Ciresi praises $17,000 special education workforce grant awarded to Pottstown School District

HARRISBURG, July 22 – Pottstown School District was awarded a $17,200 workforce grant from the PA Department of Education to develop a new generation of special education teachers, state Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, announced today.

“Kids in special education classes need teachers who are specially trained to understand their unique needs and provide the necessary support so they can flourish intellectually, socially and emotionally in school,” Ciresi said. “Especially important in light of a statewide teacher shortage, this money will create new learning opportunities for Pottstown School District students. By raising awareness of career paths and job opportunities in special education, this will help recruit the teachers needed to provide a top-notch education for all students.”

The Developing Future Special Educator grants will help local education agencies design and implement student-focused experiential learning opportunities for supporting students with disabilities and learning about career opportunities in the field of special education. The program builds on the department’s efforts to develop a teacher pipeline and retention program to guarantee that learners of all abilities across the state are guaranteed access to a top-notch education for years to come.