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Burns brings $1.2 million back to Jackson Township for natural gas pipeline

EBENSBURG, Nov. 21 – Working with the Jackson Township supervisors, state Rep. Frank Burns announced today that Jackson Township is receiving more than $1.2 million in state funding to extend a natural gas pipeline into the Jackson Township Business Park.

The natural gas pipeline will be extended from Benshoff Hill Road to the business park on Laurel Ridge Road so that Waste Management can connect to it for its Laurel Highlands Hauling Co. and CNG Fueling Station.

“The extension of this pipeline not only will enable Waste Management to convert its truck fleet to compressed natural gas, but it will create 120 full-time jobs,” Burns said. “Getting natural gas to the Jackson Township Business Park is critical to attracting additional businesses and jobs to the area.”

Jackson Township supervisors Bruce Baker, John Wallet and Fred Meier said the funding is vital to the business park project, which is beginning to take shape with the installation of water, sewer and highway improvements to Route 22.

This grant for natural gas to the park is vital to us securing our first tenant,” the township supervisors said in a joint statement. “This tenant will create approximately 120 family sustaining jobs and be a draw for additional tenants. They will use natural gas to fuel their fleet of trucks. The gas line extension will also serve approximately 62 homes along the way. The business park will ultimately be a vital part of our community financially for many years to come.”

Peoples Natural Gas will install an LS station and extend the natural gas line by approximately 25,000 feet.

The total project cost is $2,436,820, with Peoples Natural Gas funding the other half of the project.

The funding from the Commonwealth Financing Authority’s Pipeline Investment Program provides grants to construct the last few miles of natural gas distribution lines to business parks, existing manufacturing and industrial entities to create a jobs base and provide access to natural gas for residents.