the organization as a whole is to provide culturally specific services to one or more of the following racial and ethnic communities: 1) American Indians (including Alaska Natives, Eskimos, and Aleuts); 2) Asian Americans; 3) Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders; 4) Blacks; and 5) Hispanics.

Use: To establish, expand, or maintain culturally relevant core services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking who are from culturally specific communities.

Funds: Up to three years of funding, with projects not to exceed a total of $375,000.

Application DeadlineJune 20, 2022

More Information: Click on


U.S. Department of Justice: FY 2022 Improving Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Outcomes for Adults in Reentry  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

Who May Apply: City or township governments, County governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments), Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education, Public and State controlled institutions of higher education, Special district governments, and State governments.

Use: To establish, expand, and improve treatment and recovery support services for people with substance use disorders during their incarceration and upon reentry into the community.

Funds: Varies by award.

Application DeadlineJune 1, 2022

More Information: Click on

U.S. Department of Justice: FY 2022 Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Site-based Program  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

Who May Apply: Category 1: Local or Tribal Applications: City or township governments, County governments, City, township, or county governments in rural areas (as defined in solicitation), and Native American tribal governments (federally recognized); Category 2: State Applications: State governments.

Use: To develop, implement, or expand comprehensive programs in response to the overdose crisis and impacts of illicit opioids, stimulants, or other substances.

Funds: Varies by award.

Application DeadlineJune 13, 2022

More Information: Click on

U.S. Centers for Disease Control: Expansion of Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Across the U.S.  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

Who May Apply: Any incorporated organization or government entity.

Use: To support the implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive public health approach to suicide prevention in the U.S.

Funds: Awards between $600,000 and $1,000,000.

Application DeadlineJune 6, 2022

More Information: Click on


DCNR Volunteer Fire Assistance Program: May 12, 2022  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Local firefighting entities in rural areas or communities with fewer than 10,000 residents. - To support training and equipment purchases directly related to fighting brush and forest fires.

PA Environmental Council 2022 Water Trail Mini Grants: May 27, 2022  (Funding Source: Community Conservation Partnership Program Funding)

  • Non-profit organizations and public entities (such as a county, municipality, or municipal agency). - To advance program goals such as creating recreational opportunities for all Pennsylvanians on Water Trails; developing trails that support sustainable use of natural resources; increasing and improving physical and psychological access to Water Trails; and connecting water trails to land trails or to other culturally significant community assets.

CFA Act 13 Grant Programs: May 31, 2022  (Funding Source: Marcellus Legacy Fund)

  • Counties, municipalities and commonwealth agencies. - To support initiatives that will include abandoned mine drainage abatement; abandoned well plugging; sewage treatment; greenways, trails and recreation; baseline water quality data; watershed restoration; and flood control.

DEP Growing Greener Plus Grants: June 24, 2022  (Funding Source: Environmental Stewardship Fund)

  • Counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, county conservation districts, watershed organizations, councils of government, educational institutions, and other authorized watershed organizations. - To support watershed restoration and protection, abandoned mine reclamation, and abandoned oil and gas well plugging projects.

DEP Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Grants: June 24, 2022  (Funding Source: Federal Funding – US EPA)

  • Counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, county conservation districts, watershed organizations, councils of government, educational institutions, and other authorized watershed organizations. - To improve and protect Pennsylvania’s waters from nonpoint source pollution associated with AMD, energy resource extraction, agricultural activities, stormwater runoff, streambank, and shoreline degradation, along with verifying and demonstrating efficacy with enhanced data collection and distribution.

DEP Agriculture Energy Efficiency Rebate Program: June 30, 2022  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)       

  • Pennsylvania agricultural producers. - Rebates for LED lighting (interior or exterior), variable frequency drives for milk vacuum pumps, and variable frequency drives for ventilation fans.

DDAP/DCED Pennsylvania’s Recovery Housing Program: Until funds are expended.  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Any entity registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State which is able to provide recovery housing for individuals recovering from substance use disorder (SUD). - To provide safe housing for individuals in recovery from a substance use disorder (SUD).

Agriculture Farm Vitality Planning Grants: Until funds are expended.  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • Farmers and prospective farmers. - Organic transition planning assistance, as well as professional services to assist with business planning, efficient transitions of farm ownership, strategic farm expansion, product diversification, and financial and technical expertise in order to enhance the long-term vitality of PA farms.

DEP Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates: Until funds are expended.  (Funding Source: Alternative Fuels Incentive Grants Fund)

  • Pennsylvania residents who purchase/lease a new or used alternative fuel vehicle with a purchase price of $50,000 or less.  Businesses are not eligible. - To defray costs of purchasing a battery electric vehicle (BEV), hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (HFCV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, electric motorcycle, natural gas vehicle, or propane vehicle.

DEP Small Business Advantage Grant Program: Until funds are expended.  (Funding Source: Recycling Fund & Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund)

  • Registered Pennsylvania for-profit businesses with 100 or fewer full-time equivalent employees and which are taxed as a for-profit business. - To purchase energy efficient or pollution prevention equipment or adopt waste reduction processes.

DHS Indoor Air Management Strategies for Long Term Care: Until funds are expended.  (Funding Source: American Rescue Plan Act Funds)

  • Long term care nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and personal care homes. - Indoor air management strategies in long-term care facilities aimed at reducing the risk of transmission of and occupant exposure to COVID-19.

Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Statewide Creative Catalyst Grants: Until funds are expended.  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • Nonprofit, tax-exempt corporations, a unit of government; college or university; school district or non-arts nonprofit providing arts programming and/or arts services in Pennsylvania. - To strengthen Pennsylvania communities through the arts, connect and increase Pennsylvanians’ access to lifelong learning through the arts, and to champion public awareness and appreciation of the arts in Pennsylvania communities.

Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Creative Entrepreneur Accelerator Program: Until funds are expended.  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • Creative entrepreneurs must operate in the creative industry, be at least 18 years old, a current resident of PA for one year, and (if applicable) manage a business with gross revenue of less than $200,000. - To pair access to existing small business consulting services with financial resources for creative entrepreneurs who aspire to start their own for-profit business or who operate an existing for-profit micro business.

Pennsylvania Office of the State Fire Commissioner Fire and Emergency Medical Services Loan Program: No Deadline Provided  (Funding Source: Fire and Emergency Medical Services Loan Fund)

  • Fire and emergency medical services companies. - To support the acquisition, rehabilitation, or improvement of apparatuses, facilities, and equipment.

DHS Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP): No Deadline Provided  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Households that are in emergency situations maintain essential water access. Crisis situations include: past-due water bills; termination of water service; or, threat of termination of water service in the next 60 days. - To help families who have overdue water bills or at risk of losing water service for their home.

PA Governor’s Office/United Way of PA Local Innovations in Vaccine Equity in Pennsylvania project (LIVE PA): No Deadline Provided  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Any faith-based and non-profit organizations with a goal of administering COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as COVID-19 education and outreach. - To host and promote vaccination events. Additional vaccines may also be requested.

PEMA Public Assistance Program: No Deadline Provided  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • State agencies, local government organizations, and certain private nonprofit organizations that incurred costs or damages as a direct result of a federally declared disaster. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania serves as the direct liaison between the federal government and all applicants requesting federal disaster assistance. - To provide cost reimbursement aid for incurred costs or damages as a direct result of a federally declared disaster.

DHS American Rescue Plan Act Funding for Long-Term Care Providers: No Deadline Provided  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Nursing facilities, personal care homes, and assisted living residences in DHS’ Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) system. - For COVID-19-related costs.

PHFA Homeowners Assistance Fund: No Deadline Provided  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Owner-occupied homeowners who experienced a financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic after January 21, 2020. - To assist Pennsylvania homeowners facing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.