Matzie issues statement on news Beaver Valley Power Station will remain open

(Mar 13, 2020)

AMBRIDGE, March 13 – State Rep. Rob Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, issued the following statement today in response to news that Energy Harbor Corp. is rescinding deactivation notices for the Beaver Valley Power Station – a move that will allow the plant to continue operating. “Obviously, this is great news,” Matzie said. “I’ve been at the forefront of the effort to keep Beaver Valley open, and I couldn’t be happier for the employees. “In addition to fighting for Beaver Valley, I’ve worked closely with my colleagues to find solutions to the challenges facing our commonwealth’s largest clean energy source. As the co-chair of the Nuclear Caucus and Democratic chair of the House Consumer Affairs Committee, it’s fantastic to see those efforts bear fruit. “But, to be clear, this isn’t a win for me – it’s a win for Beaver County and the workers and communities that I represent.” Read more


Matzie announces offices closed to the public

(Mar 13, 2020)

AMBRIDGE, March 13 – State Rep. Rob Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, has announced that his Ambridge district office, located at 1240 Merchant St., and his satellite office in Aliquippa, located at the Franklin Center of Beaver County, 524 Franklin Ave., will close to the public temporarily as a safety measure as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response effort. “Although closing our offices to the public during business hours is something we never like to do, we’re taking this step in the interest of public safety,” Matzie said. “We’ve chosen to do so in an abundance of caution to minimize the risk of exposure to residents and to follow recommendations by the governor and state health authorities.” Matzie added that the staff will remain available by calling (724) 266-7774 or emailing . Read more


Matzie and Neilson urge telecom companies to suspend data caps, fees for overages during pandemic response

(Mar 13, 2020)

AMBRIDGE, March 13 – Responding to the need for broadband internet access as Pennsylvania schools transition to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, state Reps. Rob Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, and Ed Neilson, D-Philadelphia, are calling on internet providers statewide to temporarily remove data caps on home broadband internet and wireless internet service. In a letter to telecom providers throughout the state , the lawmakers are urging the companies to suspend data caps and overage fees, citing the need to minimize the pandemic’s impact on students and their families. “As lawmakers, our No. 1 priority is always the safety and health of residents,” Matzie said. “But in challenging times, when circumstances force prolonged changes to our daily routine, it’s also important to ensure that residents continue receiving the benefit of essential services. That’s especially true when it comes to services like education. “With internet learning becoming a reality as we take measures to ensure safety during the pandemic, it’s essential that all families – regardless of household budget – have uninterrupted access to internet, without having to worry about the cost of overages. Continuing access to education should never depend on a family’s ability to afford an internet bill.” Neilson agreed, noting, “We are urging Pennsylvanians to do what is in the Read more


Matzie: Nearly $600,000 to expand apprentice opportunities for area workers

(Mar 12, 2020)

AMBRIDGE, March 12 – Two grants totaling $590,375 from the Department of Labor and Industry will expand apprenticeships for area workers and help ensure those opportunities are available for diverse and disadvantaged communities, state Rep. Rob Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, announced today. The funding is part of the PAsmart Registered Apprenticeship Grants, which are designed to increase opportunities for workers to earn a paycheck while learning through on-the-job training. “Internships provide the best of both worlds: classroom learning for basic concepts and procedures, combined with workplace-based experience that provides hands-on training,” Matzie said. “Our area workforce development boards have been making a concerted effort to broaden these valuable ‘learn while you earn’ opportunities and ensure they are available to a diverse range of workers. A focus on building diversity ensures that job seekers from all socioeconomic backgrounds have the same opportunities and strengthens Pennsylvania’s workforce.” Matzie said the grants include the following: $400,000 to the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board to strengthen apprenticeship opportunities and build diversity within the construction and building trades. $190,375 to Catalyst Connection, which serves Beaver, Allegheny and other counties, to add 15 apprentices to the industrial manufacturing technician Read more


Matzie: More than $103,000 awarded to fund paid internships for area students, young adults

(Mar 05, 2020)

AMBRIDGE, March 5 – A $103,040 grant from the Department of Labor and Industry will expand summer internship opportunities for area students and young job seekers, state Rep. Rob Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, announced today. The funding to the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board, awarded under the State/Local Internship Program, will provide area summer internships paying a minimum of $10.35 an hour for students and young adults between 16 and 24. “Internships are some of the most valuable training tools available because they introduce students and young adults to the modern workplace in a way that provides real-world, hands-on experience,” Matzie said. “And the benefits run both ways because internships also help strengthen the available pool of talented job applicants for area employers.” The funding is part of a $4.7 million package of grants to 21 Local Workforce Development Boards statewide to create nearly 1,500 summer internships. The SLIP program is fully funded through federal money available under the Workplace Innovation and Opportunity Act. More information about the grants is available through the Department of Labor and Industry’s website at . EDITORS/ASSIGNMENT DESKS: An audio clip of Rep. Matzie discussing the grant is available here , and a photo of Matzie is available here . Read more


Matzie: $4,000 state grant will boost area historic preservation efforts

(Mar 04, 2020)

AMBRIDGE, March 4 – A $4,000 state grant to the Beaver County Historical Research and Landmarks Foundation will help an important area group continue working to preserve Beaver County’s past, state Rep. Rob Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, announced today. Matzie, who serves on the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, said the commission’s grant will provide critical operating resources for the foundation. “Groups like the Beaver County Historical Research and Landmarks Foundation play a key role in safeguarding the documents, artifacts and historical buildings that inspire us and remind us of the ingenuity and talent of past generations,” Matzie said. “But the foundation does so much more. Through displays and community events, they also chronicle our past in a way that explains how our area’s unique history unfolded and evolved. “Securing this funding ensures that the foundation can continue keeping history alive for residents and future generations.” Matzie noted that the grants are part of a package awarded to applicants under the Cultural and Historical Support Grant Program, which is administered by PHMC. The grant program is designed to provide general operating support to Pennsylvania museums and county historical societies that are not directly supported by other state agency operating support programs. In January, the House unanimously passed Read more


Matzie: More than $1.3 million to fund safety resources for area schools

(Feb 26, 2020)

ALIQUIPPA, Feb. 26 -- Area schools will benefit from more than $1.3 million in state grants to fund safety equipment, programs, and other security-related resources, state Rep. Rob Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, announced today. Matzie said the grants – administered by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency – will fund a wide array of resources for multiple school districts in Allegheny and Beaver counties. “Ensuring safe schools is an issue that demands constant vigilance, as safety needs change from year to year,” Matzie said. “Our schools do an excellent job of assessing those needs, which often involve a mix of people-based resources, programs and equipment. Securing this funding is going to give our school districts broad access to these resources so they can provide the safest possible environment.” Matzie said the funding under the School Safety and Security Grant Program includes the following grants: Allegheny County $414,550 to the Education Center at the Watson Institute for security assessments, classroom management, security planning, purchase of security equipment and visitor security systems. $236,450 to Quaker Valley School District for security planning and the purchase of security equipment and staff training programs. Beaver County $140,454 to Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit for security planning, funding of Read more


Rep. Matzie's Winter 2020 Newsletter

(Feb 20, 2020)

Read Rep. Matzie's Winter 2020 Newsletter. Read more


Local Priest Leads House Prayer

(Feb 04, 2020)

On Tuesday, February 4, 2020 Father Jay Donahue led the House of Representatives in the Opening Prayer. Read more


Matzie calls budget ‘starting point,’ supports focus on education, healthy schools, workforce development

(Feb 04, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 4 – State Rep. Robert Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, released the following statement regarding Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s proposed 2020-21 budget address today. “The governor’s budget proposal is just the starting point. At first glance, there are several areas that I can fully support. More money for schools, a focus on cleaning up lead and asbestos, protecting drinking water and creating more opportunities for workers are priorities that I share and would benefit western Pennsylvania greatly. “Most importantly, it holds the line on taxes. “As always, I’ll work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and ultimately support what best serves Beaver County and the residents of my district.” Read more


House unanimously adopts Matzie resolution on rheumatoid arthritis

(Feb 03, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 3 – The House today unanimously adopted a resolution to increase public awareness about the dangers of rheumatoid arthritis, according to its sponsor, state Rep. Rob Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny. Matzie said he introduced H.R. 655 – designating Feb. 2, 2020, as “Rheumatoid Awareness Day” in Pennsylvania – to shed light on RA’s potentially devastating impacts, which can include damage to joint and organ tissue, heart disease and a reduced lifespan. “Well over a million Americans – including my own father – are currently living with RA,” Matzie said. “In addition to joint pain, fevers and stiffness, this progressive, inflammatory disease can wreak havoc on the body’s immune system and lead to problems with the eyes, heart, lungs, blood, nerves and other body organs and systems. “Although the disease can be hard to diagnose because its symptoms mimic those of other diseases, early detection is critical because starting a patient on medication during an early ‘window of opportunity’ can lessen the disease’s adverse effects and even bring remission in some cases. That’s especially important because RA can affect a patient’s heart.” Matzie said that each year, Rheumatoid Awareness Day is planned to coincide with the start of American Heart Month to emphasize the disorder’s connection to heart Read more


Pa. Treasury could be holding your unclaimed property

(Jan 01, 2016)

Each year, the Pennsylvania Treasury receives millions of dollars of unclaimed property. It is estimated that roughly one in 10 Pennsylvanians has unclaimed property. Read more