Matzie receives 2024 Distinguished Service Award from Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association

Award recognizes dedication and advocacy on behalf of municipal authorities

HARRISBURG, Oct. 4 – State Rep. Rob Matzie has been awarded the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association’s 2024 Distinguished Service Award for his legislative efforts to strengthen protections for ratepayers and municipal water authorities.

Matzie – who has introduced legislation to protect the interests of consumers when private companies seek to purchase municipal water and wastewater systems – said he was honored to work with PMAA to safeguard ratepayers and bring greater fairness to these transactions.

“Municipal water authorities and their workers provide safe and reliable water to millions of Pennsylvanians, including those in my legislative district,” said Matzie, who is majority chairman of the Pennsylvania House Consumer Protection, Technology, and Utilities Committee. “I appreciate PMAA’s work to support and strengthen those authorities.

“I’m honored and humbled to receive this award, and I continue to advocate for Act 12 reform in Harrisburg to protect ratepayers and ensure an even playing field between municipal authorities and private water companies.”

“Representative Matzie has been instrumental in raising awareness about Act 12 reform and the impact of so-called ‘fair market value’ on the ratepayer,” said PMAA President Bill Ross. “He is also the prime sponsor of House Bills 1862, 1863, 1864 and 1865, which place much needed guiderails on Act 12 of 2016.”

The Distinguished Legislative Service Award identifies state legislators for their dedication and distinguished service to municipal authorities in the commonwealth and who take action to support or defend local voices making local choices.

The award was presented on Sept. 16 at the PMAA’s 82nd annual Conference.

Act 12 changed how municipal water and wastewater systems are valued when sold to private, for-profit companies. More about Matzie’s bill package – which was voted out of committee and is currently being considered in the House – is available here: