Port Matilda Emergency Medical Services dedicates new ambulance in honor of Conklin

Cites lawmaker’s efforts to support first responders

PORT MATILDA, May 20 – As Pennsylvania observes National EMS Week to recognize the lifesaving work of its frontline medical responders, Port Matilda Emergency Medical Services expressed its own appreciation for state Rep. Scott Conklin on Saturday by naming a new ambulance after the lawmaker.

Conklin, D-Centre, expressed thanks during the ceremony – held to recognize his longtime support for EMS workers – but said the spotlight should remain on the first responders who continue to serve the community with vigilance despite work that can be risk-filled and challenging.

“I am deeply humbled that the first responders at Port Matilda EMS have chosen to dedicate this ambulance in my name, but they are the true heroes,” Conklin said. “They are the ones who stand ready 24/7 to render lifesaving care, regardless of the dangers or challenges involved.

“We can never do enough for our EMS workers and other first responders, and we can never thank them enough. But we can do everything in our power to support them and try to ensure that they have the resources they need to carry on their lifesaving work.”

At the ceremony, Port Matilda EMS staff thanked Conklin and recognized his support and efforts to strengthen resources for first responders.