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Rep. Siegel announces $1.9 million for affordable housing projects

ALLENTOWN, June 14 – State Rep. Josh Siegel announced Friday that his district received $1.95 million in funding for projects to make affordable housing more accessible and to address the affordable housing crisis in the Lehigh Valley.

Five grants were announced through the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement fund, a Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency program that is funded through realty transfer taxes. 

“As housing prices and interest rates remain high, it is more critical than ever that we maximize the resources available to us to tackle the shortage of housing options, especially for those who are priced out of the market,” said Siegel. “These programs are an example of how we continue to make progress every day to eliminate the risk of homelessness for all our residents.”

The projects include:

  • $500,000 to rehab the 12-unit Montrone Building through the Allentown Housing Authority.
  • $500,000 to rehab and convert 10 homes owned by the Allentown Housing Authority into owner-occupied units.
  • $500,000 to rehab and modernize 37 low-income multifamily rental units by the Allentown Housing Authority.
  • $300,000 to develop a comprehensive strategy by the Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley to address critical housing needs for low to middle income households who are exposed to conditions that put resident health and safety at risk.
  • $150,000 to increase landlord engagement to house an additional 120 low-income households in rental units by the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley.

“My legislative priority has always been reducing costs for families and seniors, and housing is their number one cost,” said Siegel.