Girl scouts kick off their cookie season with Representative Ryan Bizzarro and a drive thru Read more
Local Girl Scouts Host Drive Thru Cookie Stand Read more
ERIE, Feb. 26 – In an effort to empower and support Girl Scouts of Western Pa., state Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, D-Erie, is joining Girl Scouts of Western Pennsylvania to kick off cookie booth sales. Bizzarro urges the media to join local Girl Scouts and him at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 27 at 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro . Cookies may also be ordered via GrubHub or by using the Find Cookies tool at Read more
HARRISBURG, Feb. 26 -- State Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler and Rick Krajewski, both D-Phila., will host Monday’s House Democratic Policy Committee meeting on the state’s early childhood and k-12 education budget. The hearing will be held at 3 p.m. March 1. The public and media may tune in at or the committee’s Facebook page --@PADemPolicy. Media inquiries may be submitted to . Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro will join Fiedler, Krajewski and House Democratic colleagues for a look at how the education budget should take a fair and equitable approach that provides quality educational opportunities regardless of zip code. This hearing is part of the People’s Budget project which includes public hearings on environmental policy, education and infrastructure. The committee hopes to generate legislative policy that upholds Pennsylvania’s constitutional obligation to provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of public education to serve the needs of the commonwealth. Read more
HARRISBURG, Feb. 23 -- Chairman Ryan Bizzarro, D-Erie, said the House Democratic Policy Committee heard compelling testimony about public health and safety efforts in public transportation during today’s hearing. “The vitality of our public transit systems is important to our commonwealth’s success. People need to get to work safely and on time. It’s also a key factor in business development decisions when companies are making decisions on where to set up shop,” Bizzarro explained. “COVID has created unimaginable challenges and communities across the commonwealth have been resourceful in keeping things operating as safely as possible.” The committee heard testimony from Leslie Richards, general manager of SEPTA, and Katharine Kelleman, CEO of the Allegheny Port Authority. Both shared regional transportation funding concerns. Richards, former secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, shared the need for additional funding mechanisms to ensure they have the dollars needed to maintain public safety efforts and protect vulnerable populations. “Today’s discussion highlighted the need to invest in infrastructure that would put Pennsylvanians to work and improve public transit,” said Bizzarro. “Our recent hearing on the National Infrastructure Bank could provide solutions to the concerns today’s testifiers brought to light and I look forward to continuing to advocate for projects Read more
With the lack of vaccines in the commonwealth, people are frustrated with not being able to schedule a vaccine even if they fit the phase 1-A criteria. Read more
HARRISBURG, Feb. 22 – At today’s House Democratic Policy Committee Hearing, state Rep. Mary Isaacson highlighted the importance of the Delaware River Basin and Pennsylvania’s role in preservation efforts. Isaacson, who represents the River Wards along the Delaware River from Old Richmond to Queen Village, highlighted the state’s responsibility to fully fund its commitment to the basin. “Pennsylvania has the most square mileage of any state in the basin. While the agreed upon funding contribution was $893,000 annually, the state is only fulfilling $217,000 of that commitment. We must do better. Water quality, recreation and economic development in the region depends on it,” Isaacson explained. The committee heard testimony from Kristen Bowman Kavanagh, deputy executive director of the Delaware River Basin Commission, Dr. Ron MacGillivray, senior environmental toxicologist of the Delaware River Basin Commission, and Beth Brown, director of the Delaware Watershed Program for the Pennsylvania Audubon. “Efforts to defund the Delaware River Basin Commission have greatly impacted their monitoring abilities and this ultimately impacts keeping the waterways clean. Healthy waterways can boost local economies. They attract businesses, recreational users and we have to do our part to give the commission the resources they need to carry out these functions,” state Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, the Policy Committee chairman, said. Read more
HARRISBURG, Feb. 22 -- State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro announced the House Democratic Policy Committee will host a public hearing to discuss the future of public transportation, including health and safety efforts amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The hearing will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23. The public and media are encouraged to tune in virtually at or at the committee’s Facebook page -- @PADemPolicy. Bizzarro, D-Erie and chairman of the committee, will be joined by House Democratic colleagues to learn more from testifiers from the Allegheny Port Authority, SEPTA and the Keystone Transportation Funding Coalition on how the legislature can support health and safety efforts for transit workers and support projects that will create jobs and improve infrastructure. The committee’s primary priorities this session include COVID-19 recovery, creating jobs, and delivering affordable training, infrastructure, education, economic fairness and community development. Read more
The bill mirrors a House proposal sponsored by House Democratic Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro, D-Erie, and three more lawmakers. Read more
HA RRISBURG, Feb. 19 -- At the request of state Rep. Mary Isaacson, the PA House Democratic Policy Committee will host a virtual hearing to discuss the Delaware River Basin and the value it brings beyond the region. The hearing will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 22 and can be viewed at or the committee’s Facebook page -- @PADemPolicy. The public and media are encouraged to tune in and can submit questions to . Chairman Ryan Bizzarro, Isaacson and members of the Democratic Policy Committee will discuss the health of the Delaware River Basin, the resources and economic activity it generates, and state and federal efforts to improve water quality. Isaacson serves the 175th Legislative District representing the River Wards along the Delaware River from Old Richmond to Queen Village and has taken an active role in preserving and enhancing the economic and environmental vitality of the Delaware River Basin. Read more
HARRISBURG, Feb. 18 – The House Democratic Policy Committee and state Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-Allentown, hosted a roundtable discussion today on the crucial role paraprofessionals play in student success and what the state can do to support those efforts. “These professionals help ensure students receive a quality educational experience and have the resources needed to overcome any obstacles or difficulties they are facing. It was an important discussion on how we can better support them at the state level. Today’s hearing further highlighted the need for education dollars to go through a fair and equitable education formula,” Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. Schlossberg added, “Paraprofessionals play an integral role in serving our students and community. They help students living with disabilities, disadvantaged students, those living with homelessness and more overcome those challenges. We have an obligation to provide a quality education for all students and their role in that process is absolutely essential. I look forward to further exploring meaningful ways we can provide the funding and support needed to cultivate future generations of empowered individuals who know they can overcome their challenges, achieve their dreams and make meaningful contributions to their communities." Roundtable participants included Dr. Lucretia Brown, deputy superintendent at the Allentown School District; Elizabeth Moyer, president Read more
HARRISBURG, Feb. 17 -- After hearing concerns faced by local education support staff, Pennsylvania state Rep. Mike Schlossberg requested a House Democratic Policy Committee hearing to find out more about what role the legislature could play in assisting, recruiting, and retaining these essential employees. The hearing will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18 and can be viewed online at or the Policy Committee’s Facebook page, @PADemPolicy . The media and public are encouraged to attend. Media inquiries may be submitted via email to . Schlossberg, along with Chairman Ryan Bizzarro and members of the House Democratic Policy Committee will discuss how the COVID-19 crisis pushed school districts into unknown territory and the challenges that arose and how to best support the support staff essential to every school day, especially for Pennsylvania’s neediest students. Ensuring a quality education for children is enshrined in Pennsylvania’s constitution and is a core issue for Bizzarro and the Policy Committee. You can read more about the committee’s focus and efforts here . Read more
HARRISBURG, Feb. 17 – Economic recovery, job creation, improved infrastructure and statewide development could benefit from a $4 trillion National Infrastructure Bank as discussed at today’s House Democratic Policy Committee hearing. The committee heard testimony and held a roundtable discussion on how implementation of the National Infrastructure Bank would help the state improve broadband access, address transportation needs and invigorate the economy. “We’re in need of a revolutionary approach to addressing technological and public safety needs. Invoking the National Infrastructure Bank would have impacts that reach every community of this state,” Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. State Rep. Ed Neilson, co-host of today’s hearing, added, “If we have an opportunity to bridge the digital divide for both cities and rural areas, we must take it. Ultimately, our future depends on this investment. We can improve the trajectory of our economic recovery, help develop a workforce for the future and be a leader in both.” Macroeconomist Alphecca Muttardy noted that every $1 invested via the National Infrastructure Bank could generate a $3 to $7 return and that .09 cents of every dollar would go back to the state government in revenues. This return would help repay the low-interest loans used to fund projects. Stanley Forczek, an infrastructure expert having previously served Amtrak, highlighted that Read more
Week after week we bring you stories of local residents frustrated trying to schedule their COVID-19 vaccine and not being able to get through. Read more
Imagine trying to play the lottery, but, instead of just buying a ticket at your local dealer you had to use a piece of technology you’ve never seen before, there were only a limited number of lottery tickets (and nobody knows the number), and the form you fill out is in another language. Read more
An effort to make sure Erie County is getting its fair share of COVID-19 vaccine under Pennsylvania's distribution plan is underway, state Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins (both D-Erie) announced Wednesday. Read more
HARRISBURG, Feb. 16 -- State Rep. Joe Hohenstein, D-Phila., hosted today’s House Democratic Policy Committee hearing where legislators heard from state agencies and long-term care facility staff about how long-term care facilities are navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more
The Vaccine Registry Act would direct the state Department of Health to create a database of Pennsylvanians who are eligible and willing to get the vaccine. Read more
Pennsylvania lawmakers propose legislation that would make it simple for people to register for the covid-19 vaccine. Read more
The Central Vaccine Registry, if it is established, would be a clearinghouse for people who want the Covid-19 to register their names into a central Department of Health database as well as schedule vaccination times for themselves, spouses and their parents. Read more
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