Markosek joins forces with NBA veteran Michael Kidd-Gilchrist to highlight importance of insurance for stuttering treatment

Markosek’s bill would ensure coverage for children

PITTSBURGH, Aug. 27 – State Rep. Brandon Markosek and stuttering champion and NBA veteran Michael Kidd-Gilchrist joined speech experts and other advocates today at the University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences to highlight the importance of Markosek’s bill to ensure speech therapy coverage for children who stutter.

Markosek said his H.B. 2268 – which would require private health insurance coverage of speech therapy for early childhood stuttering – would ensure children receive treatment at a time in life when it is most effective.

“The good news is that we know treatment can work – Michael and I are living proof that childhood stuttering doesn’t have to stand in the way of a successful future,” said Markosek, D-Allegheny. “But timing is important; because treating stuttering is easier and more successful when kids are younger, it’s critically important that parents and caregivers have the coverage needed to get their children started at an early age.

“Passing this legislation will help ensure more Pennsylvania children get the life-changing treatment they need to shape a future with no limits.”

Markosek’s bill passed the House in June by a strong, bipartisan majority and is now in the state Senate Banking and Insurance Committee. The bill was inspired by a similar law promoted by Kidd-Gilchrist that recently passed in Kentucky. 


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