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Now open for applications: Workforce development, clean diesel, and DC fast charging funding opportunities


Department of Labor & Industry: Digital Literacy and Workforce Development Grants  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

Who May Apply: Local workforce development boards, non-profit agencies (community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, etc.) or small businesses meeting certain criteria (see program guidelines).

Uses: To provide digital literacy classes emphasizing career development skills, including digital fundamentals, digital job seeking, digital citizenship, and digital information.

Funds: Grants of up to $45,000 each.

Application Deadline: December 21

More Information: Click on

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: State Clean Diesel Grant Program (Funding Source: Federal Funding and State Mitigation Trust-Volkswagen Emissions Settlement)

Who May Apply: Pennsylvania Businesses, Incorporated Nonprofits, State, Local, or Tribal Government Agencies, Air Quality or Transportation Organizations, Metropolitan or Rural/Regional Transportation Planning Organizations, and Federal Government Agencies.

Uses: Diesel emission reduction projects, including, but not limited to: verified exhaust controls; engine upgrades and certified remanufacture systems; verified idle reduction technologies; certified engine replacements; aerodynamic technologies; and/or certified vehicle or equipment replacement. Eligible diesel vehicles, engines, and equipment may include buses, medium-duty or heavy-duty trucks, nonroad engines, equipment or vehicles (used in construction, cargo handling,

agriculture, mining or energy production), marine engines and locomotive engines.

FundsThis is a cost-share program.  See program guidelines for more information.

Application Deadline: January 7, 2022

More Information: Click on

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation: Green Light-Go Program  (Funding Source: Motor License Fund)

Who May Apply: Municipalities and metropolitan or rural planning organizations.

Uses: To be used for the operation and maintenance of traffic signals along critical and designated corridors on state highways.

Funds: A total of approximately $40 million will be available for this program.

Application Deadline: January 14, 2022

More Information: Click on



Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: DC Fast Charging and Hydrogen Fueling Grant Program  (Funding Source: State Mitigation Trust-Volkswagen Emissions Settlement)

Who May Apply: Pennsylvania Businesses, Incorporated Nonprofits, State, Local, or Tribal Government Agencies, Air Quality or Transportation Organizations, Metropolitan or Rural/Regional Transportation Planning Organizations, and Federal Government Agencies.

Uses: To install DC fast charging or hydrogen fueling equipment in community hubs, transportation corridors and destinations, as defined in the Program Guidelines.

FundsA total of $2.2 million will be distributed. The maximum amount for individual grant awards will be $750,000.

Application Deadline: January 31, 2022

More Information: Click on



Pennsylvania Office of the Budget Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP): November 1  (Funding Source: General Obligation Debt)      

  • Entities that have a project itemized in a Capital Budget Itemization Act from the past 10 years. List of eligible projects can be found here: Itemized Project Eligible for Funding. - The acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational, and historical improvement projects that have a regional or multi-jurisdictional impact and generate substantial increases or maintain current levels of employment, tax revenues, or other measures of economic activity. RACP projects are state-funded projects that cannot obtain primary funding under other state programs. 

DCED/DOH COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Grant Program: November 1  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Non-profit organizations, including religious institutions and faith-based organizations; childcare and educational institutions, such as child/daycare facilities, K-12 schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education. - To support grassroots outreach efforts to address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, including local media buys, creation of outreach and training materials, sponsorship of vaccine-related community events, equipment rental to assist with setting vaccine appointments, and more.

PHMC Cultural and Historical Support Grant: November 4  (Funding source: General Fund)

  • Museums (with annual operating budgets exceeding $100,000 and at least one full-time professional staff person) and official county historical societies. - To support general operating expenses.

PennDOT Multimodal Transportation Fund: November 5 (Funding Source: Multimodal Transportation Fund)

  • Municipalities, council of governments, business/non-profit organizations, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, public airports, airport authorities, and ports and rail entities. - To coordinate local land use with transportation assets to enhance existing communities; improve streetscape, lighting, sidewalk facilities, and pedestrian safety; improve connectivity or utilization of existing transportation assets; or advance transit-oriented-development.

PHFA Community Revitalization Fund Program: November 5  (Funding Source: Community Revitalization Fund)

  • Units of local government (counties, cities, boroughs, etc.); redevelopment authorities; for-profit firms; non-profit groups; and economic development organizations. - For the development of mixed-use properties in commercial/retail corridors in Pennsylvania that are undergoing revitalization.

DEP Driving PA Forward – Onroad Rebate Program – Trucks and Buses: November 12  (Funding Source: State Mitigation Trust - Volkswagen Emissions Settlement)

  • School districts, municipal authorities, political subdivisions, other State agencies, nonprofit entities, corporations, limited liability companies or partnerships incorporated or registered in this Commonwealth, air quality or transportation organizations, and metropolitan or rural planning organizations. - Rebates for projects that replace or repower fleets of 5 or fewer class 4-8 trucks, port drayage trucks, school buses, shuttle buses, and/or transit buses with new clean diesel, electric, natural gas, propane or other alternative fuels vehicles.

DEP Disease Control County Grants: November 15  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • Counties awarded a grant in 2021. - To perform mosquito integrated pest management activities.

L&I Business-Education Partnership Grants: November 18  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Local Workforce Development Boards. – To connect businesses and school districts and to expand career awareness opportunities.

PEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure & Communities: November 19  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Local governments with a FEMA-approved Local Hazard Mitigation Plan are eligible to apply to PEMA as sub-applicants. Individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations are not eligible to apply for funds directly; however, an eligible local government entity may apply for funding on behalf of individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations. PEMA will be the statewide applicant to FEMA on behalf of eligible sub-applicants. - Pre-disaster mitigation activities to reduce risk from future hazard events, while also reducing reliance on federal funding in future disasters. A federal disaster declaration is not required.

PEMA Flood Mitigation Assistance: November 19  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Local governments may apply to PEMA as sub-applicants. PEMA will be the statewide applicant to FEMA on behalf of all sub-applicants. Individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations are not eligible to apply for funds directly; however, an eligible local government entity may apply for funding on their behalf.  Only National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)-insured homes and businesses and municipalities in good standing with the NFIP are eligible for mitigation under this program. A federal disaster declaration is not required. - Project scoping, community flood mitigation projects, technical assistance, flood hazard mitigation planning, and individual flood mitigation projects that reduce claims to the NFIP program.

PHFA Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement (PHARE) Program: November 19 (Funding Source: PHARE Fund)

  • Counties, cities, boroughs, townships, towns, and home rule municipalities; housing, redevelopment, and similar public authorities; economic and community development organizations, housing development corporations and similar development entities; business improvement districts, neighborhood improvement districts, downtown improvement districts and similar organizations incorporated as authorities; homebuilders, contractors, and real estate developers. - 4% tax credit projects, preservation/rehabilitation/renewal projects, rental housing creation, homelessness prevention, innovative housing solutions, homeownership programs, and housing counseling and financial education.

American Library Association: Let's Talk About It - Women's Suffrage: December 1

  • A public, tribal, school, academic, or special library. - A scholar-led reading and discussion program.

DEP Environmental Education Grants: December 10  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • Schools, nonprofits, colleges and universities, municipalities, county conservation districts, and businesses. - While all education project topics are considered, water quality, climate change, and environmental justice are priority areas. Project examples include tours, demonstrations, and hands-on learning experiences and workshops on stream monitoring, rain gardens, wetlands, green infrastructure, and other watershed stewardship; solar and other renewable energy, alternative transportation, energy conservation, and other approaches to address climate change; and improving air quality and community and municipal partnerships to address local environmental challenges.

DEP Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant: December 17  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • School districts, municipal authorities, municipalities, nonprofits, private businesses. - Purchase or retrofit vehicles to operate on alternative fuels, purchase and install refueling equipment, and research or develop new technologies.

Fish and Boat Commission ?Boating Facility Grant: December 30  (Funding Source: Boat Fund)

  • Who May Apply: Public entities, such as townships, boroughs, municipal and county governments, as well as nonprofit groups (501c3) including land trusts, conservancies and watershed associations that have or will have the capability to provide boat access facilities that are open and available for general public use. - To provide funding for the planning, acquisition, development, expansion and rehabilitation of public boating facilities located on the waters of the Commonwealth.

Fish and Boat Commission Erie Access Improvement Grant: December 30  (Funding Source: Fish Fund)

  • Government entities and other nonprofit, sporting, conservation and watershed organizations as well as Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)-designated State Heritage Areas. - To address acquisition and development needs in the Erie watershed.

DEP 2020 Recycling Performance Grants: December 30  (Funding Source: Environmental Stewardship Fund)

  • Any municipality with a recycling program in 2020. - Municipal recycling programs.

OCDEL American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stabilization Grants: January 31, 2022  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Licensed childcare providers. - One-time grants for operational expenses and costs related to the impacts of COVID-19.

DEP Agriculture Energy Efficiency Rebate Program: March 31, 2022  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)       

  • Pennsylvania agricultural producers. - Rebates for LED lighting (interior or exterior), variable frequency drives for milk vacuum pumps, and variable frequency drives for ventilation fans.

Agriculture Farm Vitality Planning Grants: Until funds are expended.  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • Farmers and prospective farmers. - Organic transition planning assistance, as well as professional services to assist with business planning, efficient transitions of farm ownership, strategic farm expansion, product diversification, and financial and technical expertise in order to enhance the long-term vitality of PA farms.

DEP Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates: Until funds are expended.  (Funding Source: Alternative Fuels Incentive Grants Fund)

  • Pennsylvania residents who purchase/lease a new or used alternative fuel vehicle with a purchase price of $50,000 or less.  Businesses are not eligible. - To defray costs of purchasing a battery electric vehicle (BEV), hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (HFCV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, electric motorcycle, natural gas vehicle, or propane vehicle.

DEP Small Business Advantage Grant Program: Until funds are expended.  (Funding Source: Recycling Fund & Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund)

  • Registered Pennsylvania for-profit businesses with 100 or fewer full-time equivalent employees and which are taxed as a for-profit business. - To purchase energy efficient or pollution prevention equipment or adopt waste reduction processes.

DHS Indoor Air Management Strategies for Long Term Care: Until funds are expended.  (Funding Source: American Rescue Plan Act Funds)

  • Long term care nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and personal care homes. - Indoor air management strategies in long-term care facilities aimed at reducing the risk of transmission of and occupant exposure to COVID-19.

PA Governor’s Office/United Way of PA Local Innovations in Vaccine Equity in Pennsylvania project (LIVE PA): No Deadline Provided  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Any faith-based and non-profit organizations with a goal of administering COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as COVID-19 education and outreach. - To host and promote vaccination events. Additional vaccines may also be requested.

PEMA Public Assistance Program: No Deadline Provided  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • State agencies, local government organizations, and certain private nonprofit organizations that incurred costs or damages as a direct result of a federally declared disaster. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania serves as the direct liaison between the federal government and all applicants requesting federal disaster assistance. - To provide cost reimbursement aid for incurred costs or damages as a direct result of a federally declared disaster.

DHS American Rescue Plan Act Funding for Long-Term Care Providers: No Deadline Provided  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Nursing facilities, personal care homes, and assisted living residences in DHS’ Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) system. - For COVID-19-related costs.