Kim applauds passage of contraceptive access proposal

Proposed law would expand health insurance coverage of contraceptives

HARRISBURG, June 25 – Pennsylvanians could see increased access to contraceptive care under a proposal that passed the state House today.

House Bill 1140, introduced by state Rep. Leanne Krueger, D-Delaware, would require health insurance policies to cover all forms of contraceptive care without any out-of-pocket costs to consumers.

“Nine out of 10 women of reproductive age have used some form of contraception at some point in their lives, but many contraceptives are still difficult to access,” House Insurance Committee Chair Patty Kim said. “I’m proud to vote to protect access to contraceptives so that women in Pennsylvania can choose the right time to start a family.

“No one right method of contraceptive care is right for everyone, and this bill keeps women in control of their own sexual and reproductive health.”

Contraceptives are used to prevent unintended pregnancies and to treat a wide variety of medical conditions, including very serious ones. Despite these benefits, no Pennsylvania law requires health insurers to cover contraceptive care.

House Bill 1140 now heads to the Senate for consideration.