Smith-Wade-El’s legislation to help cut government red tape poised to be signed into law

HARRISBURG, July 3 –State Rep. Ismail Smith-Wade-El’s legislation (H.B. 1477) that will allow for the electronic submission of municipal plans and ordinances passed the state Senate Monday and is now on its way to the governor’s desk.

The legislation will amend the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code to enable municipalities to make certain transmittals and submissions -- including proposed comprehensive plans/land use ordinances and amendments to such -- through electronic means.

“This bill will codify what is already current practice -- emailing plans and land ordinances -- in order to eliminate the confusion about whether such transmissions are permissible,” said Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster. “Planners and consultants within the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development requested this clarification be put into law. This bill will help cut government red tape and streamline processes in DCED and other government agencies.”

This bill was first introduced as H.B. 1592 in the 2021-22 session.

Inquiries about the legislation can be directed to Smith-Wade-El’s office at 717-283-4218.