Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus disappointed, but not surprised, at House Republican legislative immigration package

Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus disappointed, but not surprised, at House Republican legislative immigration package

HARRISBURG, Oct. 7 Members of the Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus today voiced their opposition and disappointment over a series of House bills related to immigration in Pennsylvania. The caucus issued the following statement:

“House Republicans are at it again. Instead of displaying buffoonery with taxpayer funds and going after vulnerable communities to instill fear and hate, how about we come to the table and hash out practical solutions that don’t target hard-working immigrant communities in our commonwealth?

“This legislative package will have a series of unintended consequences. From millions of dollars in lost revenue to the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, resulting in unsafe and poor economic conditions for thousands of immigrant families.

“Integration over separation and welcoming over fear -- that is all our immigrant communities want.

“Instead, we endorse House Bill 771, which provides for diverse history instruction in our schools; House Bill 1873, the pathway to full licensure for international doctors with a temporary license; House Bill 769, providing for driver’s licenses for our immigrant communities; and House Bill 767, establishing a Pennsylvania Socially Diverse Farmers Commission.

“We urge our colleagues in the House to soundly and unequivocally reject this unsensible legislative immigration package.”
