Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus issues statement on Sunday’s Venezuelan elections

Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus issues statement on Sunday’s Venezuelan elections

HARRISBURG, July 31 – The Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus today issued the following statement regarding the presidential election in Venezuela:  

“On Sunday, millions of Venezuelans went to the polls in a historic presidential election. The election presented an opportunity for Venezuelan voters to express their aspirations for a more democratic, prosperous, and stable country. We commend their courage and commitment to democratic principles. 

“The Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus expresses concern that the partial results released by Venezuelan electoral authorities do not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people and we call for the release of full, detailed results for transparency. We commend the Organization of American States for not recognizing the results and urge the U.S. State Department and the international community to support efforts to ensure free and fair elections in Venezuela.

“From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus stands with the Venezuelan community in our commonwealth and abroad in their struggle for self-determination through the democratic process.”

Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus Chair Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., further explained his concerns.   

“I am deeply troubled by the irregularities during Sunday’s election in Venezuela. Reports of suppression and lack of transparency in the vote tabulations process undermine the legitimacy of the democratic and electoral process,” Burgos said. “This will only lead to further instability in the country.”