House passes Kinkead bill to support dairy farmers

“Pennsylvania is one of the leading dairy producers in the nation and a lot of the dairy products made here come from family-owned farms. Providing this additional layer of support would ensure more of those farms can stay in business the next time milk prices drop.”

HARRISBURG, June 11 – The Pennsylvania House today passed a bill authored by state Rep. Emily Kinkead that would help state dairy farmers enroll in the federal Dairy Margin Coverage Program.

“This bill would help a lot of small daily farms that are struggling to survive,” said Kinkead, D-Allegheny. “Pennsylvania is one of the leading dairy producers in the nation and a lot of the dairy products made here come from family-owned farms. Providing this additional layer of support would ensure more of those farms can stay in business the next time milk prices drop.”

Kinkead said the bill would assist dairy producers in managing business risks by allowing the state Department of Agriculture to provide financial assistance to farmers to enroll in the federal Dairy Margin Coverage Program.

House Bill 2309 passed the House unanimously and heads to the state Senate for consideration.