Upcoming Events:
Join us at our FREE Shredding Event at the Lancaster Airport on March 22nd
Our first FREE Shredding Event is next Saturday, March 22 from noon – 2 p.m. at the Lancaster Airport -- 500 Airport Road, Lititz, PA. This year we are partnering with Goodwill Keystone to include recycling of electronics and gently used clothing items. See the accompanying graphic for the electronics that will be accepted. If you are interested in registering for this event, please call our office or email RepRivera@pahouse.net.
Grow Pa Scholarship Grant Program
The Grow PA Scholarship Grant Program helps students pay for school and builds the workforce in PA for in-demand occupations. It offers scholarships to Pennsylvania students studying in high-demand occupations at in-state higher education institutions. Recipients must agree to live and work in Pennsylvania for a number of years equal to their scholarship duration after graduation.
The program is expected to open on Thursday, March 13.
Learn More: Grow PA Scholarship Grant Program
Grant Programs Open for Applications
Click here for the lastest grant programs accepting applications.
Don’t wait until the last minute – the tax deadline of April 15 is just around the corner. Many Pennsylvanians can now file their federal and state taxes online through Direct File. This online tool is user-friendly, secure, and available in both English and Spanish. Pennsylvanians can check their eligibility and learn more about Direct File at pa.gov/directfile. This tool is a great way to avoid paying hundreds of dollars in tax preparation fees, while filing quickly and confidently.
Other ways to file include, but are not limited to:
- myPATH: A secure, state-only electronic filing system. myPATH is a service offered exclusively through the Department of Revenue. You can prepare and submit your Pennsylvania personal income tax return for free.
- Download a paper form: Download the PA-40 form to prepare and submit your Pennsylvania personal income tax return for free.
You can find more free tax filing resources by clicking here.
Chesapeake Bay Commission Commonwealth Fellowship position for 2025
The Chesapeake Bay Commission is looking for a graduate-level fellow for a one-year placement in its Annapolis, MD office. The fellow will work under the guidance of the Commission’s Executive Director and Administrative Officer, with opportunities to support the Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania Directors. This position offers the opportunity to be at the intersection of science and policy at the state, regional, and federal levels on issues of concern to the Commission’s member jurisdictions when it comes to the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed. Anyone interested is encouraged to apply by sending a personal statement, resume, and references to Lisa Eddy, VASG competitive research and education coordinator, at lmeddy@vaseagrant.org.
Applications are due by 5 p.m. on April 18, 2025. Please note that this position is not limited to applicants from Virginia.
Learn more here.
My Pre-K Policy Hearing Was a Success
Our kids are ready to learn as soon as we’re ready to teach.
Teacher shortages aren’t just limited to our K-12 system but we are seeing it everywhere including our pre-K programs. We need to fairly compensate pre-K teachers so that our kids’ springboard into K-12 education is strong and propelling. Educating earlier results in healthier communities.
Many thanks to the 12 organizations that made great arguments for providing all PA kids with quality pre-K programs, which pave the way for successful K-12 education experiences. We, the legislators and community leaders in the room, heard you loudly and clearly.
IU13, you’re wonderful hosts. My district office team, Fran, Heather, and Lashan -- you’re the BEST! The hearing was a success thanks to your efforts!
Thank you to our presenters: Lancaster-Lebanon IU13, Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County, Manheim Township School District, School District of Lancaster, Hempfield School District, Lancaster Chamber, Pennsylvania Child Care Association, YWCA Lancaster, Lancaster Recreation Commission, PSLA Members, Teach Plus Pennsylvania, PSCA - The Pennsylvania School Counselors Association.
Thank you to our listeners & legislators for attending: State Reps. Ismail Smith-Wade-El, Gregory Scott, Jacklyn Rusnock, and Brett Miller; Lancaster County Commissioner Alice Yoder; and the Pennsylvania departments of Education and Human Services.
It was my absolute pleasure to read ADA TWIST, SCIENTIST at the @northmuseum for STEM story time. Hope to see you again soon!
Thank you to the IU13 for inviting me to speak with your students participating in your citizenship class. New Americans make the USA such a special place I love the courage, determination, and patriotism of those in the process of earning citizenship. @itziazarate, you’ve got this.
Thank you @oakstreethealth for giving me a tour of your facility! I enjoyed learning about how you serve Medicare/Medicaid recipients and more about your value-based care model and the positive impact it has on those served!
Nothing like joining a panel of legislators (at the last minute!) at the @lanc_leb_iu13 Legislative Breakfast to talk about my favorite subject - SCHOOL! The Lancaster/Lebanon school district superintendents in the room provided very clear, concise guidance for legislators to best support public education. I’m a big fan of public ed and all the teachers, administrators, and staff that pour their hearts and energy into the profession every single day.
Highly informative roundtable discussion at Reading Hospital about the devastation caused by gun violence. Lt. Gov. Austin Davis and state Rep. Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz -- along with medical professionals and community leaders -- highlighted the legislative needs surrounding gun violence. The main theme? Education, prevention, and common-sense legislation.
Local Resource:
Community Programs for Pregnant Women |
Lancaster General Health
Becoming a mother is an amazing journey, and one that you don’t need to go on alone. Lancaster General Health provides a range of free programs that offer help for income-eligible pregnant women. You receive individualized care from experienced providers focused on helping you and your baby have a happy, healthy start together.
Learn more here.
Pennsylvania State Capitol
109A East Wing
PO Box 202096
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2096
(717) 787-3555
District Office
1560 Lititz Pike, Suite 2
Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 295-3157