Bizzarro launches online Community Help Center
First of its kind in PA aimed at making ‘round the clock constituent connections
Rep. Ryan Bizzarro July 19, 2021 | 11:34 AM
ERIE, July 19 -- In an effort to more easily help residents navigate state programs and services, state Rep. Ryan Bizzarro has launched a new feature on his website to help residents on their timeline – the Community Help Center.
The form – available 24/7 at -- is a starting point where residents can input their name and address, and note how Bizzarro and his staff can help them with services, including birth and death certificate requests, state health insurance coverage, PennDOT documentation, unemployment compensation and more.
“I am all about improving access to state government for Erie residents. My Erie offices are among the busiest constituent service offices in the state and we are consistently helping people across district and party lines, especially through the pandemic,” Bizzarro explained. “Creating this online starting point to help residents is just one more way we’re making it easier for people access to their state government and I am thrilled to be the first in the House to bring this level of service to our community.”
After filling out the online form, applicants can expect to receive a response from Bizzarro’s team within two business days. For urgent matters, the representative encourages residents to call his office at 814-835-2880.
Regular office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Peninsula Plaza Office located at 1101 Peninsula Drive, Suite 213. Each Wednesday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. there are office hours available at the Edinboro Municipal Building located at 124 Meadville St., Suite 222 and appointments are available at the McKean Township Municipal Building, 9231 Edinboro Road, McKean by calling 814-835-2880.