Gergely votes ‘yes’ on new state budget, citing strong investment in state’s public schools

HARRISBURG, July 15 – State Rep. Matthew R. Gergely issued the following statement after voting Thursday to pass the 2024-25 Pennsylvania budget:

“I was proud to cast a “yes” vote for the new state budget, which includes investments that can make a dramatic difference for our public schools. For far too long, our students have been forced to compete on an uneven playing field because of a flawed system that gives students in wealthier districts an unfair advantage.

“The quality of a student’s education should never, ever depend on the wealth of their ZIP code. The new state budget allocates $1.3 billion in funding to all students, plus additional funding of more than half a billion dollars to level the playing field for students in chronically underfunded school districts, including many of our own. The plan is a promising step on the road to bringing the equality in public education we have sadly lacked for too long.

“The new budget will also help us reform cyber charter funding so that these schools do not drain resources away from our brick-and-mortar schools.

“The new plan also invests in ways that will help make higher education more affordable for students. Pennsylvania is nearly last in the country when it comes to funding for our state colleges and universities – a situation that has discouraged many students from attending and forced others to begin their careers with heavy debt. It’s time to bring Pennsylvania more in line with the rest of the states when it comes to supporting the future of our next generation.

“Other investments that were key to my support for the new budget include funding to expand affordable housing and investments in key industries and programs that will grow jobs.

“While no budget is perfect, the current plan makes smart investments to benefit our public schools and working families – all without adding any new taxes. It’s a plan I can support because it’s going to move us in the right direction.”