House Democratic Leadership: 2024-25 state budget delivers for working families, invests historic funding for public education

Pennsylvania House Democratic Leadership today issued the following statement on the passage of the 2024-25 state budget:

“This budget delivers a win for all Pennsylvanians. It builds a better future for all of us. It reflects the priorities shared by House Democrats and Governor Shapiro and demonstrates our ability to lead and work together despite a divided government to deliver for Pennsylvanians. We got stuff done.

“We delivered more money for schools to help every kid and made targeted investments to ensure money goes where it’s most needed while providing tax relief to the most overburdened taxpayers. This budget invests massive, historic money – a $1.3 billion investment -- that helps every kid in every school and meets our moral, constitutional and legal obligation to our kids, schools, parents and taxpayers. This is a long-overdue step toward real adequacy, fixing decades of underfunding and unfair funding. This is more money than they’ve ever received because we’re finally investing money where it will do the most good.

“We cut taxes and costs for working families and we delivered more money to create jobs on Main Streets across the commonwealth.

“We took a solid step forward with the passage of this budget, but we also recognize we have a massive surplus and could have taken a giant leap forward to cut more costs and help more working families. We’re not done fighting yet. We’ve already passed nearly 400 bills that cut costs and improve lives for Pennsylvanians – and we’re not stopping now.”