Pa. House Judiciary Committee approved Rabb restorative justice legislation

HARRISBURG, June 28 – The Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee approved, with bipartisan support, legislation (H.B. 1849) sponsored by state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., that would allow for restorative justice practices to be used in the state’s criminal legal system as a voluntary, pre-trial diversion option.

“Restorative justice is an approach to criminal justice that seeks to understand and repair the harmful consequences of a criminal act, focusing on the restoration of the victim and mending damaged relationships, as opposed to punishing the offender,” Rabb said. “Ample research has been conducted on restorative justice and it has consistently shown to result in higher rates of victim satisfaction, lower rates of recidivism and enhanced offender accountability.

“By emphasizing accountability and reconciliation, we can find a better approach to harm reduction that will allow our communities to heal, centering the concerns of victims and redemption of those who caused the harm while also reducing the cost and case load in our court system.”

The bill will now go to the House floor where it will await a vote.