Venkat seeks to improve PA’s preparedness for public health emergencies

Study would be done by Joint State Government Commission, the bipartisan, bicameral research agency of the General Assembly

HARRISBURG, Sept. 27 – Rep. Arvind Venkat’s resolution, H.R. 143, which would direct the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study on the commonwealth’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and make recommendations on how to improve Pennsylvania’s preparedness for public health emergencies, was reported out of the House Health Committee today.

The House Health Committee reported the resolution out of committee by a vote of 22-3.

“The COVID-19 pandemic revealed both strengths and weaknesses in the state’s preparedness for public health emergencies,” said Venkat, D-Allegheny. “As an emergency physician who worked on the frontlines during this challenging time and continues to work clinically, I strongly believe that we have an obligation to all Pennsylvanians to evaluate our response and make recommendations for how we can be better prepared in the future. We must work together to improve Pennsylvania’s response to public health challenges. Through this resolution, we can save lives, respect individual liberty, and ensure Pennsylvanians are better equipped for future crises.”

The resolution now awaits a vote by the full House.