PA House passes Markosek legislation to ensure insurance coverage of speech therapy for children who stutter

HARRISBURG, June 26 – State Rep. Brandon Markosek, D-Allegheny, announced today that his legislation to require insurers to cover speech therapy for children who stutter has passed the PA House with strong bipartisan support.

Markosek's H.B. 2268 aims to address the challenges faced by families in obtaining necessary treatment for their children, ensuring that no child is left without the support they need to manage speech disorders.

“Today’s vote marks a significant step in removing barriers to speech therapy for families who might not seek treatment for their child because their insurance may not cover it,” Markosek said. “Starting speech therapy at a young age was a game-changer for me, and it helped me build confidence in not letting my stutter define me. By ensuring that speech therapy is covered by insurance, we are giving children who stutter the support they need and the opportunity to thrive.”

Stuttering affects about 5% to 10% of children at some point in their development. Without appropriate treatment, it can have lasting impacts on a child’s communication skills, academic performance and self-esteem, Markosek said.

“This is a full-circle moment for me, as someone who talks with a stutter. I want to thank my colleagues in the House for their support and NBA veteran Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, who advocated for this bill,” he said. “I look forward to the state Senate’s consideration of this legislation and hope that it reaches Governor Shapiro’s desk.”


Attention editors/assignment desks: Video of Markosek’s remarks on the House floor are available here.

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