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Kutz, Fleming Unveil Bipartisan Future Caucus

HARRISBURG, May 23 – Reps. Thomas Kutz (R-Cumberland) and Justin Fleming (D-Dauphin) unveiled the new Bipartisan Future Caucus during a press conference today at the state Capitol. The two legislators will serve as chairmen of the caucus.

“Pennsylvania residents need future-focused legislators who are willing to reach across the aisle to have important conversations about divisive issues, and the Bipartisan Future Caucus is providing a forum for just that,” said Kutz. “I am excited to collaborate with Rep. Fleming and my colleagues to advance legislation that will benefit the Commonwealth for generations to come. The Future Caucus knows more unites than divides us and is ready to get to work.”

“There is no doubt we have challenges before us. The cost of childcare, higher education and home ownership are all rising, and Pennsylvania voters have demanded we work in a bipartisan manner to address these issues,” said Fleming. “The Future Caucus hopes that, through collaboration and open dialogue, we can put aside the hyper-partisan rancor and imbue faith in government to current and future generations of Pennsylvanians.”

The Future Caucus is comprised of a bipartisan group of legislators aged 45 and younger who are looking to foster a generational shift toward collaboration and bipartisanship. The caucus’ priorities for this legislative session include tackling issues with higher education, barriers to affordable housing, the rising cost of childcare and more. This group of legislators recognize that finding solutions to these issues is critical to Pennsylvania residents and the state’s overall health and success, even if they take a different approach to finding those solutions.

Kutz and Fleming also stressed that the work of the Bipartisan Future Caucus has already begun with meetings of the caucus, and several bills having Republican and Democrat co-prime sponsors.
