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Matzie: House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee hears testimony on bill to accelerate state’s energy production

Would modernize Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority

HARRISBURG, June 3 – The Pennsylvania House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee heard testimony today about legislation that would help expand the state’s energy production by modernizing the Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority, announced Rep. Rob Matzie, majority chairman.

Matzie, D-Beaver, said H.B. 2338 aims to ensure that the state’s public financing agency is positioned to tap an unprecedented influx of funding from the federal government under the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

“This is about jobs, jobs and jobs,” Matzie said. “We have talked for a long time about the importance of having a diverse, all-in energy portfolio and the job creation and energy independence that brings. This bill moves us closer to that goal by positioning us to take advantage of hundreds of billions in federal funding coming to the states.

“We need to act sooner, rather than later. Fortunately, we don’t have to reinvent the wheel – Pennsylvania already has a mechanism in place with PEDA. Now, we just need to make sure the agency is ready to hit the ground running and seize every bit of our share.”

Matzie noted that stakeholders testifying voiced unanimous support for the legislation, which was introduced by state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila. Other prime co-sponsors include Jennifer O’Mara, D-Delaware; and Mandy Steele, D-Allegheny.

A 2004 executive order revitalized PEDA and transferred it to the state Department of Environmental Protection, which now provides staffing for the authority.

Video of the hearing is available here:

Video of Rep. Matzie discussing the bill is available here: 060324 Consumer Protection VOSOT.mp4