Rep. Kevin Boyle's Biography
State Rep. Kevin Boyle has been a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives since 2010.
He grew up in a row home in the Olney section of Philadelphia, where he was raised by working-class parents. He graduated from Cardinal Dougherty High School in 1998 and graduated with honors from LaSalle University in 2002, where he received his B.A. in Political Science.
While at Harvard University where he earned his master's degree in Education, Boyle researched urban education issues, school funding streams, and strategies to expand access to higher education. Much of his research was included in the "Reach Scholarship" bill that his brother, Rep. Brendan Boyle, and then-Rep. Tony Payton introduced in the House in 2009. The goal of the legislation is to provide all Pennsylvania students who demonstrate academic excellence with the opportunity to attend college for free.
Boyle worked as an advocate for the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, the nation's second-largest association for family service organizations in Washington, D.C. His responsibilities included policy analysis, meeting members of Congress regarding legislation, and organizing member agencies into action on their issues.
Before being elected state representative, Boyle served as Philadelphia Councilman Bill Greenlee's legislative director for three years and helped write some of the city's most impactful new laws. He also worked directly with Councilman Bill Greenlee on the ban prohibiting driving while operating a hand-held cell phone or other electronic devices. It was also his idea to have council pass a law that prevents businesses from firing documented victims of domestic abuse and to provide them with a four- to eight-week period of unpaid leave.
Boyle continues to fight for the safety and wellbeing of all Pennsylvanians. He has introduced legislation limiting the size of firearm magazines one may carry or sell, as well as for background checks for those who sell firearms. He is the prime sponsor on legislation that would expand the state’s Hate Crimes Law, so that it would include protections for the LGBTQ community. Most recently, Boyle’s legislation to give emergency vehicle designation to Philadelphia Prison System Transport Units, which would improve the safety of Philadelphians, was signed into law by the governor.
Boyle is active in local civic organizations in Northeast Philadelphia.
His legislative interests include education, equality and economic development.