Markosek applauds $45,800 grant for Plum Senior Community Center

MONROEVILLE, May 14 – The Plum Senior Community Center was awarded a $45,800 Pennsylvania Department of Aging 2023-24 competitive grant to support capital improvements and renovations, state Rep. Brandon Markosek announced today.

"The Plum Senior Community Center offers exercise, recreational, and cultural programs, as well as daily activities for older adults in our community. Most importantly, it fosters connections and lasting friendships," said Markosek, D-Allegheny. "With this grant, the community center can enhance programs, services, and the facility to better meet the needs of our older community members who benefit from them."

The Plum Senior Community Center is one of 45 Senior Community Centers from 26 counties across the state that received funding from $2 million in competitive grants, ensuring older adults are supported in familiar, local places with services to stay healthy and connected to their communities.

The grant funding is appropriated by the General Assembly with proceeds from the Pennsylvania Lottery.


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