Mayes: ‘Means the world to me’ to lead Pittsburgh Pride March and Parade

PITTSBURGH, June 3 – State Rep. La'Tasha D. Mayes, D-Allegheny, issued the following statement about serving as grand marshal of the Pittsburgh Pride March and Parade 2023 today:

“I am honored to serve as grand marshal of Pittsburgh Pride March and Parade 2023. As the first out lesbian ever to serve in the Pennsylvania General Assembly and a long-time local and national LGBTQ+ rights activist, it means the world to me to lead this march and parade on the 50th Anniversary of the first Pride in the United States.

“I never forget all the people in our history and in this community – especially Black and Brown LGBTQ+ folx and specifically Black and Brown trans women of color – who sacrificed their comfort, safety and livelihood so that we can celebrate Pride that is also rooted in a long, rich history of resistance that precedes the Stonewall Riots.

“For decades, LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians have wanted simply to be treated fairly, and I could not have been prouder to continue my years of policy and advocacy work when I voted ‘yes’ on the Fairness Act, House Bill 300. I believe Pennsylvania is better when it is fairer, when it is more just, and when it is inclusive and expansive. When that happens, we are a stronger, more united commonwealth.”

Currently in the state Senate, the Fairness Act would prohibit discrimination in Pennsylvania based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

Photos of Mayes from the parade are available here: