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Children & Youth Committee approves Green’s Playground Safety Act

HARRISBURG, March 19 – The Pennsylvania House Children & Youth Committee today approved legislation (H.B. 1443) sponsored by state Rep. Roni Green, D-Phila., that would make playgrounds in Pennsylvania safer.

The Playground Safety Act would require the Department of Community and Economic Development to adopt regulations that would establish safety standards for the design, installation and maintenance of all playgrounds operated by Pennsylvania as well as public, private, and charter elementary and secondary schools, and approved child-care facilities.

It would also establish a statewide advisory council on playground safety to give recommendations for the implementation and enforcement of playground regulations, standards, inspections and creation of safety plan models.

“Playgrounds are hubs of fun, where children and families can play and enjoy the outdoors, and communities can congregate and grow,” Green said. “They play an important role in the development and long-term health of children. That’s why we must ensure that our playgrounds are safe. Far too often, playground equipment is prone to reaching unsafe temperatures due to intense sun that can lead to burns and discourage play. We need to fix that and make sure kids can play free from discouragement and worry.”

The legislation now advances to the House floor where it will await a vote by the full chamber.