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Venkat speaks at CeasefirePA, March for Our Lives rally

Will use his legislative position to work toward safer communities

HARRISBURG, March 23 – State Rep. Arvind Venkat, D-Allegheny, issued the following statement after speaking at the CeasefirePA March for Our Lives rally at the state Capitol today.

“As an emergency physician, I have treated victims of gun violence far too often. From children who accidentally found a parent’s gun to those who died by suicide to victims of a mass shooting, I have seen in my professional life and beyond how gun violence can plague our communities and our public health.

“I do believe that we can respect the constitutional right to own a firearm while focusing on legislation and other methods that will reduce gun violence and save lives in our community.

“Those who attended this event have seen and felt pain regarding gun violence and are demanding life-saving action in Pennsylvania. With a gun-safety majority in the House, there is no better time than now to act on this, and I will continue to fight for change so that communities can focus more on being built up and less on being continuously torn down.

“Being dedicated to eradicating the epidemic of gun violence is challenging, but with the continuous commitment by those here today who come from all walks of life, including my House colleagues in medicine, I believe that we can create a solution to this uniquely American problem.”