Malagari presents $479,000 check to Souderton Area SD

LANSDALE, June 10 – State Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, presented Souderton Area School District with a check for $479,398, which will be used for safety, security and mental health support improvements.

"Kids should feel safe at school so they can concentrate on learning,” Malagari said. “This new funding will ensure Souderton Area School District has the security resources needed to keep students and staff safe, along with the necessary support for students facing mental health issues. Given today's realities, I'm always ready to vote yes to fund these essential programs."

The grant will enhance physical security by updating camera systems, hiring a fourth police officer, and funding a team of dedicated mental health staffers.

“The administration is honored to be able to receive this funding to be able to keep our children safe and support their mental health,” Superintendent Dr. Frank Gallagher said. “We appreciate the support of local legislators in helping to get this grant.”

Funds will advance the School Safety and Security Committee’s goal of ensuring that all Pennsylvania students can learn in safe, healthy school environments by helping school entities address basic safety needs and mental health services identified in the committee’s recently adopted Revised Baseline Criteria Standards.

Photos of the event are available here.
