Kim announces more than $1 million in grants for outdoor projects in Dauphin County

HARRISBURG, Sept. 7 – Dauphin County parks, greenspaces, and other natural attractions will receive a boost of more than $2 million in state funding, state Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, announced today.

“These investments make great strides in creating recreational opportunities, conserving natural resources, and revitalizing local communities,” said Kim. “A large focus of these investments is on revitalizing community spaces to make them more accessible, including improvements for ADA access and modernized walkways so that everyone can enjoy the natural beauty of Dauphin County.”

The funding was approved by the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and will be used to rehabilitate and expand parks, greenways, and other natural attractions. Many of these projects will see improvements to trails, pedestrian walkways, parking areas, stormwater management measures, and playground equipment with required safety surfacing.

The projects approved include: 

  • $687,000 to Harrisburg City for the rehabilitation of Paxtang Parkway Trail and 2,400 feet of Parkway Creek. This includes the rehabilitation of 1.3 miles of trail from Market Street to Derry Street, stream restoration, streambank stabilization, and riparian forest buffer.
  • $275,000 to Harrisburg City for the rehabilitation and further development of Reservoir Park.
  • $75,000 to Paxtang Borough for the rehabilitation and further development of Saussaman Park.
  • $155,900 to the townships of South Hanover, Susquehanna, Londonderry, and the City of Harrisburg to prepare Comprehensive Recreation, Park, and Open Space Plans, including electronic written reports.

More information on these projects is available here: