More than $1.4 million in state funding comes to Center City for Washington Square West

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 22 – Today, state Rep. Ben Waxman, D-Phila., announced that a state grant worth more than $1.4 million is coming to Center City for the rehabilitation of five streets in the Washington Square West Historic District.

“The rehab of these streets will help make it easier for all of our neighbors and visitors to get around Washington Square West while preserving the historic infrastructure that characterizes the neighborhood and connects us to Philadelphia's past,” Waxman said. “This funding from the state is a much-needed investment for the Washington Square West neighborhood and Center City as a whole.”

The streets that will be the recipients of this rehab include sections of Quince, Irving, Manning, Hutchinson and Bonaparte. The rehab of these streets will consist of granite block repointing/resetting, select areas of new granite block, resetting granite header and installing ADA ramps. It will be focused in two location clusters of the neighborhood.

This funding comes from a more than $51 million total investment across Pennsylvania from the Multimodal Transportation Fund, which provides financial assistance to municipalities, councils of governments, businesses, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, and ports and rail freight entities. By improving transportation assets, this program seeks to enhance communities, pedestrian safety and transit revitalization.