House Democrats share governor’s vision for relief and reform

HARRISBURG, Aug. 25 – House Democratic leaders released the following statement on the fall legislative agenda outlined by Gov. Tom Wolf, which responds to the needs of Pennsylvania families for economic relief and government reform and includes many ideas brought forward by House Democrats:

“As we continue to move forward in Pennsylvania’s path to recovery, we stand united with Governor Wolf in his efforts to protect the health and welfare of all Pennsylvanians in the face of a continuing global pandemic.

“Much of the governor’s legislative agenda is shared by House Democrats, as we’ve pushed for paid parental leave, increased access to personal protective equipment for frontline workers and removing special interest influence from our elections, among other proposals outlined by the governor. These goals are aimed at creating a safe, healthy and prosperous Pennsylvania that works for all of its people.

“Unfortunately, we’ve spent far too much time with a Republican-led legislature determined to pick fights that only undermine the health and safety of our state. Rather than face this public health crisis head on, Republicans have taken it upon themselves to ignore science and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and pretend the pandemic is over. Instead of authorizing hazard pay for frontline workers or providing housing and utility assistance to struggling Pennsylvanians, valuable time was wasted on a concerted effort to undo the protections put in place by Governor Wolf. This negligence to the reality of the pandemic must end.

“Upon our return to Harrisburg, we look forward to working on legislation that will actually help Pennsylvanians weather this storm and emerge in a position to succeed and grow. We have a duty to those we represent, and we fully intend to continue doing everything possible to protect their health and welfare.”