Merski announces House committee appointments for 2021-22 legislative session
Rep. Robert Merski January 12, 2021 | 2:05 PM
HARRISBURG, Jan. 12 – State Rep. Bob Merski announced today that he has been appointed to serve on the House Insurance Committee and reappointed to second terms on the Gaming Oversight, Game and Fisheries and Urban Affairs committees.
Merski, D-Erie, said he is looking forward to the nuts and bolts of committee work and the opportunity to help shape legislation from the ground level up.
“Much of our committee work this year will focus on maximizing revenue and recovery as we rebuild from the pandemic,” Merski said. “Gaming is a vital source of state revenue, and I will be working with colleagues on the House Gaming Oversight Committee to ensure Pennsylvania is positioned to benefit quickly from the reopening of casinos and other gaming venues once the pandemic threat has ended.
“Efforts to rebuild will involve new challenges for communities everywhere, and our work on the Urban Affairs Committee will focus on hastening economic recovery for Erie and other cities while improving life for residents. Quality of life depends on affordable recreational outlets, and my work on the Game and Fisheries Committee will focus on expanding those opportunities while bolstering the revenue that supports our state game and fish commissions.
“Finally, I am excited to begin my new role serving on the House Insurance Committee. Insurance is an important industry for Erie, and I look forward to playing a greater role in shaping policy and supporting the industry while at the same time ensuring consumers are protected.”
Merski was sworn in Jan. 5 to begin his second term serving the 2nd Legislative District.