Kim introduces bill to form County Jail Oversight Board in Second- and Third-Class Counties

HARRISBURG, July 31 – State Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, is inviting all to attend a news conference Monday where she plans to formally announce her County Jail Oversight Board Reform in Second- and Third-Class Counties legislation.

“County jail oversight boards are an important part of ensuring that our prison population is taken care of and moving towards rehabilitation and away from unnecessary punishment,” Kim said. “Our current laws lack the transparency and accountability needed to have a truly successful oversight board. We need more civil servant driven, citizen board members to be given a chance rather than county officials, or individuals that hold public office. Let’s put the community back in the hands of the people who live there.”

The news conference takes place at 2:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 3 in front of Kim’s district office located at 46 Kline Village, 25th and Market St., Harrisburg.

Speakers include:

  • Brandon Flood, president of Bro2Go, Inc.
  • John Hargreaves, volunteer director of PA Prison Society.
  • ACLU representative.

Kim continued, “the objective here is simple, transparent and independent oversight of our county jails in both second- and third-class counties.”

More information is available by contacting Kim’s district office at 717-772-3570.
