House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee unanimously approves community solar bill
Also approves measures to protect minors using social media, promote safe digging, protect data privacy
Rep. Robert Matzie March 19, 2024 | 1:16 PM
HARRISBURG, March 19 – The House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee today approved legislation to create a community solar program (H.B. 1842); legislation to protect minors using social media; and resolutions on data privacy and safe digging.
“We introduced community solar to bring home the many benefits – new jobs, new energy savings for residents, new economic opportunities for farmers and other landowners – while broadening the state’s energy portfolio,” Matzie said. “But we also drafted this legislation with an eye toward protecting consumers and ratepayers who don’t participate. I’m excited that the bill is headed for a House vote.”
Matie said the committee also approved:
- H.B. 2017, which would add mental health protections for minors using social media.
- H.R. 300, Matzie’s resolution designating April 2024 as Pennsylvania 8-1-1 Safe Digging Month.
- H.R. 289, recognizing January 21-27, 2024 as Data Privacy Week in Pennsylvania.
Matzie said he introduced the Safe Digging Month resolution to remind Pennsylvanians to call the 811 hotline before performing excavation projects that could affect utilities.
“Anyone doing digging – whether they’re a contractor, business owner or homeowner – has a responsibility to call the 811 hotline. The hotline connects the caller with the Pennsylvania One Call System, which alerts utilities so they can flag underground pipes and cables. It’s a critical step that protects workers, prevents underground utility damage and minimizes service interruptions.”
Matzie said calling 811 is required even for shallow digging projects and those located directly on private property.
ATTENTION EDITORS AND ASSIGNMENT DESKS: Video of the hearing is available here:
Matzie’s comments about the meeting are available here: